image © Games Workshop
Article updated: 2021.08.01
The Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set is a wargame expansion set for the Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team system from Games Workshop. The Warhammer 40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus box was first produced in 2021. This expansion set contains a small force of Necrons and Primaris Space Marines for WH40K.
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Details - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
Miniature set: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set, Product type: Game expansion - Game expansion: map, Game expansion: miniature, Game expansion: rules, Game expansion: scenario, Game expansion: scenery, Game expansion: miniature scenery, Game expansion: playing area, Game expansion: unit, Company: Games Workshop company, Production: pre-order: 2021.02.27-03.05, release: 2021.03.06-07.09-? (2021.08.01 out of production)
Product name: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus; French, Spanish: Kill Team: Nexus Pariah, Product code: GW-60010199035, System: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team system (Warhammer 40,000), Range: Warhammer 40,000 (Ed9) - Necrons / Imperium - Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines) - Primaris Space Marines (Futuristic fantasy), Setting: Warhammer 40,000 universe, Company: Games Workshop company, Production: pre-order: 2021.02.27-03.05, release: 2021.03.06-07.09-? (2021.08.01 out of production)
Species: Necron (humanoid robot), Primaris Space Marine (Human - Modified human), Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale / 1:64 (28mm/32mm) scale , Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale, Size: various, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS): gray (plastic - Polystyrene), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs cutting, Needs glue, Needs assembly, Posing: probably Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?
image © Games Workshop
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Contents - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
image © Games Workshop
12x Miniatures
12 multi-part plastic Citadel Miniatures are included in the WH40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus boxed set.
image © Games Workshop |
1x Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 in Mk10 Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle and power sword from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
1x Primaris Space Marine Heavy Intercessor #1 build #1, in Mark X Gravis armour, with heavy bolt rifle from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Primaris Space Marine Heavy Intercessor #1 build #2, in Mark X Gravis armour, with heavy bolt rifle from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
1x Primaris Space Marine Heavy Intercessor #2 build #2, in Mark X Gravis armour, with heavy bolter from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Primaris Space Marine Heavy Intercessor #3, in Mark X Gravis armour, with heavy bolt rifle from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Primaris Space Marine Heavy Intercessor #4, in Mark X Gravis armour, with heavy bolt rifle from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
6x WH40K: Imperium miniatures
1x Primaris Space Marine Captain #5 in Mk10 Gravis armour, with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle and power sword (40mm base)
1x Primaris Space Marine Heavy Intercessors kit #1: builds 5 Heavy Intercessors (40mm base)
1x Heavy Intercessor #1 (sergeant; #1: holding gun v1 with two hands; #2: gun v2 in left hand, right hand holds ammo; #3: gun v3 in left hand, right hand held up; #4: gun if right hand, left hand pointing)
1x Heavy Intercessor #2 (#1: heavy bolt rifle; #2: heavy bolter)
1x Heavy Intercessor #3
1x Heavy Intercessor #4
1x Heavy Intercessor #5
1x heavy bolter (hevy bolter / executor heavy bolter / hellstorm heavy bolter), 7x heavy bolt rifle (heavy bolt rifle / executor bolt rifle / hellstorm bolt rifle), 4x 2 helmet variant, at least 2 head without helmet, 1x sergeant
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
0-1x Cryptek Chronomancer build #1.1.1 with aeonstave and open chronometron from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 0-1x Cryptek Chronomancer build #2.1.1 with entropic lance and open chronometron from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop, modified by Kadmon |
0-1x Cryptek Chronomancer build #1.1.2 with aeonstave and open chronometron from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 0-1x Cryptek Chronomancer build #2.1.2 with entropic lance and closed chronometron from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
1x Flayed One #10 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Flayed One #11 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Flayed One #12 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
1x Flayed One #13 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Flayed One #14 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
6x WH40K: Necron miniatures
1x Cryptek Chronomancer kit: 3 head options (x.1/2/3.x), 2 chronometrons (#1: open, #2: closed)(x.x.1/2)(40mm base)
0-1x Cryptek Chronomancer build #1 with aeonstave
0-1x Cryptek Chronomancer build #2 with entropic lance
5x Flayed One Ed9 (28.5mm base)
1x Flayed One #10
1x Flayed One #11
1x Flayed One #12
1x Flayed One #13
1x Flayed One #14
5x round plastic base, black (28.5mm): Necron: Flayed Ones
7x round plastic base, black (40mm): Primaris Marines: Captain, Heavy Intercessors, Necron: Cryptek Chronomancer
image © Games Workshop |
1x Pariah Nexus game mat from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
Miniatures - Scenery
1x Pariah Nexus game mat: Paper mat, fold-out card game board, probably glossy, double sided, 22" x 30" foldable
Side A) Crypt of Cynosure: inside of a Necron tomb complex (with green lights)
Side B) Translocum Chamber: inside of a Necron tomb complex (with orange lights)
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
16x thermionic annulus from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 4x Necron door #1 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
4x Necron door #2 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 4x induction diode from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
12x double quantum node from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 8x single quantum node from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
48x Necron scenery: induction diodes, quantum nodes, thermionic annuluses
4x Necron Door #1 (oval top)
4x Necron Door #2 (rectangular)
4x double barrel (induction diode)
8x trapezoidal prism (single quantum node)
12x double trapezoidal prism (double quantum node)
16x cylinder (thermionic annulus)
1x Ultramarines - Infantry Transfer Sheet: includes iconography for Ultramarines (GW 99510101152)
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
1x Primaris Space Marine Captain with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle sprue from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Heavy Intercessor sprue #1 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Heavy Intercessor sprue #2 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop | image © Games Workshop |
1x Cryptek Chronomancer sprue #1 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Cryptek Chronomancer sprue #2 from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set | 1x Flayed One Ed9 sprue from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
image © Games Workshop |
2x Pariah Nexus scenery sprue from Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set |
1x Primaris Space Marine Captain with master-crafted heavy bolt rifle sprue
1x Heavy Intercessor sprue #1
1x Heavy Intercessor sprue #2
1x Cryptek Chronomancer sprue #1
1x Cryptek Chronomancer sprue #2
1x Flayed One v3 sprue
2x Pariah Nexus scenery sprue
1x Kill Team: Pariah Nexus (112 page, soft cover)
- Updated ultra close Confines rules
- Commander rules
- Killzones: Translocum Chamber and Crypt of Cynosure
- Missions: 6 Matched Play missions, 2 Narrative missions
- Datasheets: updated Necron and Space Marine rules
34x Objective cards
17x Space Marine Objective cards
17x Necron Objective cards
1x Assembly guide: Space Marines, Necrons, scenery
1x Kill Team: Pariah Nexus poster
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Review - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
Opening the pack
The models are multi-part miniatures. The Necrons are a bit harder to assemble than the Space Marines.
You only get Ultramarine transfers in the box, so keep this in mind before you start painting your Primaris minis anything but blue.
The gaming mat
Read the review about the game board: Pariah Nexus game mat
Some people reported that their gaming boards have arrived warped. I hope they will flatten with time, as a warped board will make play very hard due to the light models and small tokens.
The scenery
Most of the scenery models are one-piece casts, that won't require assembly, so it will be easy to use them out of the box. On the other hand, they look pretty similar to each other, and there's not a large variety of them. They look so generic that they could be used as scatter terrain for futuristic or even fantasy games.
You need the Kill Team rules to use the Pariah Nexus rulebook.
The book includes an updated version of the ultra close confines rules. This only works on one level, so it can't be used with multiple levels of the scenery.
There are many rules to take care of, and many special effects for the missions and killzones, so it's recommended that you only start playing with Pariah Nexus when you are already experienced in the core rules.
The datasheets for every Necron and Space Marine units (adding units from the WH40K Ed9 range) are included, so the rulebook is a necessary addition if you play Necrons or Space Marines in Kill Team. All Space Marines get a minimum of 2 Wounds, except for Space Marine Scouts.
Some reviews reported that the models in the box are not ideal for the matched play missions in the book, but the narrative missions seem to play fine with them. In matched play, the Space Marines easily overpower the Necron Flayed Ones, so you'll need additional models to balance the game. This is unfortunate, as it means that if you use the Pariah Nexus box as a starter set, you'll only be able to use the two narrative missions.
There are many options to make your battles distinct, with many effects from the Necron scenery. You can also choose your objectives from a list, so the objectives will fit your team better. This makes games more interesting.
I have to admit that I'd prefer to have objectives the other way around - first, have a team, and then randomly assign objectives for them, or at least have a selection of units that you choose from to complete the missions.
The killzones have random thematic environmental effects that change the gameplay, adding more play value to the them.
The backs of the objective cards are identical for the Space Marines and the Necrons, so keep them away from each other, to prevent them from getting mixed.
If you are just about to start Kill Team, this set is not ideal for that. First, get either the basic rules or a starter set, and practice with that. Get Pariah Nexus when you are proficient with it, because there are plenty of new rules that will make the game harder, and you'll also need additional models to play the matched play missions.
If you play Kill Team, and you'd like to update your games for the Indomitus Crusade, this is a good set.
If you play Kill Team, and you have a Necron or a Space Marines team, you'll need the datasheets from the set. The models are also useful.
If you play Kill Team, and you'd like to have killzones to use with the ultra close confines rules, this is a good choice, and you can just sell the models if you don't need them.
If you play WH40K 9th edition in the Indomitus Crusade, the scenery and the units will be great for your games. If you don't play Kill Team, you can just give the rulebook to a Kill Team player, I'm sure they'll appreciate it.
If you play WH40K Necrons or Space Marines, but you don't care about Kill Team or the scenery, you should probably wait a while, as the models will be available in a couple of monthes after the release of Pariah Nexus, in 2021.05.
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The rules - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
Ultra close confines
The door interaction rules are removed. When you open a door, it is removed from the playing area, so it can't be closed. If you have a model near the door, it can keep it closed for 1 Command point.
Command nodes are consoles, that allow access to important features. If a model stands near a command node, it can open any door on the gaming area for 1 Command point.
Weapons with randomly determined shots are more effective now, they roll one more dice, and discard the worst. There's no long range penalty for shooting beyond half of the range. Standing in a Firing point allows a model to shoot models in the choke points more effectively.
If there's a terrain feature behind a target, a melee attack is more effective.
When determining who controls an objective, it's the total sum of the Wounds the models have, instead the number of models that counts.
Battle forged kill teams can only have a maximum of 14 models instead of 20. Models can only deploy in their deployment zones.
image © Games Workshop
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Uses for the set - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
The miniatures in the Pariah Nexus box look great, and they are a nice addition to any Warhammer 40K based games.
The game boards could be used for either futuristic or fantasy games. They look generic enough, but there's plenty of scenery depicted on them that could be used for specific effects.
The black areas could be walls or pits. The green mists could be pitfalls, or represent areas that are filled with sight-blocking mist.
The scenery pieces could be used in Warhammer 40K games as Necron scatter terrain. The doors could be used as entrances to scratch-built Necron buildings. With the right colour scheme, they could be also used for fantasy settings.
Bihli777 suggested that the Necron scenery could be used for Epic scale Necron buildings.
You need the Kill Team core rules to use the rules in the system, but if you have that, you can use them together to play Kill Team in any kind of indoors environment.
There are plenty of ideas about environmental effects and mission objectives you can also use in any other kinds of games.
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Questions - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
Q: Do you get the Kill Team core rules included in the Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set?
No, you don't get the Kill Team core rules in the Pariah Nexus box. You need to get them separately.
Q: What is required to play Kill Team? / What is needed for Kill Team?
To play Kill Team, you need the rules from the Kill Team Core Manual. You'll also need a 22" x 30" playing area, with some scenery. And you'll need miniatures for you kill team, with the datasheets to use for them. The Pariah Nexus set contains the playing area, the scenery, even the rules for the units, you'll only need the core manual.
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Resources - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
Games Workshop: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Pariah Nexus (UK): Official webpage of the WH40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set.
Faeit 212: Kill Team Pariah Nexus Preorders + Unboxing Videos: Preview article, with linked videos.
Foyble Games: Is Kill Team Pariah Nexus really worth it for YOU?: Video about the pricing of the set.
Warhammer Community: The Codex Show: Preview article about the miniature figures - Primaris Captain #5, Heavy Intercessors, Chronomancer, Flayed Ones.
Warhammer Community: How Kill Team: Pariah Nexus makes your Necrons deadlier than ever: Preview article about the Necron rules for Kill Team.
Warhammer Community: Even the new terrain wants you dead in Kill Team: Pariah Nexus: Preview article about the Pariah Nexus set for 40K Kill Team.
Adam Potts (for Techraptor): Kill Team Pariah Nexus Preview: Compensated review article. Includes photos of the built models.
Afternoon Stipple / Gutrot Bloom (for The Unrelenting Brush): Kill Team: Pariah Nexus – Skirmish with an Identity Crisis: Compensated review article about Kill Team Pariah Nexus. Includes showcase of models.
Atom Smasher (for Tabletop Minions): Pariah Nexus Problems - Kill Team: Short review video about the contents and pricing of the set.
Charlie Hall (for Polygon): Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Pariah Nexus gives Space Marines and Necrons powerful new units: Compensated review article about the Pariah Nexus boxed set. Includes showcase of some miniatures.
Liam Dempsey: Kill Team: Pariah Nexus - Review - Is it worth it?: Review video about the pricing of the Pariah Nexus set.
Liam "Corrode" Royle (for Goonhammer): Unboxing Kill Team: Pariah Nexus: Review article.§
Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones & Chucat (for Goonhammer): Kill Team Pariah Nexus Review, Part 2: The Rules: Review article.§
Rob Hebblethwaite (VoltorRWH) (for Fauxhammer): Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Review: Review article. Includes contents overview, rules overview, gameplay report.
Contents overview
Drake Seta (for Battle Bunnies): Kill Team: Pariah Nexus our first week: Contents overview article.
Kaelo Rylanus (for Age of Warhammer): Warhammer 40,000 - Kill Team Pariah Nexus Review: Contents overview article.§
NornQueenAlexis: Kill Team Pariah Nexus UNBOXING: Contents overview video about the Warhammer 40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus.Ł
Sprues & Brews: New Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Review and Unboxing: Contents overview article and video about the Kill Team: Pariah Nexus boxed set.
the video on YouTube: Includes a good view of the assembly guide.Ł
StrikingScorpion82: KILL TEAM: Pariah Nexus Unboxing / Review SS82 OFFICIAL REVIEW: Contents overview video about the Kill Team: Pariah Nexus for Warhammer 40K.
The Dark Artisan: Pariah Nexus Kill Team Unboxing and Review: Contents overview video.
The Glacial Geek: Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Unboxing!: Contents overview video about the Warhammer 40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus.
Contents overview - French
HiigyTV: Unboxing et présentation de Kill Team Nexus Pariah en FR. Vaut elle le coup pour le coût ? (in French): Contents overview video about the French edition of Pariah Nexus, in French. Includes a page-through of the rulebook and the assembly guide. Shows built models of Necron figures.Ł
Contents overview - Spanish
El Jardin de Nurgle YT: UNBOXING: KILL TEAM NEXUS PARIA🤙 (in Spanish): Contents overview video about the Spanish edition of Pariah Nexus, in Spanish.§
Alex Honeycutt (for Wargamer Dad): Pariah Nexus Kill Team Update Big Changes to Space Marines: Preview article about the Pariah Nexus Kill Team rules.
The Glacial Geek: Preview of the Brand New Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Rules!: Rules overview video about the Warhammer 40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus. Includes a page-through of the rulebook.Ł
Rules - Spanish
Miniwars: Escenarios ultra cerrados en Kill Team: Nexus Paria (in Spanish): Preview article about the scenery rules in Spanish.
Guerrilla Miniature Games: Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Battle Report - Ultramarines vs. Necrons: Gameplay video. System: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team, Forces: Imperium - Primaris Space Marines vs Necrons. Points: ? Power. Mission: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus: Matched Play Mission 2 (Purge?).Ł
Rob Hebblethwaite (VoltorRWH) (for Fauxhammer): Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus Review: Gameplay article. System: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team, Forces: Imperium - Primaris Space Marines vs Necrons. Points: ? Power (all the models in the set). Mission: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus: Matched Play: Secure the Facility.
Adam Potts (for Techraptor): Kill Team Pariah Nexus Preview: Compensated review article. Includes photos of the built models.
Miniatures painting
Warhammer: How to Paint: Flayed Skin on Necron Flayed Ones: Painting tutorial video.
Warhammer: How to Paint: Necron Chronomancer Details: Painting tutorial video.
Warhammer: How to Paint: Necron Tomb Scenery: Painting tutorial video.
Miniatures showcase
Afternoon Stipple / Gutrot Bloom (for The Unrelenting Brush): Kill Team: Pariah Nexus – Skirmish with an Identity Crisis: Compensated review article about Kill Team Pariah Nexus. Includes showcase of models.
Charlie Hall (for Polygon): Warhammer 40K: Kill Team Pariah Nexus gives Space Marines and Necrons powerful new units: Review article about the Pariah Nexus boxed set. Includes showcase of some miniatures.
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Buying the product - Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team from Games Workshop
Base price (Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set)(2021): 95 GBP / 125 EUR / 160 USD. Price/figure: 7.9 GBP / 10.4 EUR / 13.3 USD, Price/model: 1.6 GBP / 2.1 EUR / 2.7 USD
Where can you buy it?
Games Workshop: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Pariah Nexus (UK): Official webpage of the WH40K Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set.
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Do you have the Kill Team: Pariah Nexus set for Warhammer 40K Kill Team from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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