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Village 28mm set from Terrains4Games - Miniature scenery set reviewimage © Terrains4Games
sculpt © Terrains4Games

Unpainted Village 28mm set from Terrains4Games

The Village 28mm set from Terrains4Games is a miniature scenery set that includes 4 timber frame village buildings in 1/56-1/64 scale (28mm/32mm scale), for Realistic or Heroic scale. They could also fit 35mm, or larger 1/72 (20mm) miniatures. It includes a barn, a cowshed, a granary and a house.

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Details - Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games

Miniature scenery set: Village 28mm set, Product type: Miniature set (Miniature)

Product name: Village 28mm (ex: Prussian Village 28mm), Product Code: LC072, System: ?, Range: Village 28mm, Company: Terrains4Games, Production: -2017-2018-

Type: medieval European village building, Size: big, Technology: Medieval (Archaic) / Early Modern / Modern (Advanced), Based on: medieval European timber frame village building

Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale, Size: ?mm high, Material: Lasercut HDF (Fiberboard - HDF), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece (Tight fit peg), Pre-cut, No cutting needed, probably Needs glue, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: removable Integral flat base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D Sculptor: ?

Village 28mm set from Terrains4Games - Miniature scenery set reviewimage © Terrains4Games
sculpt © Terrains4Games
painting © Terrains4Games

Painted Village 28mm set from Terrains4Games, with additional fences

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Contents - Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games

Village 28mm set contents:

1x Barn 28mm

1x Cowshed 28mm

1x Granary 28mm

1x House 28mm

Village building in 1/56 scale - Barn 28mm for Village 28mm from Terrains4Games - Miniature scenery review Village building in 1/56 scale - Cowshed 28mm for Village 28mm from Terrains4Games - Miniature scenery review
1x Barn 28mm 1x Cowshed 28mm
Village building in 1/56 scale - Granary 28mm for Village 28mm from Terrains4Games - Miniature scenery review Village building in 1/56 scale - House 28mm for Village 28mm from Terrains4Games - Miniature scenery review
1x Granary 28mm 1x House 28mm

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Review - Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games

Opening the package

Village 28mm set from Terrains4Games - Miniature scenery set review

Package of Village 28mm set from Terrains4Games

Assembling: Village 28mm set for Village 28mm from Terrains4Games - Unboxing & finished model


The set is easy to build. The roofs are removable. The doors can be removed from the walls, so you can set them open, or leave them closed.

For more thorough reviews, check the review articles about the respective pieces in this set: Barn 28mm, Cowshed 28mm, Granary 28mm, House 28mm.

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Size comparison photos - Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games

Size comparison of the 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale scenery pieces (, Barn 28mm, Cowshed 28mm, Granary 28mm, House 28mm) from the Village 28mm range from Terrains4Games with miniatures from the Warhammer 40,000 range from Games Workshop.Size comparison of the 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale scenery pieces (, Barn 28mm, Cowshed 28mm, Granary 28mm, House 28mm) from the Village 28mm range from Terrains4Games with miniatures from the Warhammer 40,000 range from Games Workshop.Size comparison of the 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale scenery pieces (, Barn 28mm, Cowshed 28mm, Granary 28mm, House 28mm) from the Village 28mm range from Terrains4Games with miniatures from the Warhammer 40,000 range from Games Workshop.
Size comparison of the 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale scenery pieces (Barn 28mm, Cowshed 28mm, Granary 28mm, House 28mm) from the Village 28mm range from Terrains4Games with miniatures from the Warhammer 40,000 range from Games Workshop.

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Videos - Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games

Assembling: Village 28mm set for Village 28mm from Terrains4Games - Unboxing & finished model

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Resources - Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games


Terrains4Games: Village 28mm: Official webpage of the product.


Skirmish Miniature Gaming: Showcase: Terrains 4 Games Tabletop Village Terrain: Showcase video.§


Terrains4Games: Middle-Earth SBG Master Championships in Cracow PL: Gameplay photos.

WarHQ: Bolt Action at Adepticon 2019: Gameplay video.

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Buying the product - Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games


Base price (Village 28mm set)(2018): 38,76 GBP / 46,06 EUR / 49 USD / ? PLN

Contains: Barn 28mm set (2018): 8.7 GBP / 10.34 EUR / 11 USD / ? PLN; Cowshed 28mm set (2018): 12.66 GBP / 15.04 EUR / 16 USD / ? PLN; Granary 28mm set (2018): 8.7 GBP / 10.34 EUR / 11 USD / ? PLN; ; House 28mm set (2018): 8.7 GBP / 10.34 EUR / 11 USD / ? PLN = 38.76 GBP / 46.06 EUR / 49 USD = 100%

Where can you buy it?

Terrains4Games: Village 28mm: Official webpage of the product.

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The review is based on a copy kindly donated to the Nexus Club by Terrains4Games.

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Do you have the Village 28mm set miniature scenery set from Terrains4Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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