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Predator Young Bloods set (for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games - Miniature setimage © Prodos Games

The Predator Young Bloods set is a miniature set for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, published in 2015.

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Details - Predator Young Bloods set for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games

Miniature Set: Predator Young Bloods set

Set type: Board game expansion: unit, Game expansion: miniature, System: Alien vs Predator Ed1 (Alien vs Predator)

Product name: Predator Young Bloods, Species: Humanoid alienPredator, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Series: Alien vs Predator (Prodos), Setting: Alien & Predator universe,, Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2015-2018- -2019? (out of production)
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-pieceNeeds glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?


Predator Young Bloods set (for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games - Miniature setimage © Prodos Games


3x 1 Predator Young Bloods:

Predator Young Blood #1 with Combi-Stick

Predator Young Blood #2 with Blade

Predator Young Blood #3 with Blade

3x 40mm plastic base

3x ping tokens

1x stat card

Humanoid alien warrior with wrist blade and spear (Predator Young Blood #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature figure reviewimage © Prodos Games Humanoid alien warrior with wrist blades (Predator Young Blood #2 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature figure reviewimage © Prodos Games Humanoid alien warrior with wrist blades (Predator Young Blood #3 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins) from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature figure reviewimage © Prodos Games
Predator Young Blood #1 with Combi-Stick Predator Young Blood #2 with Blade Predator Young Blood #3 with Blade


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Resources - Predator Young Bloods set for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games

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Buying the product - Predator Young Bloods set for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games

Base set price (Predator Young Bloods set): 30 GBP / 36 EUR / 38,4 USD, Price/model: 10 GBP / 12 EUR / 12,8 USD

Prodos Games: Predator Young Bloods: Official page.

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Do you have the Predator Young Bloods set for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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