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Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Outcasts for Dark Age from CoolMiniOrNot, 2016 - Miniature set reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot

The Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set from CoolMiniOrNot is a unit and miniature expansion for the Dark Age wargame, set in the futuristic world of the Dark Age universe.

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Details - Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot

Miniature set: Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set

Set type: Game expansion: unit, Game expansion: miniature, System: Dark Age system

Product name: Outcast Scavenger Faction Box, Product code: DAG05001, Range: Dark Age range - Outcasts (Futuristic), Series: Dark Age, Setting: Dark Age universe universe, Company: CoolMiniOrNot company, Production: 2016-2018-

Language: English

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Contents - Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot

Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Outcasts for Dark Age from CoolMiniOrNot, 2016 - Miniature set review

Box insert - black plastic


5 Unit cards (Dark Age system): Warchief, Manhunter, Fixer, Wasteland Warrior, Blades


1x Outcast Warchief - Female

1x Manhunter

1x Fixer

3 Wasteland Warriors

1x Wasteland Warrior #4

1x Wasteland Warrior #5

1x Wasteland Warrior #6

1x Blades #2

7x Miniature base - black plastic, 30mm round, lipped

Human female warrior with mace in 1/50 scale - Outcast Warchief - Female for the Outcasts for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot - Miniature figure reviewniature figure reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot Human warrior with daggers in 1/50 scale - Blades #2 for Bounty Hunters for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot - Miniature figure reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot
Outcast Warchief - Female Blades #2
Huge humanoid warrior in 1/50 scale - Soul Searcher #1 for the Ice Caste faction of the Dragyri for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot, 2017 - Miniature figure reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot Human technician with wrench in 1/50 scale - Fixer for the Outcasts for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot - Miniature figure reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot
Manhunter Fixer


Human female warrior with sword and gun in 1/50 scale - Wasteland Warrior #4 for the Outcasts for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot - Miniature figure reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot
(modified by Kadmon)
Human warrior with sword and gun in 1/50 scale - Wasteland Warrior #5 for the Outcasts for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot - Miniature figure reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot
(modified by Kadmon)
Human female warrior with sword and gun in 1/50 scale - Wasteland Warrior #6 for the Outcasts for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot - Miniature figure reviewimage © CoolMiniOrNot
(modified by Kadmon)
Wasteland Warrior #4 Wasteland Warrior #5 Wasteland Warrior #6

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Review - Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot

Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Outcasts for Dark Age from CoolMiniOrNot, 2016 - Miniature set review

 Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Outcasts for Dark Age from CoolMiniOrNot, 2016 - Miniature set reviewThe miniatures from the pack

You get seven miniatures in this pack, none of them unique to this set. They are multi-piece metal miniatures, you have to assemble and glue to their bases. The Blades is a resculpt of the original Blades. The Wasteland Warrors are additional poses to the previous Wasteland Warriors, but as they are aesthetically different, you might consider them resculpts.

The set is not cheap, and not easy to assemble, but the miniatures look interesting.

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Resources - Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot


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Buying the product - Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot


Base price (Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set)(2019): 53 GBP / EUR / USD. Price/model: 6.7 GBP / EUR / USD

Where can you buy it?

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Do you have the Outcast Scavenger Faction Box set for the Dark Age wargame from CoolMiniOrNot? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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