image © Secret Weapon Miniatures |
Unpainted Objective Markers: Alien Invasion #2 from Secret Weapon Miniatures company |
Article updated: 2020.08.11
The Objective Markers: Alien Invasion set is a miniature scenery set from Secret Weapon Miniatures that contains alien eggs.
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Details - Objective Markers: Alien Invasion set miniature scenery set from Secret Weapon Miniatures
Miniature scenery set: Objective Markers: Alien Invasion set, Product type: Game expansion: miniature scenery (Game expansion: scenery), Company: Secret Weapon Miniatures company, Production: -2014.11-2020-
Product name: Objective Markers: Alien Invasion, Product Code: OM2501, System: -, Range: Nature / Fantasy range, Setting: ?, Company: Secret Weapon Miniatures company, Production: -2014.11-2020-
Type: alien eggs, alien spores (organic scenery), Size: ?, Technology: Wild, Based on: similar to Alien & Predator likeness - Alien Xenomorph likeness - Alien Egg likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic / Heroic, Size: 25mm diameter, ca. 10mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: looks One-piece, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, Sculptor: Pedro Navarro
Features: 3x 2 alien egg sculpt (3x open egg, 3x two closed egg)
"A set of six 25mm pressure cast objective markers in the Alien Invasion theme. The Alien Invasion objective markers include three objectives with an open egg and three objectives with two closed eggs. This product is sold unpainted and should be washed in cool, soapy water prior to painting."
Shipping Weight: 0.075lbs
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Contents - Objective Markers: Alien Invasion miniature scenery from Secret Weapon Miniatures
Contents - Miniatures
3x Objective Markers: Alien Invasion #1
3x Objective Markers: Alien Invasion #2
image © Secret Weapon Miniatures |
image © Secret Weapon Miniatures |
Objective Markers: Alien Invasion #1 | Objective Markers: Alien Invasion #2 |
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Resources - Objective Markers: Alien Invasion miniature scenery from Secret Weapon Miniatures
Secret Weapon Miniatures: Objective Markers: Alien Invasion: Official website.
Contents overview
Mad.. (on DakkaDakka): Mad Nids, Cult and ZITs blog: Photo of the eggs. (I can't link directly to the post, so here is a link to the photo.)
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Buying the product - Objective Markers: Alien Invasion miniature scenery from Secret Weapon Miniatures
Base price (Objective Markers: Alien Invasion set)(2015-2020): 6 USD, Price per model: 1 USD
Secret Weapon Miniatures: Objective Markers: Alien Invasion: Official website.
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Do you have the Objective Markers: Alien Invasion miniature scenery from Secret Weapon Miniatures? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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