image © Tor Gaming
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Miniature Set: C’thu ‘The Stalking Beast’ Tactical Formation set, Product Code: ?, Species: ?, Range: Relics - C'thu (Fantasy), Company: Tor Gaming, Production: 2017 (out of production)
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale, Proportions: Realistic, Size: -, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs cutting, Needs glue, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Tabbed for slottabase, Sculptor: -
1x Shogra set
1x Shogra
1x Horror Counter
12x C’thunian Warrior
2x Horror Counter
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Resources - C’thu ‘The Stalking Beast’ Tactical Formation miniature set from Tor Gaming
Tor Gaming: C’thu ‘The Stalking Beast’ Tactical Formation: Official webpage. (2018: Website is offline.)
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Buying the product - C’thu ‘The Stalking Beast’ Tactical Formation miniature set from Tor Gaming
Base price (C’thu ‘The Stalking Beast’ Tactical Formation set)(2017): 45,9 GBP, Price/model: 3,5 GBP, if you need the other components
Where can you buy it?
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Do you have the C’thu ‘The Stalking Beast’ Tactical Formation miniature set from Tor Gaming? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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