Article updated: 2021.01.30
The Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop includes pieces to build a combat walker in heavy armor, armed with a large cannon and a giant chainsaw. It was first produced in 2014, in the Imperial Knight set.
Weapon configurations
Hull mounted weapons: 1x cannon (WH40K heavy stubber), 1x cannon (WH40K meltagun)
Weapon options - ranged: 1x large cannon (WH40K rapid-fire battle cannon) (R), 1x double-barrelled large cannon (WH40K thermal cannon) (R)
Weapon options - melee: 1x giant chainsaw (WH40K reaper chainsword)(L)
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Details - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop
Miniature kit: Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1
Product name: Imperial Knight / Imperial Knight Warden / Knight Preceptor Canis Rex
Product code: ?
GN Code: -
Sprue: 1x Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 1, 1x Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 2, 1x Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 3
Set: Imperial Knight set: contains 1, Imperial Knight Warden set: contains 1, Imperial Knight: Renegade: contains 2, Knight Preceptor Canis Rex: contains 1
Range: Warhammer 40,000 (Ed6, Ed7, Ed8) - Imperium - Questor Imperialis (Knights) / Adeptus Mechanicus - Questor Mechanicus (Futuristic fantasy)
Setting: Warhammer 40,000 universe
Company: Games Workshop company
Production: 2014-2021-
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Type: Walker (WH40K Knight - Questoris Pattern Knight - Errant class / Paladin class)
Gender: -
Based on: -
Technology: Futuristic (Advanced)
Features: Ultra Giant (S8) Futuristic (Advanced) Walker Warrior in futuristic heavy armour (armour)
Walker, , , , ,
Category: various
Accessories: -
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Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm)
Proportions: Realistic / Heroic scale
Size: ca. 180mm high
Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)
Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece (Tight fit peg?), On sprue, Needs cutting, probably Needs glue
Posing: Medium
Paintjob: Unpainted
Base: No base
Design: ?
Sculptor: ?
"This kit is truly awesome - standing eight inches tall, it’s an imposing model and no mistake! It contains everything you need to build an Imperial Knight Paladin, with any weapons you choose not to use compatible with any other Imperial Knight models you might own. It includes different faceplates as well as the selection of weapons, and features an impressive level of posability - make it stand out from the crowd!"
1x Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 1: torso, shoulders
1x Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 2: battle cannon, thermal cannon, reaper chainsword, pelvis, back
1x Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 3: legs, leg armour, head
170mm oval plastic base
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Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 1 | Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 2 | Questoris Pattern Knight sprue 3 |
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Review - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop
The armour panels are separate, so you have some freedom with adding or changing them. You can also paint them separately, before gluing them on.
When you glue the model on the base included in the set, make sure to have the central peg on the pelvis section above the center of the base. This will make the model more stable and balanced.
The arms of the model are created in a way that they are exchangable. You just need to rotate them to lock them in.
Before assembly, I recommend you to read the information about the available builds for the Questoris knights. That way you can decide if you'll need to get further sprues, or if you'll need to magnetise your model.
Before you glue the cockpit door and the top carapace in place, you need to decide whether you'd like to add the cockpit detail later. For that case, you could magnetise the top carapace, or just use superglue instead of polystyrene cement, so you can pry it off easier.
Arms: You can magnetise the shoulders, but it's not necessary, as there is a locking mechanism allowing you to swap arms. You can also magnetise the joint that allows you to turn the arms. While you won't need it with the options in this kit, it will allow you to add more weapons if you acquire them.
Cannons: Both cannons use the same base for the weapon, so you'll need to add magnets or telescoping tubing to the barrel parts of the cannons. As later weapon builds use the same shield part, telescoping tubing is recommended, as it will hold the parts of the weapons together easier. Otherwise you'd need to magnetise both sides of the shield.
There is a small piece on the end of the base that is different for the two weapons, but it's not very visible, so you can just choose one. I recommend to include the piece for the thermal cannon, as the same piece will be also used for the las-impulsor, if you get the Preceptor sprue.
For the ammo box, you can either choose one, and just change the barrels, or you add a magnet to the side of the base, to be able to swap the ammo boxes.
You can either glue the ammo of the heavy stubber to the barrel of the battle cannon, or you can also magnetise that.
Hull mounted heavy stubber: While in this kit you don't have any more options, it's still recommended to make the heavy stubber removable. If you get a Warden sprue, you'll be able to add a meltagun instead. If you get the Preceptor sprue, you can add a multi-laser.
Top mounted weapons: While you might leave magnetising the top for later, when you get the rocket launchers or the autocannon with a Warden sprue, if you don't want to hassle with that after it was already painted, you could just add a magnet now. Instead of magnetising the model, you can also use telescoping tubing.
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Builds - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 builds
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Questoris Pattern Knight Errant build #1.1.0 | Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin build #1.1.0 |
X.x.x: giant chainsaw (WH40K reaper chainsword)
x.1.x: hull-mounted cannon (WH40K heavy stubber)
Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin builds
Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin build #1.1.0: large cannon (WH40K rapid-fire battle cannon) with under-slung cannon (WH40K heavy stubber)(R), giant chainsaw (WH40K reaper chainsword)(L), and hull-mounted cannon (WH40K heavy stubber)
Questoris Pattern Knight Errant builds
Questoris Pattern Knight Errant build #1.1.0: double-barrelled large cannon (WH40K thermal cannon)(R), giant chainsaw (WH40K reaper chainsword)(L), and hull-mounted cannon (WH40K heavy stubber)
For further builds for the model, check:
Questoris Pattern Knight kit #2 - Imperial Knight Warden kit
Questoris Pattern Knight kit #3 - Knight Preceptor kit
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Size comparison photos - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop
![]() painting © Games Workshop |
Size comparison of 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) scale Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin build #1.1.0 with rapid-fire battle cannon with under-slung heavy stubber, reaper chainsword, and hull-mounted heavy stubber with 1:64 (28mm/32mm) scale Space Marine miniature from Games Workshop. |
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Uses for the miniature - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop
Possible uses
- 1:100 scale: A giant robot or walker. Could be a troop transporter.
- 1:72 scale: A giant robot or walker. Could be a troop transporter.
- 1:64 scale: A very large robot or walker. Could be a support weapon transporter.
- 1:56 scale: A very large robot or walker. Could be a support weapon transporter.
- 1:50 scale: A very large robot or walker. Could be a support weapon transporter.
- 1:35 scale: A robot or walker.
Uses for games
- Alkony Wargame: Mechanical golem
- Cthulhu Wars: Great Old One
- Kings of War: Height 10 XXX
- Deadzone: Giant walker
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Very large golem, Greater Daemon
- Warhammer: Age of Sigmar: Greater Daemon
- Warhammer 40.000: Imperium: Knight Paladin variant, Chaos: Traitor Knight Paladin variant, Greater Daemon, Daemon Engine
Warhammer 40,000 Ed6: Codex: Knights (2014?)
Warhammer 40,000 Ed7: Codex: Knights (2014)
Warhammer 40,000 Ed8: Codex: Imperium vol. 2 (2017)
Uses on the website
- none yet
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Resources - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 kit from Games Workshop
Official - Questoris Pattern Knight
Games Workshop: Imperial Knight Paladin (UK)(on Official article. (2020: Article is permanently offline.)
Games Workshop: Imperial Knight Warden (UK)(on Official articlee. (2020: Article is permanently offline.)
Games Workshop: Knight Preceptor Canis Rex (UK): Official article.
Size comparison - Questoris Pattern Knight
MrWatchingpaintdry: Imperial Knight Assembly: Assembly tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Includes step by step instructions, and magnetising. The end includes size comparison to multiple 40K vehicles.
Assembly - Questoris Pattern Knight
Duncan (for Warhammer): How to Build and Paint: Imperial Knight Paladin (part 1 of 4): Assembly: Assembly and paint tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class.Ł
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic: Building & Magnetizing An Imperial Knight Titan: Assembly tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class.
MrWatchingpaintdry: Imperial Knight Assembly: Assembly tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Includes step by step instructions, and magnetising. The end includes size comparison to multiple 40K vehicles.
Assembly: Magnetising - Questoris Pattern Knight
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic: Building & Magnetizing An Imperial Knight Titan: Assembly tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class.
MrWatchingpaintdry: Imperial Knight Assembly: Assembly tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Includes step by step instructions, and magnetising. The end includes size comparison to multiple 40K vehicles.
Rob Baer (for Spikey Bits): New Imperial Knight Titan - Magnetization Tutorial: Magnetising tutorial video for the Errant, Crusader, Gallant, Paladin and Warden class.
Assembly: LED lights - Questoris Pattern Knight
Gus (for Colour of the Gods): Review & Painting Tutorial - Imperial Knight for gaming: Painting tutorial video for the Errant class. Painted by airbrush. Includes LED installing tutorial.Ł
Conversion - Questoris Pattern Knight
Miniac: Converting and Painting a RENEGADE KNIGHT!: Converting and painting tutorial video for the Paladin, Warden class. Painted by airbrush. Painted as House Atrax (Chaos). Includes showcase at the end.
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Assembly: Magnetising - Questoris Pattern Knight Errant
Rob (for Geeks Wargaming): How to Magnetise an Imperial Knight: Magnetising tutorial video for the battle cannon / thermal cannon.
Painting - Questoris Pattern Knight Errant
Awaken Realms: How to paint Imperial Knight - HD tutorial: Painting tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Painted by airbrush.
Awaken Realms: How to paint Imperial Knight with battle damage - HD Tutorial: Painting tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Painted by airbrush.
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic: Painting an Imperial Knight Titan: Painting tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Painted by airbrush.Ł
Gus (for Colour of the Gods): Review & Painting Tutorial - Imperial Knight for gaming: Painting tutorial video for the Errant class. Painted by airbrush. Includes LED installing tutorial.Ł
Showcase - Questoris Pattern Knight Errant
Rob (for Geeks Wargaming): Finished Imperial Knight: Showcase video about Errant / Paladin class. Painted as House Hawkshroud.
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Assembly: Magnetising - Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin
Rob (for Geeks Wargaming): How to Magnetise an Imperial Knight: Magnetising tutorial video for the battle cannon / thermal cannon.
Conversion - Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin
Guy & Penny (for Midwinter Minis): Speed painting a grimdark Imperial Knight: Painting tutorial video about the Paladin class. Painted as converted Nurgle cultist (Chaos).
Painting - Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin
Awaken Realms: How to paint Imperial Knight - HD tutorial: Painting tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Painted by airbrush.
Awaken Realms: How to paint Imperial Knight with battle damage - HD Tutorial: Painting tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Painted by airbrush.
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic: Painting an Imperial Knight Titan: Painting tutorial video for the Errant and Paladin class. Painted by airbrush.Ł
Duncan (for Warhammer): How to Build and Paint: Imperial Knight Paladin: Painted as House Taranis.
- Duncan (for Warhammer): How to Build and Paint: Imperial Knight Paladin (part 1 of 4): Assembly: Assembly and paint tutorial video.Ł
- Duncan (for Warhammer): How to Build and Paint: Imperial Knight Paladin (part 2 of 4): Painting the skeleton: Assembly and paint tutorial video.Ł
- Duncan (for Warhammer): How to Build and Paint: Imperial Knight Paladin (part 3 of 4): Armour painting and final assembly: Assembly and paint tutorial video. Painted as House Taranis.Ł
- Duncan (for Warhammer): How to Build and Paint: Imperial Knight Paladin (part 4 of 4): Applying transfers: Assembly and paint tutorial video. Includes showcase. Painted as House Taranis.Ł
Guy & Penny (for Midwinter Minis): Speed painting a grimdark Imperial Knight: Painting tutorial video about the Paladin class. Painted as converted Nurgle cultist (Chaos).
Miniac: Converting and Painting a RENEGADE KNIGHT!: Converting and painting tutorial video for the Paladin, Warden class. Painted by airbrush. Painted as House Atrax (Chaos). Includes showcase at the end.
MisterCrispyFL: Panting an Imperial Knight for the First Time (Timelapse): Painting tutorial video for the Gallant and Paladin class.Ł
Warchef Ändi: How to paint an Imperial Knight House Raven: Painting tutorial video for the Paladin class. Painted as House Raven.
Showcase - Questoris Pattern Knight Paladin
Miniac: Converting and Painting a RENEGADE KNIGHT!: Converting and painting tutorial video for the Paladin, Warden class. Painted by airbrush. Painted as House Atrax (Chaos). Includes showcase at the end.
Rob (for Geeks Wargaming): Finished Imperial Knight: Showcase video about Errant / Paladin class. Painted as House Hawkshroud.
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Buying the product - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop
Base set price (Imperial Knight Paladin set)(2015-2018): 110 EUR / 85 GBP / 140 USD, Price per model: 110 EUR / 85 GBP / 140 USD
Base set price (Imperial Knight Preceptor set)(2021): 124 EUR / 95 GBP / 157 USD, Price per model: 124 EUR / 95 GBP / 157 USD
Where can you buy it?
Games Workshop: Knight Preceptor Canis Rex (UK): Official article.
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Similar models - Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop
Questoris Pattern Knight kit #2 - Imperial Knight Warden kit
Questoris Pattern Knight kit #3 - Knight Preceptor kit
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Do you have the Questoris Pattern Knight kit #1 from Games Workshop? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? What further uses can you come up with? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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