Miniatures - Painting miniatures - Resources
Article updated: 2020.04.23
This is a collection of articles about painting miniatures. I've collected the resources and painting tutorials I've found interesting.
Miniature painting
Websites dedicated to miniature painting
Miniature Painting Tips And Tricks. Showcase And Share Your Secrets (Facebook group)
Index of Wolfi's Painting Lessons (in Hungarian): A collection of tutorial articles and videos.
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Dirk Stiller (Brushguy): The whole truth about painting miniatures - The Basics (in English & German): Painting tutorial articles.
Dirk Stiller (Brushguy): The whole truth about painting miniatures - Advanced (in English & German): Painting tutorial articles.
Painting supplies & equipment
Massive Voodoo (Roman): Tutorial: A Miniature Painter's Water Jar: A great article on using water jar.
Painting palettes - Wet palette
Atom Smasher (from Tabletop Minions): Wet Palette: What Is It? Make Your Own: Tutorial video.
Bertyák István (from Bertyák Miniature Painting): How to make a wet palette in 5 minutes: Tutorial video.
Painting palettes - Ice palette
Kito: The Ice Palette (CoolMiniOrNot forum): Tutorial article about a good idea - similar to wet palette - to use in dry, hot climate.
Painting with Airbrush
Spikey Bits: How To Set Up An Airbrush Studio At Home: A tutorial video about setting up an airbrush studio.
Next Level Painting: Tips & Tricks to Airbrush Maintenance You Should Know: A tutorial video about airbrush maintenance.
Kam: HG Seravee Gundam – Part 9: A tutorial article about using alligator clips for airbrushing.
PLASMO - plastic models: Airbrush tutorial, tips for better airbrushing - Short Guide Plastic Models: Tutorial video.
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Painting Techniques
Colour transitions
Goobertown Hobbies: My Biggest Painting Breakthrough: Tutorial video about colour transitions.
Freehand illustrations
Ron Saikowski (from From the Warp): When you add freehand to your model matters: Tutorial article.
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Painting specific looks
Painting camouflage
Bitzbox: How To Paint Blue Digital Camo: Painting tutorial video about painting camo with a brush.
Painting mud on clothes
Burkhard (on dhcwargamesblog): Painting mud: Tutorial article about painting mud on clothes.
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Painting specific surfaces
Painting armour
Black armour
- MiniWarGaming: Quick Tip: Dark Angel (armor): Painting tutorial video, using airbrush.
Blue armour
- Quick Tip Kris (from MiniWarGaming): Quick Tip: Alpha Legion (armor): Painting tutorial video about painting a Betrayal at Calth Space Marine in Mk4 armour for pre-Heresy Alpha Legion colours.
Golden armour
- Vincent1989: 10 Minute Tutorial - High Elf Gold Armour: Painting tutorial video, using brush.
Red armour
- Myles David (from Lil'Legend Commission Painting): In the Shadow of Mighty Wings; Post 5 How to Paint Pre Heresy Blood Angel Red: Painting tutorial article. (2020.03.25: The article is offline.)
White armour
- Kenny Boucher (from Bell of Lost Souls): Painting Death Company, The White Way – TUTORIAL: Painting tutorial article.
- Kenny Boucher (from Next Level Painting): Painting White is Secretly Easy - Death Company Edition: Painting tutorial video.
Painting cloaks
Commissar Gamza: How To Paint A Cloak! - Commissar Gamza: Painting tutorial video about painting a green cloak.
Vincent1989: 10 Minute Tutorial - High Elf Blue Cloaks: Painting tutorial video about painting a blue cloak.
Painting cloaks - Scaly cloaks
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic: How to Paint Dark Elf Corsair Sea Dragon Cloaks: Painting tutorial video.
Brendan (for Model Skirmish): WHTV Tip of the Day – Sea Dragon Cloaks: Painting tutorial video. (2020.03.25: The article is offline.)
Painting fur
Brendan (for Model Skirmish): WHTV Tip of the day – Fur and pelts: Painting tutorial video. (2020.03.25: The article is offline.)
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Painting patterns
Painting patterns - Starfield
Kretcher (for CoolMiniOrNot): Painting star pattern on cloak: Tutorial article.
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Painting zombies
Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic: How to Speed Paint Zombie Miniatures: Painting tutorial video about painting Mantic's Kings of War zombies, using Army Painter Quickshade. Model: Mantic's Kings of War zombies. Paint: Army Painter Quickshade
GirlPainting: How to paint a Zombie: Painting tutorial video about painting zombies. It includes ideas to paint several stages of different decomposition. Model: Mantic's Kings of War zombie.
Sorastro's Painting: Sorastro's Zombie Painting Guide Ep.1: Painting tutorial video about painting CMON's Zombicide zombies, using Army Painter Quickshade. Model: CMON's Zombicide zombies. Paint: Army Painter Quickshade
Sorastro's Painting: Sorastro's Zombie Painting Guide Ep.2: Painting tutorial video about painting CMON's Zombicide toxic green zombies, using Army Painter Quickshade. Model: CMON's Zombicide Toxic zombies. Paint: Army Painter Quickshade
Iván CallOfBrush: Tutorial Pintura Zombicide - Fast Painting Zombicide: Painting tutorial video in Spanish about painting CMON's Zombicide zombies. Model: CMON's Zombicide zombies.
miniature 101: how to paint a zombicide abomination: Painting tutorial video with English subtitles about painting CMON's Zombicide Abomination zombies. Model: CMON's Zombicide Abomination zombie. (2020.03.25: The video is offline, along with the whole channel.)
Talk Wargaming: Army Painter Tutorial: How To Paint A Zombicide Berzerker Fatty: Painting tutorial video about painting CMON's Zombicide Berzerker Fatty zombies. Model: CMON's Zombicide Berzerker Fatty zombie. Paint: Army Painter Zombicide paints.
Talk Wargaming: Army Painter Tutorial: How To Paint A Zombicide Toxic Fatty: Painting tutorial video about painting CMON's Zombicide Toxic Fatty zombies. Model: CMON's Zombicide Toxic Fatty zombie. Paint: Army Painter Zombicide paints.
Talk Wargaming: Army Painter Tutorial: How To Paint A Zombicide Season 1 Fatty: Painting tutorial video about painting CMON's Zombicide Fatty zombies. Model: CMON's Zombicide Fatty zombie. Paint: Army Painter Zombicide paints.
Talk Wargaming: Army Painter Tutorial: How To Paint Zombicide Runners: Painting tutorial video about painting CMON's Zombicide Runner zombies. Model: CMON's Zombicide Runner zombie. Paint: Army Painter Zombicide paints.
Talk Wargaming: Army Painter Tutorial: How To Paint Charred Flesh On Zombicide Zombies: Painting tutorial video about painting zombies with burnt off skin. Model: CMON's Zombicide zombie. Paint: Army Painter Zombicide paints.
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Do you know further methods on painting miniatures? Do you know other good sources? Tell us in the comments!
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