Miniature terrain & miniature scenery - Resources
Article updated: 2020.03.27
Miniature games are usually played on terrain. I've collected the sources and terrain tutorials I've found interesting.
Miniature terrain
Websites dedicated for miniature terrain
"der Müller" tabletop - wargaming - terrain - scratchbuilts (Facebook page)
The Terrain Tutor (Facebook page)
TheTerrainTutor's Terrainiacs (Facebook page)
Wargamers Terrain Tips and Talk (Facebook group)
Terrain inspirations
Hobby Shop's Frostgrave scenery: Artic urban fantasy terrain.
- Hobby Shop: ANIM - Nouvelle partie de Campagne pour FROSTGRAVE! (Facebook)
- Hobby Shop: HOBBY - La table de Frostgrave de la boutique est prete! (Facebook)
- Hobby Shop: ANIM - Scénario 2 de la Campagne FRSTGRAVE (Facebook)
- Hobby Shop: ANIM - 3e partie de la campagne FROSTGRAVE! (Facebook)
Pinterest boards:
- Kelemen Gábor (on Pinterest): Industrial terrain: Urban and sci-fi terrain ideas.
- Kelemen Gábor (on Pinterest): Gaming board
Genric articles
Roleplaying Tips - 22 Terrain Hacks For the Low Budget Game Master: Terrain on a budget.
Campaign Mastery - 3-D Battlemaps for the financially challenged – Updated & Enhanced: Great ideas to create 3D terrain for your games.
RichC (for Warlord Games): Dave's Antares terrain: A nice tutorial about creating various kinds of terrain (rocks, cacti, etc). Dave Lawrence uses troop trays as the base of these terrain pieces.
RichC (for Warlord Games): Modelling: Dioramic Basing, Part 1: An interesting article about designing and creating a diorama base.
Rich Dando (for Warlord Games): Feature: TheTerrainTutor’s D-Day Board Project: Tutorial video on creating D-Day terrain.
Designing terrain
Battleboards: How to design the ULTIMATE wargaming terrain: A good video about how to design your terrain boards.
Painting terrain
See our Games Nexus article: Painting miniatures - Terrain and vehicles - Resources
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Flocking - Creating flock
Highlen Terrain: How to make Flock: Tutorial video about colouring sawdust. Create a watery mix of the chosen colour, then mix it with sawdust, and spread it out to dry. After it dries, filter it.
TheTerrainTutor: An In-depth guide to realistic flocking: Tutorial video.
TheTerrainTutor: A complete guide to adding flock, static grass, clump foliage, lichen and tall grass to your scenery: Tutorial video.
David Neat: ‘Model-making Basics’ – creating surfaces: Tutorial article on creating different textures.
TheTerrainTutor: Texturing terrain with rolling pins: Tutorial video about using textured rods.
Herbert Erpaderp: Green Stuff Rollers and Base Making: Tutorial video.
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Balsa wood
TheTerrainTutor: A guide to using balsa wood when building wargames terrain: Tutorial video.
Cork bark
TheTerrainTutor: How to make cork bark rock faces for your wargaming scenery: A tutorial video on using cork barks as rock faces for your hills.
Fire retardant fibre
atbzimark (for Table Top Games UK): How to make Fire or Destroyed Vehicle Markers!: Tutorial article on making smoking fire using fire retardant fibre and flickering led lights.
TheTerrainTutor: A comprehensive guide to using foamboard to make wargames terrain: Tutorial video.
epicfantasy: What is Foam Board "Tips and Tools": Tutorial video.
Lava rock
Jez (for Table Top Games UK): Terrain Corner – Asteroids: Tutorial article about making floating rocks from lava rocks.
Polystyrene foam
Greg (from Oridian Games): Cheap and Easy Foam Rock Formations (Wargaming and RPG Terrain): Tutorial video.
Famous Gaming Model & Scenic Supplies: Using polystyrene: Tutorial article about the basics of using polystyrene foam. (2017: The website is offline.)
Manorhouse Workshop: How to work with high-density polystyrene: Part 1: Tutorial article about foam terrain. (2019: The website is offline)
David Neat: Shaping styrofoam: Tutorial article.
TheTerrainTutor: A guide to using bluefoam to make wargaming buildings & ruins: Tutorial video about working with high density polystyrene.
Polyurethane foam
Chris Reynolds (Wraith)(adgwraith on Beasts of War): Cheap and easy rock formations: Tutorial vide about using polyurethane foam to create rock formations. (2020.03.27: Article is offline.)
PVC Foamboard
TheTerrainTutor: PVC Foamboard - A new basing material?: Tutorial video.
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Scenery types
Smoking fire
atbzimark (for Table Top Games UK): How to make Fire or Destroyed Vehicle Markers!: Tutorial article on making smoking fire using fire retardant fibre and flickering led lights.
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Terrain types
Terrain ground
Multiverse Gaming: Step-by-step: factory grounds table: A nice tutorial on using pair-dry paper clay for creating terrain.
Rob Phaneuf (for Ironwatch Magazine): How-To Terrain: Obstacles: Tutorial article in Ironwatch #45, p46-59.
Rob Phaneuf (from You Magnificent Bastards): Scrub pad hedges: Tutorial article.
Chris Reynolds (Wraith)(adgwraith on Beasts of War): Cheap and easy rock formations: Tutorial vide about using polyurethane foam to create rock formations. (2020.03.27: Article is offline.)
Jez (for Table Top Games UK): Terrain Corner – Asteroids: Tutorial article about making floating rocks from lava rocks.
TheTerrainTutor: How to make cork bark rock faces for your wargaming scenery: A tutorial video on using cork barks as rock faces for your hills.
Avian (from Avian): Making Hills: Tutorial article.
Henry Durand (from Plastic Pirates): Desert terrain - palm trees and an oasis: Tutorial article.
Henry Durand (from Plastic Pirates): Desert terrain - more palms and a sand ridge: Tutorial article.
TheTerrainTutor: How to make simple crystal rock clusters: Tutorial video.
Snow and frost
Roman from Massive Voodoo: Tutorial: Visualising Winter: An awesome visual tutorial on how to approach winter terrain.
Mike Howell (Hakomike): Snow Basing Materials Reference: Comparison pictures for different kinds of snow bases.
Precision Ice and Snow: Website dedicated to selling snow effect supplies. It has lots of tutorials.
Hamilkar Barkas's tutorials on snow effects:
- Hamilkar Barkas: How to make snow effects on dioramas (Tutorial)(in German): Tutorial video in German, includes English subtitles.
- Hamilkar Barkas: "Snow-How" Tutorial for diorama snow effects (in German): Tutorial video, an updated version of the previous one. It's in German, but it includes English subtitles.
Posts from the I <3 makettezés modelling Facebook group (in Hungarian, but Facebook translates them):
Luke Fellows (of Lukes APS): Cheap Water Effects for Terrain and Miniatures (Tips & Talk Ep 8): Tutorial video.
- Luke Fellows (on Kings of War Fanatics): Facebook gallery (Facebook): Showcase article about the water effects.
- Luke Fellows (on Wargamers Terrain Tips and Talk): Facebook gallery (Facebook): Showcase article about the water effects.
Gonzalo Dávila Ruiz (for Duel Painter's): Viking chieftain: Tutorial article about creating a spilling beer effect.
- Gonzalo Dávila Ruiz (for Duel Painter's): Viking chieftain - spilling beer (Facebook): Showcase article.
- Gonzalo Dávila Ruiz (for Duel Painter's): Viking chieftain - spilling beer 2 (Facebook): Showcase article.
- Gonzalo Dávila Ruiz (for Duel Painter's): Viking chieftain - tutorial (Facebook): Showcase and tutorial article.
Water - Ponds and pools
- Charlie Foxtrot Models: Tutorial: Step by step "Ponds": Tutorial article.
Swimming pool
- Charlie Foxtrot Models: New Release: "Swimming Pool": Article about the product but it's easy to copy the basics from the photos.
- Charlie Foxtrot Models: 28mm 1:56 "Swinning Pool": You can see the components here to build your own pool.
Water - River sections
Jez (for Table Top Games UK): Terrain Corner – River Sections: Tutorial article about creating river sections.
Water - Waterfall
This is a combination of an elevated terrain and a river.
Star Builds: Star Wars Legion: Endor Project - Landscape: Tutorial video.
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Vegetation types
Luke Towan: DIY Static Grass Tufts - Model Railroad - How To: Tutorial video about making realistic grass tufts out of static grass. Very informative.
Wargamesterrain: How to: Convincing Vines and Climbers: Tutorial article about making vegetation that climbs on trees, rocks or buildings. It seems for me it is for more determined modellers.
Alan Martin (for Wargamesterrain): How to: Easy and Realistic Fern: Tutorial article about making miniature ferns out of plastic ferns.
Wargamesterrain: How to: Jungle Undergrowth Terrain: Tutorial article about making undergrowth.
James Collard (BrushStroke): Quick Tip: Flowers (Facebook): Tutorial article about changing grass tufts to flowers with gluing flock to their tops.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: How to Sculpt Miniature Pitcher plant Nepenthes // Polymer Clay Sculpture: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting pitcher plants from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: How to Sculpt Plants, Polymer Clay // Arum Titan Sculpture, Amorphophallus titanum: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting amorphallus flowers from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: How to Sculpt Hibiscus Flowers // Polymer Clay Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting hibiscus flowers from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Miniature Orchids Sculpture // Easy Flower Polymer Clay Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting flowers from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Polymer Clay Lotus Pods Sculpture: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting lotus pods from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: How to Sculpt Tropical Flowers & Plants // Polymer Clay Tutorial for Earth Day: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting flowers from polymer clay.
Creative Rachy: Easy Succulent Design│Polymer Clay Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting succulent plants from polymer clay.
Minicharms: Succulent brooch tutorial - suculenta arcilla polimerica: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting succulent plants from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Ice Plant Carpobrotus edulis // Invasive Crafted Species: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting ice plants from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Miniature Succulents Plants, Polymer Clay and Acrylics Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting succulent plants from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: How to Sculpt Flowers and Plants // Polymer Clay Succulents: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting succulent plants from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Polymer Clay Succulent Necklace // Speed Sculpting: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting succulent plants from polymer clay.
Tiny Clay Charm: Miniature Succulents - Polymer Clay Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting succulent plants from polymer clay.
Succulents - Cacti
Creative Rachy: Kawaii Cactus│3 in 1 Polymer Clay Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting cacti from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: How to Sculpt Cacti / Cactus Sculptures from Polymer Clay // Succulents Plants: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting cacti from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Polymer Clay Cactus Sculpture // How to Sculpt: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting cacti from polymer clay.
Pense & Decore: DIY - Cactos de biscuit | Aprenda a modelar cactos em biscuit #1: Tutorial video about sculpting cacti.
Pense & Decore: DIY - Cactus de biscuit Aprenda a modelar cactus em biscuit #2: Tutorial video about sculpting cacti.
Games Nexus: Making trees for miniature games - Resources
Mr. BUG-Man: Tutorial: Simple bases & Sculpting Mushi for Trollbloods: Tutorial article about making mushrooms from wire and putty. Seems easy enough to try.
C'tan: Miniature mushroom tutorial: Tutorial article about making mushrooms from pins and plastic putty.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Polymer Clay Mushroom Sculpture // How To Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting mushrooms from polymer clay.
Stephanie Kilgast // PetitPlat: Polymer Clay Amanita Mushroom Sculpture // How to Sculpt Tutorial: Tutorial video about sculpting and painting mushrooms from polymer clay.
Bamboo, bamboo groves
Wargamesterrain: How to: Easy Bamboo Vegetation: Tutorial article about making bamboo from bamboo sticks. I'd add some putty (or blobs of glue) under and beneath the notches to make it more realistic.
sho3box: Bamboo groves: Tutorial article about creating bamboo groves using plastic miniature bamboo and cork sheets.
Yeti's Yell (from Sarcophagi): Bushido: Bamboo Trees Yeti’s Way: Tutorial article about creating bamboo groves using plastic miniature bamboo and gorilla glue.
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Emmanuel Nouaillier: Miniature building construction in foamboard: An awesome tutorial about using foamboard and plastic card for creating buildings.
Errhile: Do-It-Yourself Terrain - Cardbuilding #1: Basics of making card buildings.
Errhile: Do-It-Yourself Terrain - Cardbuilding #2: A tutorial about making cardboard walls to create buildings.
Errhile: Do-It-Yourself Terrain - Cardbuilding #3: A tutorial about making cardboard buildings with accessories (stairs, walls) that you can fit into the buildings.
Errhile: Do-It-Yourself Terrain - Cardbuilding #3,5: Help about deciding how many buildings will you need for your table.
Errhile: Do-It-Yourself Terrain - Cardbuilding #4: More designs for buildings.
Errhile: Do-It-Yourself Terrain - Cardbuilding #5: A large building that can be used to store the smaller buildings.
Claudio De Lucchi: TUTORIAL: Construction of walls (in Italian): A step-by-step guide with illustrations to create very realistic stone walls. I think some steps could be skipped unless you are devoted to insane detail.
James Wappel Miniature Painting: Among the Monuments: Showcase article with South American style scenery for lizarmen.
Henry Durand (from Plastic Pirates): Spanish Town - Administration building: Tutorial article.
Henry Durand (from Plastic Pirates): Viking Hall
- Henry Durand (from Plastic Pirates): Saga - another building in progress: Tutorial article.
- Henry Durand (from Plastic Pirates): Saga - progress on my Viking hall!: Tutorial article.
- Henry Durand (from Plastic Pirates): Saga - Viking Hall - Thatched Roof and coat of primer!: Tutorial article.
Wooden and bamboo buildings
Mary Profitt: Making Bamboo Floor for Miniature Base (Facebook): Tutorial article about creating bamboo floor (or walls) using toothpicks, but the same method can be used with bamboo skewers or anything similar.
Wooden and bamboo buildings - Village on the treetops
Little Wars TV: How to Make a Cardboard Ewok Village: Tutorial video.
Newry Bakry: How To build Ewoks Village Diorama: Tutorial video and showcase.
Star Builds: Star Wars Legion: Endor Project - Sequoia Trees part II (Ewok Village): Tutorial video.
Modern & high-tech scenery
Bugbait: 40K unfinish terrain: Excellent ideas for making cheap scenery.
Marcel Ackle (on Facebook): Oil barrels: Making oil barrels out of metal sheets, like mustard tubes.
Curt C: Pin Markers and 28mm Early-War WWII Fallshirmjägers: Tutorial on making bullet impacts, intended to be used as suppression / pinned markers.
Maelstrom's Edge (on Facebook): Building Terrain - (Part 1): Bases: Tutorial article about creating high-tech buildings from food packaging. The article uses the Maelstrom's Edge terrain sprue, but it's not essential to the buildings.
Maelstrom's Edge (on Facebook): Building Terrain - (Part 2): Structures: Tutorial article, second part.
BlackJack Legacy: How to make a game board for The Walking Dead All Out War (YouTube): Terrain tutorial video.
TheBeastsOfWar: The Walking Dead Boot Camp - A closer look at the Tables (YouTube): Terrain showcase video.
MTGandMORE: THE WALKING DEAD : ALL OUT WAR Woodbury terrain set (YouTube): Terrain showcase video.
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Terrain with electronics
Junk to Fun Projects: DIY Miniature Tents and Camp Fire (with smoke) (YouTube): Terrain tutorial video.
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Terrain tiles
Cardboard tiles
Campaign Mastery - 8 Easy Ways to Organize Your Dungeon Tiles
Roleplaying Tips - Dungeon Tile Mastery: 9 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Tile Collection
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Gaming boards
Modular gaming boards
ThroneOfAngels: Episode 39 - Project: Modular Terrain - The Frame System: Video about ideas for a modular board.
ThroneOfAngels: Episode 47 - Project: Modular Terrain - Tray System Part 1: Video about creating the modular board. It's very slow, so the link skips to the interesting part.
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Miniature modelling
Massive Voodoo: Tutorial: Working with string - Conversion & Basing: Tutorial article with lots of pictures on using strings for miniature or terrain modelling.
Props - Banners and flags
Pin at War: How to make flags for miniatures - step by step: Tutorial article about printing and modelling flags.
Monty Luhmann (on Twin Cities): Painting Linen Banners: Tutorial article about making flags and banners from linen pieces.
Avian (from We Iz Orcs): Making Banners: Tutorial article.
Props - Posters
Kelemen Gábor: Decals, posters, vinyls and stickers (Pinterest board): Printable posters for modern and futuristic games.
Converting miniatures
Lanse Tryon's steampunk skyship construction
- Lanse Tryon: Sir Andrew builds an Aeronef: Construction tutorial article about creating the skyship from an aircraft carrier toy.
- Lanse Tryon (on Facebook): The Rim Greaper: Showcase article for the skyship.
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Do you have further ideas about miniature terrain? Do you know other good sources? Tell us in the comments!
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