Basing miniatures - Miniature hobby guide
Article updated: 2020.04.16
I've gathered information about basing your miniatures.
Further articles about miniature basing:
Basing miniatures - Miniature hobby guide
Painting miniatures - Design concepts - Basing miniatures
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Basing miniatures
As most miniatures won't stand in themselves, some kind of basing is usually needed.
Basing - Resources
40K for Grownups - Transparent bases (closed Facebook group): Discussion about basing philosophies.
James Collard (BrushStroke): Quick Tip: Aligning holes when pinning (Facebook): Tutorial article.
Litko: Miniature Basing and Tray Finishing Tutorial: Tutorial article about mounting miniatures on bases, then creating scenic bases. (2020.04.16: The article is offline.)
MASSIVE VOODOO: Tutorial Overview - Basing: Tutorial article collection about basing miniatures.
TheApatheticFish: How to Base Miniature Models: Tutorial video.
The Casavants: Bases: Tutorial article about basing miniatures, with illustrations.
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Rebasing miniatures
Rebasing: Removing the miniature from its base and attaching it to another base.
Sometimes the ruleset you use dictates that you need to use a different kind of basing than you already have. You need to rebase your miniatures to fit the chosen rules. If it happens often, you should use some temporary measures (self-adhesive glue, magnet).
Rebasing options
- Cutting the original base. Glue to a new base.
- Leaving the original base, gluing to the new base. This makes the miniature higher than the original.
- Leaving the original base, gluing to a hollow base. This makes the miniature closer to the original height.
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