image © Mantic Games
Star Saga: The Eiras Contract is a futuristic board game from Mantic Games, set in the Warpath setting. It is a reimplementation of their earlier Project Pandora: Grim Cargo game. It was first produced in 2017.
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Details - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Mantic Games
Board game base set: Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Product name: Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set, Product code: ?, Set type: Board game base set (Game base set), System: Star Saga system, Range: Warpath range - Star Saga range (Futuristic), Series: Warpath universe, Company: Mantic Games company, Production: 2017.11.30-2021-
Designer: Stewart Gibbs
Features: Miniatures
Players: 1-5
"Guide a team of mercenaries on a mission to retrieve stolen technology from a highly guarded research facility deep beneath the surface of the planet Eiras. In Star Saga you’ll take on platoons of minions and powerful alien bosses. You will quickly discover there’s more to your mission than a simple case of corporate espionage."
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Contents - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Mantic Games
image © Mantic Games
1x Eiras Contract Mission Book
Card Counters and Templates
10x Star Saga dice
5x Attack dice
5x Defence dice
Over 130 Cards
Miniature figures
6 Plastic Mercenary Miniatures
1x Alyse
1x Combat Utility Robot B07153 'Curby'
1x Francesco 'The Devil' Silvaggio
1x Wrath #2 with sword
5 Plastic Boss Miniatures
1x Organic Data Storage Unit X-02-A
1x Plague Aberration (pre-assembled)
24 Plastic Minions
4x Lab Technician
6x Security Guard
6x Corporation Marine
2x Corporation Ranger
2x Corporation Ranger with Flamer
4x Plague Victim
Miniature scenery
33 Double Sided Card Tiles
Star Saga doors set: 10 doors
Star Saga scenery set: 26 pieces of scenery
2x Cabinet #1 - Laboratory Cabinet
2x Crate #1
2x Crate #2 - Refrigeration Crate
2x Crate #3
2x Table #1
2x Table #2
2x Table #3
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Review - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Mantic Games
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Opening the package
Package: The box is big, sturdy. It looks good, but doesn't provide any additional extra beyond holding the game components. The insert is good, strong enough, although I couldn't figure out how should I organise the contents inside.
Rulebook: Read the Star Saga Rulebook review
Rules: Read the Star Saga board game system analysis
Scenarios: The missions are fine, there's a good variety in them.They usually include enough futuristic themes (computer hacking, hidden sentry guns, explosives) to make Star Saga different from fantasy dungeon crawlers.
Be prepared that the maps will take up a large space, and as you only reveal a small part of the map, you should try to set up the starting part in a way that will allow every additional part to fit on your table. It can be frustrating to move the map tiles with the minis and scenery on them.
There are a couple of hidden scenario rules that would be fine if this would be indicated. For example in Mission B you need to wait for a certain Event card to come up to finish the game, but this is not told in the scenario description. When we reached the end of the scenario, we tried to find out what is the end goal, but we couldn't find any. As there was no indication of an end objective, we concluded that this must be an error, and that reaching the Exit point with all characters will be the objective.
One of my problems is that you set up only a part of the map in the beginning, and add parts when the players progress. It takes some time to find the correct tile, as they are very similar in size and colour, and the scenario maps are not very helpful with this. Also, if you are playing full cooperative, it somewhat hinders the joy for the player who needs to set up the map.
Another thing I don't like is that while the box includes several boss miniatures, most of theml gets used only once. I feel they could receive more "screen time" if not every boss would be there for a final boss fight. They could be just there to make the players job harder, or be there as a background menace to avoid. One of the bosses is just a giant monster, so it could be there in a couple of scenarios even if that specific creature was killed in a previous mission. If the others were also less specific - for example a "Lead Scientist" instead of the pretty unique "Doctor Koyner" -, you could include them easier.
Tiles: Read the The Eiras Contract tiles review
Miniatures: The minis are good, one piece casts. They are flexible, and I won't be afraid to give them to small kids. Unless they chew on them, there's no way they could damage the figures. The miniatures come in 3 colours. Blue is used for the heroes and most of the enemy bosses. Red is used for the minions. Gray is used for one of the bosses. If they used gray for all of the bosses, it would have been probably better. It's confusing to see blue minis on both sides, while you can't be sure which one belongs to your team, unless to check them separately.
Most of the miniatures and scenery from the first run of the game is bent. As they are made of PVC, you can heat them up in hot water or even with a hair dryer to fix them.
Scenery: The scenery is small, easy to topple and mess up. There's no way to attach them safely to each other or to the map tiles. It would be useful to have holes in the board, and pegs on the scenery to fit them.
Dice: Read the Star Saga dice review
Foreign editions:
- French
- Italian
- Spanish: Star Saga El Contrato de Eiras
Uses on the website
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Videos - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Mantic Games
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Resources - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Mantic Games
Mantic Games: Star Saga: Official webpage.
Mantic Games: Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set: Official webpage for the product.
Kickstarter: Star Saga - The Sci-fi Dungeon Crawler by Mantic Games: The crowdfunding page for the game.
Mantic Forum: Star Saga: Official forum. (2021: The forum is offline.)
Mantic Games: Star Saga Ed1 v0 (2017) - Playtest rules (PDF)
Star Saga Fanatics Facebook group
Beasts of War: Star Saga articles
Preview - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Mantic Games: Star Saga Kickstarter Trailer: Preview video.
Rules overview - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Mantic Games: How to Play Star Saga - Close Combat: Rules overview video.
Mantic Games: How to Play Star Saga - Character Cards: Rules overview video.
Mantic Games: How to Play Star Saga - Movement: Rules overview video.
Mantic Games: How to Play Star Saga - Shooting: Rules overview video.¤
Mantic Games: How to Play Star Saga - Hacking Terminals: Rules overview video.¤
Mantic Games: How to Play Star Saga - Searching for Loot: Rules overview video.
Mantic Games: How to Play Star Saga - The Nexus Player's Turn: Rules overview video.¤
Rob Burman (for Mantic Blog): Star Saga Week – Solo and Co-op Play: Rules overview article, with video.
Rob Burman (for Mantic Blog): Star Saga Week – Nexus Player Tips: Rules overview article.
Rob Burman (for Mantic Blog): Star Saga Week – Gaining Experience: Rules overview article.
Contents overview - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Adam Harry (for Bell of Lost Souls): Unboxing Mantic’s Star Saga: Contents overview video.Ł
Cardboard N' Plastic: Star Saga Core Box Unboxing: Contents overview video.
Community Pat (for Mantic Games): Star Saga Unboxing: Contents overview video.
Michael C Carter (for Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Dungeon Crawl. In Space!!!!: Contents overview article. Very thorough, with lots of photos, and also with tips how to straighten the bent minis.
MTGandMORE: unboxing the Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter edition: Contents overview video.
pezzapoo: Star Saga - KS Wave1 Unboxing: Contents overview video.
Spydah666: Unboxing 202: Star Saga: Contents overview video.¤
T&G Productions: Star Saga Unboxing: Contents overview video.
Uncle Atom (for Tabletop Minions): Mantic's Star Saga Unbox and Chat LIVE: Contents overview video.
Weight of Fire: Star Saga Core Set Unboxing: Contents overview video.
Contents overview - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set Kickstarter edition
DreadPathZone: Star Saga Kickstarter Unboxing!: Contents overview video of the Kickstarter edition.¤
STF Wargaming studio: Unboxing and Review of Mantic Games: Star Saga: Contents overview video of the Kickstarter edition.¤
Contents overview (in French) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Des Figurines & Des Jeux: Unboxing Star Saga (in French): Contents overview video of the French edition, with review in French.¤
VideoGameMeeple: Unboxing de Star Saga VF (in French): Contents overview video of the French edition in French.¤
Contents overview (in German) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
DICED: Unboxing: Star Saga | SciFi Dungeoncrawler von Mantic |+ WEIHNACHTSGEWINNSPIEL | DICED (in German): Contents overview video in German.¤
Fettes Brett - Brettspiele: Unboxing - Star Saga - Miniatures Close Ups - Das neue Starquest? - Brettspiele (in German): Contents overview video in German.¤
Florian Braun (for Tales from Alexandria): Unboxing Star Saga (in German): Contents overview video in German. (2021.02.13: The website is offline.)
Miniatures - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Michael C Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Mantic open meh: Miniature images, about Captain Erika Dulinsky, Francesco 'The Devil' Silvaggio, Wrath, Combat Utility Robot B07153 'Curby', Lab Technicians, Security Guards.
Michael C Carter (from Until Somebody Loses An Eye): Dungeon Crawl. In Space!!!!: Contents overview article. Very thorough, with lots of photos, and also with tips how to straighten the bent minis.
Mini Swelter: Its a WiP kinda day... Raging Heroes Centaur (SF ver), Hi-Tech Bioconvergence, Star Saga Mercs, Marines & Rangers and an Afterglow Trader: Painting progress article about all of the models of the set.
Deathwatch Studios: Tabletop Gaming Magazine – Star Saga Painting Guide!: Showcase article about Dr. Lucas Koyner, Enforcer ES435 ‘Monarch’, Guard Commander Graves, Organic Data Storage Unit X-02-A, Plague Aberration.§
pezzapoo: Star Saga KS Wave1 Fully Painted Showcase: Showcase video.
Scenery - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Darhun art painting (Facebook page): Starsaga furniture finished: Showcase article, that's also good for size comparison.
Review - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Charlie (for Miniature Market): Star Saga Review: Review article.§
Dave Polhill (for Big Pommie Dave): Star Saga First Impressions: Review article.Ł (2021.02.13: The website is offline.)
D&E miniature and board games: Review of Star Saga by Mantic Games: Review video.¤
Iain (for The Gaming Review): Board Game Review: Star Saga: Review article.
Review (in French) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Des Figurines & Des Jeux: Unboxing Star Saga (in French): Contents overview video of the French edition, with review in French.¤
Review (in German) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Battleshark - Brettspiele auf YouTube: Star Saga - Spielvorstellung [Brettspiel] [Rezension] [Deutsch] (in German): Gameplay video with review in German.¤ (2021.02.13: The video is private.)
just the review part of the video¤ (2021.02.13: The video is private.)
Review (in Italian) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Roberto Mantovani (for Just Nerd): Star Saga: un dungeon crawler spaziale! – Recensione (in Italian): Review article of the Italian edition in Italian.§
Gameplay - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Beasts of War: Let’s Play: Star Saga – Mission One: Gameplay video of Mission A.
Mantic Games: Star Saga - gameplay of the alpha rules: Gameplay video.¤
T&G Productions: Star Saga Demo Game: Gameplay video of Mission B.
Gameplay (in French) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Des Figurines & Des Jeux: GAMEPLAY Star Saga - Partie d'initiation à Hobby Shop: Gameplay video in French.¤
Gameplay (in German) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Battleshark - Brettspiele auf YouTube: Star Saga - Spielvorstellung [Brettspiel] [Rezension] [Deutsch] (in German): Gameplay video with review in German.¤ (2021.02.14: The video is private.)
Gameplay (in Italian) - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set
Roberto Mantovani (for Just Nerd): Star Saga: un dungeon crawler spaziale! – Recensione (in Italian): Gameplay video in Italian.
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Buying the product - Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Mantic Games
Base price (Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set)(2021): 70 EUR / 50 GBP / 80 USD. Price/figure: 2 EUR / 1.4 GBP / 2.3 USD. Price/model: 1 EUR / 0.7 GBP / 1.1 USD
Base price (Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set)(2017): 80 EUR / 60 GBP / 85 USD
Where can you buy it?
Mantic Games: Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set: Official webpage for the product.
Buy the Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Mantic Games from Amazon |
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Buy the Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set from Element Games (UK) ![]() Buy the Star Saga: The Eiras Contract from Firestorm Games (UK) ![]() Buy the Star Saga: The Eiras Contract from Wayland Games (UK) ![]() Buy the Star Saga: The Eiras Contract from Noble Knight Games (USA) ![]() Buy board games from Book Depository ![]() |
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Do you have Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set board game from Mantic Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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