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Project Pandora: Grim Cargo board game base set from Mantic Games, 2012 - Boardgame base set reviewimage © Mantic Games

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Details - Project Pandora: Grim Cargo from Mantic Games

Boardgame base set: Project Pandora: Grim Cargo

Product name: Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, Product code: MGPPM81-1, Set type: Board game base set (Game base set), System: Project Pandora system, Range: Warpath range (Futuristic), Setting: Warpath universe, Company: Mantic Games company, Production: 2012.05-2014-? (out of production)

Designer: Jake Thornton
Features: Miniatures

Players: 2

Language dependency: Rules, scenarios

"Project Pandora: Grim Cargo is a sci-fi board game pitting the Corporation against the mysterious Veer-myn, who have boarded a Corporation Starship in attempt to steal its precious cargo – a cargo which the Corporation will do everything in it’s power to keep hold of.  Written by the author of the sell-out Dwarf King’s Hold series, the game features an innovative dice-driven combat mechanic and a scenario based narrative, allowing you to recreate the mission.  It includes 10 highly detailed Corporation and 10 Veer-myn miniatures, stunning new artwork depicting the starship and action counters, and the Grim Cargo rulebook, featuring a host of fast paced and easy to learn rules that will lead to some incredibly tense games."

GTIN: 5060208863673

Project Pandora: Grim Cargo board game base set from Mantic Games, 2012 - Boardgame base set reviewimage © Mantic Games

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Contents - Project Pandora: Grim Cargo from Mantic Games

Project Pandora: Grim Cargo board game base set from Mantic Games, 2012 - Boardgame base set reviewimage © Mantic Games


1x Rulebook (digital Rulebook from the Wargame Vault for 5 USD)

Tokens and markers - 1 sheet, 64 tokens, artwork by Tammy Nicholls (Tears of Envy)

9x d6 dice

Miniature figures

10x Corporation Marines sculpted by Remy Tremblay

1x GCPS Marine Sergeant

9x GCPS Marine

10x Veer-myn Scavengers

1x Master Reekish

1x Veer-myn Exterminator with Chem-thrower

8x Veer-myn Night-Crawler

Miniature scenery

Starship Tilepack: Single Sided Card Tiles - 5 sheets, 24 tiles

Project Pandora: Grim Cargo board game base set from Mantic Games, 2012 - Boardgame base set reviewimage © Mantic Games

Project Pandora: Grim Cargo board game base set from Mantic Games, 2012 - Boardgame base set reviewimage © Mantic Games

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Review - Project Pandora: Grim Cargo from Mantic Games

Foreign editions: Spanish edition had a run of 150 copies.

Package: Most people complain about the box as it's being too flimsy. I don't consider this as much of a problem as long as the package protects the game.

Rulebook: Black and white, A5 stapled booklet. Includes the rules and 6 scenarios. 21 pages.


I was told the rules are similar to Dwarf King's Hold if you are familiar with that game.

If you shoot the Veermyn in a dark zone, they respawn. Opposed dice mechanics. Players take alternating turns.


Tiles: Similar to the Star Saga tiles. They do not have connectors. They look 1mm thick, less rigid than the Doom or Star Saga tiles.

Miniatures: The miniatures are multi-piece figures that need assembly before you can start to play. All of them are cast in the same gray colour, so it's not easy to differentiate them. All of them have the integral flat circle to fit a Mantic base, but the base is not included. As the figures are created in dynamic poses, this might cause balance issues, so you should glue them to a larger base. They are rigid PVC miniatures, pre-cut from sprue, but they need trimming and assembly.

Dice: Medium sized d6, with dots. There is white dice in some boxes, others have blue dice. Some sets include 9 dice, but I've seen some with 10 dice.

Project Pandora: Grim Cargo board game base set from Mantic Games, 2012 - Boardgame base set reviewimage © Mantic Games

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Resources - Project Pandora: Grim Cargo from Mantic Games


Mantic Games: Project Pandora: Grim Cargo ( Official webpage. (2014: The article is offline.)

Mantic Games Shop: Project Pandora: Grim Cargo ( Official webpage of the product. (2014: The article is offline.)

Living FAQ: Project PandoraŁ/§

Mantic Forum: Project Pandora: Official forum. (2019: The forum is offline.)

Contents overview

BrennonTheBard: "Because of Space Rats..." - Unboxing Project Pandora by Mantic Games: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo

Dušan Vít (for Review: Project Pandora Grim Cargo: Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with contents overview.Ł

Czech version of the article§/Ł

funmomiji: Project pandora (grim cargo) by manticgames: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with showcase of the miniatures.¤

funmomiji: Ver-myn project pandora rats!: Overview video of the assembled Veer-myn miniatures.Ł

Through Gamer Goggles (ex: Gamer Goggles Canton Ohio): Box Breaking Project Pandora: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo

gravengames: Mantic Games Project Pandora: Grim Cargo Review… (on Contents overview article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo. (2021: The article is offline.)

Marc (Mad Dave) (for Following The Nerd): Shall We Open Pandora’s Box? A Look Inside Mantic’s New Sci-fi Horror Game: Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with contents overview.

Spydah666: Unboxing 4: Project Pandora: Grim Cargo.wmv: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo

Spydah666: Project Pandora Re-visited: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with showcase of the miniatures.¤

TheBeastsOfWar: Project Pandora Unboxed!!!: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo

Contents overview - Czech

Dušan Vít (for Review: Project Pandora Grim Cargo (in Czech): Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with contents overview, in Czech.§/Ł

English version of the articleŁ

Contents overview - Spanish

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Project Pandora: Review of the Box (in Spanish): Review article of the Spanish edition of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo in Spanish, with contents overview, miniature assembly guide, size comparison to WH40K Space Marine.§

English version by Google Translate

luis lobo maquetilandia: 3. UNBOXING PROJECT PANDORA GRIM CARGO, DE MANTIC GAMES (in Spanish): Contents overview video of the Spanish edition of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, in Spanish.Ł

Rules overview

Lathan Montgomery: Project Pandora Game demo at Adepticon 2012: Rules overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, explained by Ronnie Renton.¤


Dušan Vít (for Review: Project Pandora Grim Cargo: Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with contents overview.

Czech version of the article

Frontline Gamer: Review: Project Pandora Grim Cargo: Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo.

Marc (Mad Dave) (for Following The Nerd): Shall We Open Pandora’s Box? A Look Inside Mantic’s New Sci-fi Horror Game: Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with contents overview.

Review - Czech

Dušan Vít (for Review: Project Pandora Grim Cargo (in Czech): Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with contents overview, in Czech.§/Ł

English version of the articleŁ

Review - Polish

ajfel (for CommandPoint): Project Pandora: Grim Cargo – review (in Polish): Review article of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, in Polish.Ł/§

English version by Google Translate

Review - Spanish

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Project Pandora: Review of the Box (in Spanish): Review article of the Spanish edition of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo in Spanish, with contents overview, miniature assembly guide, size comparison to WH40K Space Marine.§

English version by Google Translate


Cuchulain84 (for Mantic Kings): Project Pandora Part 1: Assembling the miniatures (or how to super-glue yourself to various objects): Assembly guide article for the GCPS Marine miniatures and Veer-myn miniatures.

Dave (for Mantic Blog): Unboxing Project Pandora: The Corporation in Pictures: Contents overview of the GCPS Marines.

Miniatures - Spanish

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Project Pandora: Corporate Marines (in Spanish): Review article of the GCPS marines in Spanish, with painting guide and showcase.

English version by Google Translate

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Project Pandora: Review of the Box (in Spanish): Review article of the Spanish edition of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo in Spanish, with contents overview, miniature assembly guide, size comparison to WH40K Space Marine.§

English version by Google Translate

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Veer-Myn (in Spanish): Review article of the Veer-myn in Spanish, with painting guide and showcase.

English version by Google Translate

Miniatures - Painting

Cuchulain84 (for Mantic Kings): Project Pandora Part 2: Painting the Corporation!: Painting guide article for the GCPS Marine miniatures.

simon cressey: video log painting Project Pandora by mantic games part 1: Painting progress video.¤

simon cressey: video log painting Project Pandora by mantic games part 2: Painting progress video.¤

simon cressey: video log painting Project Pandora by mantic games part 3: Painting progress video.¤

Miniatures - Painting - Spanish

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Project Pandora: Corporate Marines (in Spanish): Review article of the GCPS marines in Spanish, with painting guide and showcase.§

English version by Google Translate

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Veer-Myn (in Spanish): Review article of the Veer-myn in Spanish, with painting guide and showcase.§

English version by Google Translate

Miniatures - Showcase

funmomiji: Project pandora (grim cargo) by manticgames: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with showcase of the miniatures.¤

Keith (for Keith's Wargaming / Painting Blog): From The Painting Table #15: Showcase article about the Veer-myn miniatures.

Keith (for Keith's Wargaming / Painting Blog): From the Painting Table 9: Showcase article about the GCPS Marine miniatures.

Spydah666: Project Pandora Re-visited: Contents overview video of Project Pandora: Grim Cargo, with showcase of the miniatures.¤

Sync (for Descent of Angels): [Mantic] Project Pandora: Showcase article about the miniatures.Ł

Miniatures - Showcase - Spanish

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Project Pandora: Corporate Marines (in Spanish): Review article of the GCPS marines in Spanish, with painting guide and showcase.§

English version by Google Translate

Keyan Sark (for Plastic & Metal): Veer-Myn (in Spanish): Review article of the Veer-myn in Spanish, with painting guide and showcase.§

English version by Google Translate

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Buying the product - Project Pandora: Grim Cargo from Mantic Games


Base price (Project Pandora: Grim Cargo): 42 EUR / 35 GBP / 60 USD / 90 AUD

Where can you buy it?

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