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Angry Neighbours from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games |
The Angry Neighbours is a board game expansion for Zombicide Season 3 from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot, published in 2015.
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Details - Angry Neighbours board game expansion for Zombicide Season 3 from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot
Board game expansion set: Angry Neighbours
Product name: Angry Neighbors
Set type: Game expansion - Game expansion: map, Game expansion: miniature, Game expansion: playing area, Game expansion: scenario, Game expansion: unit
Company: CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games
Production: 2015.01-2019-
Series: Zombicide Season 3 (Zombicide)
Rules: Zombicide Season 1
Designer: Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien, Nicolas Raoult
Players: 1-6
Style: Cooperative, Solo, Miniatures, AI controlled enemies, Modular board
Playtime: varies, based on scenario
Language dependency: Language dependent character cards
Range: Zombicide (Modern), Species: Various, Scale: 1:50 (35mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: Various, Material: soft PVC (soft plastic), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Sculptor: Elfried Perochon & Juan Navarro Perez & Rafal Zelazo
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Contents - Angry Neighbours board game expansion for Zombicide Season 3 from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot
image © CoolMiniOrNot |
Angry Neighbours from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games - Contents |
Rulebook (Online rulebook)
4 double-sided cardboard Survivor Identity Cards
4 experience trackers: These are little skulls that clip to the Survivor Cards
18 tokens
8x Companion token
2x Rotten token
8x Skill counter
63 mini-cards
12 Seeker Zombie cards
27 Equipment cards
8 Companions cards
16 Wounded cards
34 miniatures (realistic 1:50 scale, an average human is 35mm high):
4 Survivors
1x Adam
1x Jeff
1x Julien
1x Tiff
4 Zombivors
1x Zombivor Adam
1x Zombivor Jeff
1x Zombivor Julien
1x Zombivor Tiff
8 Companions
2x Companion: Gunman
2x Companion: Handyman
2x Companion: Searcher
2x Companion: Sniper
18 Zombies
6x Seeker #1
6x Seeker #2
6x Seeker #3
Miniature scenery
3 cardboard game tiles, reversible and modular
8 tokens
8x Barricade: 2D scenery
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Review - Angry Neighbours board game expansion for Zombicide Season 3 from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot
Opening the package
Reading the rules
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Possible uses
- Miniatures:
- Characters, Companions: Modern civilian combatants.
- Zombivors: Modern zombies.
- Zombies:
- Sick, unarmed people.
- They could fit late medieval, modern or futuristic games.
- Gaming boards:
- Modular terrain board for modern combat or post-apocalyptic board games.
- Rolling terrain for role-playing games with miniatures.
- Terrain for modern, post-apocalyptic or futuristic wargames. The 10x10cm zones lend themselves to be used for 10cm movement rules.
Uses on the website
- None yet,
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Videos - Angry Neighbours board game expansion for Zombicide Season 3 from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot
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Resources - Angry Neighbours board game expansion for Zombicide Season 3 from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot
The Games Nexus: Zombicide from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot - Resources: A collection of articles about Zombicide.
Zombicide: Angry Neighbors - Online rulebook: The rules hosted at CMON.
Zombicide: Angry Neighbors - Online rulebook: The rules hosted at Guillotine Games.
Angry Neighbors: Official webpage at CMON.
Angry Neighbors: Official webpage at Guillotine Games.
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Buying the product - Angry Neighbours board game expansion for Zombicide Season 3 from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot
Base price (Angry Neighbours)(2019): 60 USD
Where can you buy it?
Buy the Zombicide Season 1 board game in the CoolMiniOrNot Webshop
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