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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017) - Watch the trailer on YouTube
video © Lucasfilm (Disney)

Article updated: 2021.06.29

The Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi is a futuristic fantasy adventure film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.

Product: Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017)

Original title: Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Series: Star Wars

Setting: Star Wars universe

Previous entries in the series: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)

Sequels: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, movie (2019)

Product type: Film, Genre: Futuristic fantasy adventure, Style: action, adventure

Release: 2017.12.15

Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them

Watched: very recent (2017.12), first time

Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)

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This is my review of Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie, a futuristic fantasy adventure movie from 2017. It's about the Resistance rebels defending against the First Order rebels. It's a visually nice movie, with great action scenes, without any substantial story or logic behind it. I was somewhat disappointed by the The Last Jedi film, but even I have to admit that Disney keeps the stories very even in quality.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017) - Film review by KadmonStar Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017)
image © Lucasfilm (Disney)

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Review (spoiler-free) - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)

Usually I wait to watch movies after reading about the opinion of people, but this time I've felt I'd watch the The Last Jedi film anyway, no matter what they say, and I didn't want to make the experience worse by hearing spoilers. I've seen the trailer before I've watched the movie.

The Last Jedi film is about the Resistance rebels defending against the First Order rebels.

The story of The Last Jedi movie feels like it's Star Wars from beginning to end. Every single scene looks great, way beyond both the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy. The tempo and quality of the movie is solid, there are not many parts that I would consider slow or bad. There are even character arcs, even though they disregard previously established parts about the characters.

The vistas are beautiful, the action scenes are awesome, everything looks great. Cinematically it's one of the best looking Star Wars films. It's clear they've put effort in making the scenes look good. George Lucas had an eye for making a scene effective, but here the scenes are visually pleasing.

My only problem was that I prefer logical plots, and some logical resolution, that the whole movie is missing. While this is very important for me, and I couldn't really enjoy this story, I can imagine others, who can overlook these problems, might do.

The music is okay.

The movie itself is nicely done, there are good scenes. Some of the potentially memorable scenes however were destroyed with another potentially memorable scene cut through them, as if the director didn't know where to focus. The direction is mediocre, it's the writing that makes the The Last Jedi film problematic.

(Edit 2020.01.01: One of the reasons Star Wars fans were dismayed by The Last Jedi is that this film was created for people who like surprises, yet the Star Wars saga was based on predictable fairy tales. So the people who love Star Wars prefer predictable stories. When they were confronted with a reversion of this in The Last Jedi movie, they felt betrayed.)

My experience

I did not enjoy this movie overall, even though I liked almost every shot as an adventure movie. It was the illogical decisions made by the characters, and the illogical plot points made by the writers that made this movie fell apart for me.

I liked most of the humorous points, but I felt the humorous parts with First Order a bit too forced.

I might have liked the The Last Jedi film a lot more had it not been a Star Wars movie. For example, when I first watched Alien Resurrection, I hated it. Nowadays I like it as a stand alone futuristic horror film, I just can't accept it as a part of the Alien franchise. So, I might need some to get used to The Last Jedi movie.

(Edit: I've read my review of The Force Awakens movie, and I'm surprised how relaxed I was by that movie. It seems at that time I tried to follow Disney's take on Star Wars more closely, read comics, seen parts of Rebels, and I was so disillusioned by all of that by the time I've seen the film, it didn't faze me. There were however two years, all the while I tried to hide that disappointment in my brain, and successfully, it seems. When I sat down to watch The Last Jedi film, I did not prepare enough, that's why I have this unpleasant feeling about this film.)

Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points). The story is illogical. If you wouldn't consider it part of the Star Wars saga, it could get a better rating.

Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)

Rewatchability: High. I think if you liked watching the film for the first time, you liked it because of the atmosphere, not because of the plot.

Chance of watching it again: Very low. I don't think I'd watch the The Last Jedi movie again intentionally, but I can imagine watching it if it would run on a tv channel when I don't have anything better to do.

Chance of watching a sequel: As I'm still a fan of the Star Wars stories, I probably won't be able to resist it.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017) - Film review by KadmonStar Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017)
image © Lucasfilm (Disney)

Will you enjoy this?

If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.

If you haven't seen a single Star Wars movie, your experience might be better with this one. Many fans of the originals dislike The Last Jedi movie, but if you don't have any previous experience, you might enjoy it as a stand alone movie.

If you enjoyed The Force Awakens movie, you might be interested in this story, however it won't give you any satisfaction to watch this episode, nor does it further the story. At the end of The Last Jedi movie, we are practically at the same point we were at the end of The Force Awakens movie, minus a couple of characters.

If you are a fan of the Rebels cartoon series, you won't be disappointed. The visuals of the The Last Jedi film are incredible, the story is just as much of a childish fun as the Rebels episodes are.

If you enjoyed the original trilogy, or even the prequel trilogy, but didn't like The Force Awakens movie, you should probably avoid this movie, because it's not as good as that one.

If you loved the original trilogy, watching this can spoil your memory of the original characters, as Luke and Leia uncharacteristically stupid things, and the acting by Carrie Fisher is not really strong.

If you get through the first 30 minutes still interested, you might enjoy the whole The Last Jedi film, because by that point you've encountered all kinds of stupid, and if it didn't bother you, there won't be worse parts later, just more of that.

If you like twists of expectations, you might enjoy this movie immensely. For this to work though, you need to dig deep into the published Star Wars background materials, you have to watch the original trilogy, and you have to watch the movie trailer for maximal effect.

Do you need to see the previous films to enjoy this?

I think the setup is clear enough to make everything easy to understand for the viewers without the need to watch further movies. The plot twists in this movie don't have any background build-up in the previous film, The Force Awakens movie, so seeing that is not essential to enjoy this movie. It maybe works better as a stand-alone movie.

Knowing the original trilogy (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, The Return of the Jedi) is useful to get the intended experience, as the movie builds its reversals of expectations on your knowledge of the background, and when you don't expect anything based on your previous knowledge, those tricks will fall flat. So if you are the kind of cinefile who prefers to have your expectations reversed, watch the original trilogy and then The Force Awakens.

You don't need to know the Star Wars universe to understand this movie, and I feel there's enough explanation throughout the story to understand the basics.

(Edit: One thing I've found out later is that reading the supplemental books actually enhances the understanding of The Last Jedi movie. There is so little information about several things throughout the movie, I've often felt they are being plot holes, even though if they could include those background details in the supplemental books, they could have just added a couple of sentences here and there so the movie would be complete.)

Watching for plot points

If you are only watching the The Last Jedi film because you are curious whether it has some interesting background story or twist - it doesn't. The only "twists" in the movie exist because the characters are dumb, and that doesn't help to intellectually enjoy the sudden turns of fate. If you don't want to watch the movie, I'll list those plot points that might be interesting in the Spoilers section.

(Edit: From the reviews I've read, I can see that several of them mention plot twists, even though they are just "twists of expectations". If you have theories about the backgrounds of the characters, or have expectations about the film based on how previous episodes (The Empire Strikes Back in this case) handled events, you might receive a shock, and feel the intellectual pleasure of a twist. I have to admit I didn't expect to find out anything about Rey or Snoke, the only thing I expected is that the story should follow the logic of the setting built in the previous films. So, if you have strong expectations, and have foolproof theories, you might still be interested in watching this movie. Although I'm pretty sure if you feel that way about Star Wars you'll watch it anyway.)

Should you download a pirated camcorder copy of this film?

I advise against this (beyond of course it's being illegal). Most of the joy of this movie comes from the visuals. If you get an inferior copy, you'll lose even that. If you can't wait for the DVD release (so you can pirate that), just go and watch this in a movie theatre. (Even though I fear that would mean you vote with your money that the Star Wars franchise is in the right direction.)

What should you do if you really want to watch this movie, because you are a Star Wars fan, but you are afraid of the consequences?

Wait until the The Last Jedi DVD is released. Find a foreign language release (Urdu works great for me), and watch that. This will help you enjoy the story of the The Last Jedi movie more, as you won't understand all the stupid things they say, and you can fill the holes with your own imagination, that is guaranteed to be better than the original.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017) - Film review by KadmonStar Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017)
image © Lucasfilm (Disney)

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Review with spoilers - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)

For future readers: I don't have The Last Jedi movie on DVD, I only remember what I've seen on the screen on the premiere week, and what I've read on the WikiPedia about the story. There might be some points of this movie I don't remember correctly.

Promise of the first scene

According to the opening crawl, the bad guys want to crush the rebellion, but the rebels hope that Luke will save the day. So, I assume that now that Luke was found, he'll join with Leia, as promised in the previous movie, and they will do something to further their cause.

Then the actual first scene is Poe trying to joke with Hux, and that promises me that the story will be stupid, and disregard the serious nature of the previous movies.

Execution: Although Luke doesn't join Leia, he will indeed further their cause by stalling Kylo Ren, so the rebels can escape. And yes, the story was just as stupid as I assumed from the first scene.

Plot summary / Synopsis

The First Order finds the Resistance base, so they start to evacuate. Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) attacks a capital ship, and against the orders of Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), he orders the other fighters to attack the same ship. They manage to destroy that ship, but take heavy losses, so Poe gets demoted from his rank.

After the Resistance fleet jumps to hyperspeed, the First Order manages to find them immediately, so they decide the First Order has some kind of sensor with hyperspace tracking ability, and give up resisting. During the story the Resistance fleet just lays there, while the First Order sends a handful of fighters after them, slowly eroding the fleet.

The previous film ended with Rey (Daisy Ridley) handing a lightsaber to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), the scene is continued with Luke chucking the lightsaber, refusing to teach Rey how to use the Force. A little later he agrees to teach Rey. Then Rey flies away to meet Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). She gets on board the First Order capital ship to meet Kylo and his master, Snoke (Andy Serkis, motion captured). Snoke tries to turn Rey to the Dark Side, but Kylo cuts Snoke in half with his lightsaber. Rey leaves Kylo.

Finn (John Boyega) tries to flee the ship he is on, but he gets tased by Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran), a technician. Later Rose, Finn and Poe come to the conclusion that the hyperspace tracking sensor must be on the largest capital ship, and plan to disable it. But to get to the ship, they must get someone who could hack the security, so Rose and Finn go on a mission to get a hacker. They are unable to contact the hacker, because they get arrested for illegal parking, but in the prison they meet a shady guy, DJ (Benicio Del Toro). They break out of the prison, and they get away with DJ. DJ helps them go through the security of the First Order ship, but later gives them up, because he is a shady guy.

Meanwhile Poe starts a rebellion against the Resistance leaders, and tries to take over their ship by force, only to get defeated. By this time only one Resistance ship remains, the rest is blown up by the First Order. The last remaining leader, Vice Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern) sends everyone away in escape shuttles, while she rams the First Order capital ship, sacrificing herself. This cripples the capital ship, and allows Rey, Rose and Finn to escape to a nearby planet (Crait) where they meet with the other Resistance members.

They use a previous Rebel base and fortify themselves for the final battle. The First Order sends an army of walkers to crush them, while a small squadron of TIE-fighters strafe the defenders. When the resistance of the Resistance is broken, Luke arrives to save the day, and starts a duel with Kylo. Then Luke shows that he is just a Force illusion, and he didn't even leave his planet. Then Luke dies, becoming one with the Force. The survivors get on board of the Falcon, because out of the hundreds (possibly thousands) of people from the beginning of the film only this many remains who fit on a small freighter.

Then we get to see a kid (Temirlan Blaev as Temiri Blagg) using the Force to get a broom into his hand. Then the film ends.

The Falcon will probably become easy prey for the First Order tractor beams soon after trying to get away from the planet. And as all of them get captured or killed, Broomboy remains the last Jedi.

The setting

The story is set in a futuristic fantasy world.

Even though in the previous film, The Force Awakens movie, it looked like the First Order took a huge blow (literally), The Last Jedi movie starts with the First Order obliterating the Resistance fleet, and it looks like they hold the whole galaxy in their grip.

Plot points of interests

The were a couple of changes to the setting and characters.


The First Order: Even though in the previous film they lost everything - their planet was destroyed, their soldiers killed, their fleet beaten -, this doesn't matter, as they mustered a bigger army in a couple of hours, and in the matter of a day, they destroy the whole Resistance, only a handful members remain alive, aboard the escaping Millenium Falcon, if they can break through the blockade around the planet.

The Resistance: Even though in the previous film they looked to be a formidable force, they are now a bunch of fugitives, and their leaders are stupid morons. They manage to run the whole operation into ground in a matter of a day.

The New Republic: Even though in the previous film they ruled the Galaxy, they are now defeated because they have lost their capital. As if every single planet in the Galaxy needed guideance from there. In those few hours (days?) since the fall of the Senate, every planet surrendered to the First Order. Or something like that. Luckily the same is not applied to the First Order, as after the destruction of the Starkiller base they seem to be stronger than before.

Changes to characters:

  • Luke wanted to murder Ben Solo in his sleep because he felt he will be a problematic student. Luke cut himself from the Force. He doesn't teach Rey in the ways of the Jedi. He also doesn't care about Chewbacca, there are practically no scenes they share. (Edit: Apparently, Mark Hamill is also upset with this version of the character, according to this video. (2020.01.15: or this one, because the previous video seems to be offline))(Edit 2: As Angry Joe points out in his review, the main story in The Force Awakens movie was to gather the pieces of the map Luke has hidden, so they could find him. Luke in this film doesn't look like he is glad they finally got to him, nor does he expects visitors.)
  • Leia became a Jedi, she can levitate and she can survive in space without special equipment.
  • Yoda talks and acts like he is high on something. This might be a side effect of being dead for 30 years, though.
  • Poe was the most efficient Resistance hero, trusted by Leia. In the The Last Jedi film he is a rebellious hothead who is being kept out of leadership decisions.
  • Rey constantly grows in power through the story. Her abilities manifest and get stronger, and her fighting abilities also get better, even without training. I fits with the philosophy of the kids nowadays to get everything for nothing, but it doesn't fit the original trilogy, where Luke had to train for that.

Characters killed:

  • Resistance: Every Resistance member is killed, except the main characters (Chewbacca, Finn, Leia, Poe, Rey), a new character (Rose, a technician girl), and a handful of others. Every surviving member can now fit on board of the Millenium Falcon. Luke decided to become one with the Force.
  • First Order: Snoke was killed by Kylo Ren. Phasma was killed by Finn.


  • The First Order can track ships through hyperjump to jump after them immediately: Although the Empire was able to track ships (as seen in A New Hope), it looks like a new technology to the characters.
  • You can calibrate a hyperspace jump in a way that it destroys a target in the path of the jump: This raises the question why didn't they do this in previous films, or even in this film. The Resistance ships were destroyed one by one, all of those could have jumped into a Star Destroyer before being blown up.
  • First Order TIE-figters can cripple capital ships: The wingmen of Kylo Ren shoot a couple of missiles that destroys the hangar bay and the bridge of a cruiser, leaving it defenseless. This makes them a lot more poweful than anything we have seen before.

New Jedi abilities:

  • Trans-galactic telepathy: Jedi can communicate this way. This could have been put to good use earlier, especially in the Clone Wars.
  • Force Ghosts can create lightning: It raises the question, why doesn't Force Ghosts take a more active part in the Rebellion.
  • Doppelganger: Jedi can project an illusory copy of themselves trans-galactically, that other Jedi can't see through


The fan-service aspect is visible in The Last Jedi movie, beyond the basic plot of New Hope, you get several elements from the original trilogy

Scenes and elements from previous films:

  • A New Hope:

    • Becoming one with the Force: Luke sacrifices himself, and vanishes, leaving his clothes.
    • Jedi in self-imposed exile teaching the Force: Ben in ANH, Luke in TLJ.
  • The Empire Strikes Back:

    • Hoth: Snow-planet looking place, although it's salt here.
    • Imperial walkers attacking entrenched rebels: It's practically the same scene.
    • Rebel speeders attacking walkers: The whole attack is pointless, they get shot down.
    • Jedi in self-imposed exile teaching the Force: Yoda in TESB, Luke in TLJ.
    • Jedi leaves his training to do something urgent, possibbly to get killed: Just as Luke left Yoda, Rey leaves Luke to try to persuade Kylo.
    • Seemingly friendly character betraying the protagonists: It's Lando in TESB, DJ in the The Last Jedi film.
  • Return of the Jedi:

    • Female leader of the rebellion in a nightgown: Mon Mothma for the Battle of Endor, Vice Admiral Holdo in The Last Jedi movie.
    • Jedi leaves to try to turn a bad Jedi to the good side: Just like Luke left the rebels on Endor, Rey tries to change the mind of Kylo.
    • Luke in the Emperor's throne room: The scene with Snoke in his throne room.
    • Emperor's guards in red robes: The body guards of Snoke were very similar to the Royal Guard of Palpatine.
    • The sudden death of the Emperor: Snoke getting cut in two.

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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017) - Film review by KadmonStar Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017)
image © Lucasfilm (Disney)

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Analysis of the story - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)

I think that the The Last Jedi was an awful movie.

The message of the story

The Last Jedi movie is the odd one in the sequel trilogy in that it really tries to tell things to the audience. It's just not very efficient in it. These are the ones I think Rian Johnson wants to hammer into us:

Anybody can be a great Jedi: That's cool, I suppose, but a better message for the real-world audience could be "anybody can be a hero", because it's unlikely any of us would be a Jedi.

Love is more important than self sacrifice through war: This is a nice message, but the movie is about a war. The way it is shown is forced, and doesn't really make sense. When Rose rams Finn, just before Finn could save the Resistance through self sacrifice, to tell him this message about love, it's pretty bad. Rose said he needs to save what he loves - he loves the Resistance, he tried to save them by destroying the gun that would kill them, when Rose prevented him from saving them, it's contradicting what she says.

Sacrifice yourself for the greater good: This is also a nice message, but directly contradicts the previous one. Vice Admiral Holdo sacrifices herself, and that's a great scene. But, in the beginning, when they assault the dreadnought, we are told it's a bad thing to sacrifice ourselves to help the others. When Finn tries his sacrifice, he is rammed away by Rose. So, the message might be "don't sacrifice yourself", with the Holdo sacrifice being the contradiction.

Failure is the way to learn how to succeed: The Last Jedi movie shows us every character fail in many ways. However, contrary to what was said in the movie, we don't learn from mistakes, we learn from those times when we are successful. That is how our brain works. Failure just makes us try to avoid mistakes by avoiding the tests.

Don't let the past die: The antagonist of the story wants the past to die, so we, the protagonists, shouldn't let the past die. However, this is misinterpreted by several people, I've seen articles where the writer thought that the message of the movie was to "let the past die", because Kylo said so, and also because we are shown several times that even the protagonists seemingly let the past die. Luke let the shrine burn. Holdo lets the Resistance get destroyed. Luke commits suicide by Force use. So, while I think the real message is not letting the evil side win by letting the past die, the message comes out really distorted through the movie.

There are other messages throughout the movie, but I'm not sure they are intentional:

Bad leaders make their soldiers come to regrettable decisions: Poe was the best soldier of the Resistance. Yet, under Holdo, he became an unstable one. He even tried to mutiny against Holdo. Holdo was arrogant and stupid, but she is shown us as some kind of positive figure.

The military is lead by stupid people: Both sides acted like they lack any kind of strategical or tactical insight. Holdo and Hux were equally terrible leaders. Both sides acted like they want to spend the most time before the destruction of the Resistance fleet. Holdo didn't try to escape, Hux didn't try to assault. I think many plot points were included in The Last Jedi movie to hammer this point into the viewers.

Follow your leaders: It looks to me the writer tries to tell that Poe should have just listened to Leia, and then Holdo, and do what she says, without a further thought. This might sound like a useful advice, but both of those leaders were wrong. If Poe followed Leia's command, the dreadnought would have destroyed their ships before being able to jump. Then Poe was forced to follow Holdo's plan, but that plan was utterly stupid that ended killing off the whole Resistance. So, the message might be "don't follow your leaders blindly", but the movie makes it look like it was Poe who acted stupidly.

It's okay to act foolish or commit crimes if your intentions are right: There are multiple scenes like this (the worst offender is letting the animals free in a desolate desert), where it seems it's okay to do stupid things. Also, I don't like it that Rey steals the books from Luke, but we are shown that it's still okay, because she will put them to good use. This message might contradict the previous "follow your leaders" when people did things against their orders.

The structure of the story

The scenes are played in sequence, with a couple of flashback scenes.

There's no single viewpoint character.

It has the usual arc of the dramatic structure - beginning, action, resolution.

Things I liked

  • The choice of actor for the part of Rose was a bold one - she is an averagely nice girl, not a stunning beauty like Rey, yet they included her in the cast. This is something I applaud.
  • The character of DJ was an interesting one, a stuttering criminal, that acts like a real criminal, instead of a "criminal with a heart of gold", like Han Solo was. Benicio del Toro is one of the cast members that can actually act, so it's an enjoyable part of the movie.
  • The visuals of the movie are awesome, they really put an effort to make The Last Jedi look good. I especially like the look of the salt planet battle, with the red dust above the battlefield.
  • I liked several humorous scenes in the movie, except the ones I've listed in the "Attempts at humour" section in the Problems list. Even among the problematic jokes I liked the “Luke chucking the lightsaber” and the “Luke belittles the walker barrage” scenes the most, although I dislike it that they contradict the character of Luke.
  • The Holdo maneuver looked awesome cinematically, it just goes against established canon.

Problematic elements

There were a couple of problems that I've listed below.

The title - The Last Jedi

The title "The Last Jedi" contradicts the story, as while Luke dies, but Leia and Rey is still there, and in the end we also see a new Force user. So, naming this film "The New Jedi" would have been more appropriate. Kylo says that Luke will be the last Jedi, but surely he must know that Leia is still alive, and that Rey is also a Jedi. Also, there are the Force ghosts that could teach a new generation of Jedi any time.

As David Mullich points out, the title crawl of The Force Awakens movie says that Luke Skywalker is indeed the last Jedi, but then this would discredit Leia's powers.

The foreign translations of the title imply that the Jedi is plural, so it's about "the last few Jedi", but we still don't get any explanation why would they be the last. Will there be some limit on the use of Force in the future? There's nothing about this in this specific film.

I can imagine that the kid we see in the end is the last Jedi, as Luke is death, Rey and Leia will be caught by the First Order just after the last scene, and I'm not sure Kylo can be considered a Jedi any more. But it would have been better if we get some more hints about these.

Stupid elements thoughout the story

I list things that are illogical, or breaking the previously established rules. If something seems stupid at first, but there might be some convoluted logic behind it, I list it in the unanswered questions.

  • When the First Order arrives, why does everybody wait to shoot the others? The First Order is there to destroy the Resistance, yet they just watch them get away.
  • Why does Poe go alone against the dreadnought? How does he know that he'll be safe, and won't get shot down immediately? There could be some rationale behind it, for example, he knew that the dreadnoughts need three minutes to power up their weapons after a hyperspace jump, or something like that to make it work.
  • Poe mocking Hux, while sitting in a lone X-Wing, against a Star Destroyer: A single shot from the Star Destroyer could kill him. It's not a wise thing to do, especially as he is on a mission. (Edit: Disney cut the mocking scene from the graphic novel adaptation, so they probably realised this.)
  • The Star Destoyer's turrets get blown up by Poe easily - what about its shield? Was it switched off? Why don't they target Poe while he was just hovering, and shoot him with a missile?
  • Poe's fighter gets shot, but BB-8 repairs the ship through some comical effects, with dramatic timing. This was just stupid.
  • The design of the bombers is not practical, and the movie even shows how weak and ineffective these bombers are. Why would anyone use them?
  • Leia orders Poe to disengage, but he refuses, as he wants to defeat the Star Destroyer - even though it's clearly beyond his ability. Then several bombers and further Resistance fighters show up. It's okay that one man ignores the command, but what about the bombers? All of the pilots decided to disgregard a direct order?
  • Kylo gets his helmet off, and that would be okay. But he remains without a helmet even when flying his TIE Fighter, where pilots normally wear a space helmet.
  • Holdo: I like the basic concept of Vice Admiral Holdo. Maybe even the casting choice (Laura Dern). But beyond these, I dislike everything about her - the script, the acting, her story arc.
  • When the First Order forces catch up to them after a hyperspace jump, the Resistance leaders quickly decide their enemies must have a hyperspace tracker, and act accordingly, leading to the destruction of their entire fleet. All of this on a hunch, because they have no evidence. Although it is possible that Leia, being a Jedi could sense the tracker, but then she could have just stated this.
  • Slow chase: The First Order fleet slowly chases the Resistance fleet instead of jumping to a further point to catch up to them.
  • Holdo not trusting Poe: Poe is the best Resistance agent, the one that Leia trusts the most, as we know from the title crawl of The Force Awakens. Yet, Holdo doesn't trust him. If you can't trust the best agent, who can you trust? It also shows that Holdo doesn't trust Leia, the leader of the Resistance. It doesn't make sense.
  • We see that First Order TIE-fighters can cripple capital ships with a few shots. Why don't they just send a couple of quadrons to destroy the whole Resistance? Why does Hux hold them off? Is he afraid of losing some fighters? Is he afraid of winning the battle?
  • Communication: Although the First Order pursues them, they do not block their communication (they can phone Maz Kanata), nor do they block their way out (Finn and Rose is able to leave easily). Why do they let these?
  • Yoda's Force lightning is stupid on multiple levels. First, I don't think Yoda would use his powers for destruction. He seems like a nice chap. Second, Force lightning was implied to be only used by evil Force users. Third, it begs a question that why doesn't ghost Yoda uses his powers for good, if he's able to do things like that?
  • Yoda telling Luke that mistakes help you to improve. Actually, it's the successes that help, as failing doesn't help you get better. He - and Luke - should know that already.
  • Rose and Finn, the two most inexperienced members are sent on the most crucial mission to find a slicer, and they fail miserably. They can't even park their spaceship right, not to mention trying to get into the casino in those out of place clothes. Even this would be okay, and in character, but they should have received advice on how to do this right by more experienced members. BB-8, who accompanies them, was on undercover missions with Poe, even he could have helped them.
  • On their casino mission, Rose and Finn knows they need to hurry, otherwise every minute they spend elsewhere is likely to lead to the death of some Resistance member. Yet, they are careless and needlessly spend a lot of time on sidequests.
  • Rose lets out domesticated animals in a jungle and consider that success (although it can be her character is just this stupid). It's pretty likely they will die due to predators or just die of starvation in a couple of days. (Edit: Reading further (Wookiepedia: Cantonica), I found out that's actually an arid desert planet, with an artificial garden surrounding the casino. Rose should have noticed this while landing.)
  • The viewer is lead to believe that the people in the casino were arms dealers, selling ships to the First Order and the Resistance, as if both forces would need this. If their forces would be bought, instead of being manufactured, both sides would feature several different designs of spaceships, instead of their usual uniform X-Wings / TIE-Fighters.
  • The inclusion of BB-9E seems to only serve as an "evil" counterpart of BB-8, and I'm not sure we need this.
  • During her stay at Luke's place, Rey destroys several things, but doesn't seem to help rebuild them. This looks cold and careless to me, no wonder the natives start to dislike her.
  • Luke refuses to teach Rey, but that doesn't even matter, because Rey is proficient in everything, even without training. So why bother with those refusal scenes?
  • Chewbacca brought livestock (porgs) on the Falcon (presumably for food), but the fact that he lets the porg run around the Falcon is just stupid.
  • While a small thing, this bothers me: Yoda says "The greatest teacher, failure is.". Interestingly, every single part of this sentence is wrong, even beside the grammar. (Rachael Rettner (from Live Science): We Learn More from Success than Failure: Article about learning. ) It just shows to me that Yoda is stupid. Or the script writer is. Because this "failing at everything" seems to be the theme of the The Last Jedi film, and I suppose it will lead to them to learn ... things?
  • The First Order having dedicated executioners, who do nothing but wait all day long for the chance to execute someone is ridiculous. (Update: I've checked the setting info on First Order Executioners, and it seems that every day they choose random Stormtroopers to be the executioners for that day. So, it's basically a day off for them, as I'm pretty sure most days go on without any need for execution, especially when they are just flying around the galaxy, without starting a fight with anyone. And before they blew up the senate planet, the First Order tried to avoid combat, according to setting canon.)
  • BB8 sneaking to, then climbing up into the cockpit of an AT-ST walker seems unlikely.
  • Snoke looked like a competent Jedi, and he was surrounded by bodyguards. How come neither he, nor the bodyguards noticed Kylo Ren started to move the lightsaber beside Snoke, and cut him in half? Why does Snoke appear in person at all on the Star Destroyer, when he stayed clear off the Starkiller base, to avoid the fate of Palpatine? Even though the new Star Wars canon allows Jedi sliced in half to continue their adventures (see Darth Maul, in Rebels).
  • When Snoke gets killed, only the six bodyguard starts to attack Rey and Kylo - why do they restrain themselves? They don't want others to get involved?
  • Why do Snoke's bodyguards use only melee weapons? They weren't very effective against Jedi, and there was only a very slim chance Snoke would be attacked in close combat.
  • While they were fighting the bodyguards, one of the guards falls into the meatshredder machine Snoke keeps in his throne room. Why is it there? Why is there no railing around it to prevent passers-by to fall into it?
  • After the battle against Snoke's bodyguards, only Rey is left standing - Snoke is cut in half, Kylo Ren is unconscious -, and she choses to escape. She could have either stayed, and take command with her Jedi abilities, or she could have brought Kylo Ren (or even Snoke) with her to the Resistance.
  • Holdo's plan: This was plain stupid. She planned to let the First Order destroy all of the capital ships, then switching to cloaked life boats they would reach a planet to hide. However, hiding there with no starships remaining, and practically every resource lost is not a very good plan. Leaving them stranded there would basically end the Resistance. Also, she probably intended to ram the First Order capital ship to cover their escape. Using hyperjump to ram a ship seems to be something people didn't use before, and there must be a reason for that (probably because it's not working). It could have made more sense if she rammed the dreadnought in the beginning, and let the capital ships jump to different places to confuse the First Order.
  • Rey getting out of the Star Destroyer is also strange, as there should be security, and there must be some kind of clearance for a spaceship to be able to launch (as seen in The Force Awakens movie), but she might be able to do this due to her immense Force abilities.
  • Finn and Rose get caught by First Order troopers, and instead of just executing them, they put on a fancy show with light-axes, and this - of course - helps them to escape. Then, when they get free, Phasma drops her blaster so Finn would be able to fight her equally? And then Finn beats Phasma, as stormtrooper armour is useless.
  • When the Resistance ship hyperjumps into the Star Destroyer, everyone is surprised. If this is possible, there were most likely similar cases in the past, and there must be some doctrines how to defend against it, or at least how to minimise damage.
  • When Finn's ship crashes into the Resistance base during the First Order assault, the Resistance soldiers don't open fire on the opening doors like they should, they politely wait for introductions.
  • Hux and Kylo, the two remaining leaders of the First Order are together in the same cockpit during the battle. This is a very dangerous way to handle things, as a lucky shot from the Resistance could cut the whole chain of command at once. That is why they don't do this in real life.
  • When the First Order walkers attack, why doesn't Rey just topple them with the Force? Or get those TIE-fighters out of the sky by crashing them? We see her later lifting and hovering large boulders, so she's likely able to push those vehicles, too.
  • During the salt-speeder assault Rose rams Finn's speeder - to save him? That crash could kill them both. Is she tries to kill him to prevent him commiting a heroic suicide? How stupid is Rose, anyway?
  • Rose ramming into Finn: Finn was the the closest to the gun, everyone was way behind him. So, to make this possible, Rose had to suddenly teleport to be able to ram into his side.
  • Finn and Rose are the sole survivors of the salt-speeder assault. They caused no casualty in the First Order, so the attackers could easily see and shoot them. Rose lost consciousness after kissing Finn. How did they just walk up to the base? Why did the First Order let them, instead of just blowing them up with a couple of shots?
  • Luke not telling the Resistance members what is his plan is just plain stupid. This could have lead to the demise of the whole movement.
  • The surviving Resistance members board the Millennium Falcon, and start to escape, and the movie ends. It's pretty likely the end of their story, as the First Order blockade will probably catch them with their tractor beams. Why do they just accept their fate? Why don't they try to hide, or do something about that?
  • It doesn't make sense why are the Resistance members so cheery at the end, just before they are blown up off-screen by a Star Destroyer orbiting the planet. They just lost everybody else, and they are going to die in a couple of minutes.
  • In the last scene we see a kid with Force telekinesis. He is so lazy that he uses the Force to casually grab a broom that is just a couple of inches away. It makes the use of Force cheap, especially as the kid obviously was not taught in the ways of the Force. Luke struggled to do this in The Empire Strikes Back, and he was taught by Kenobi previously.

Dramatic arc

From a dramatic point of view, the story was disappointing. Almost every character that receives an arc, starts the story by devolving, so they could get their own arcs.

The movie also ties up every lead from the previous movie, without any kind of resolution, defeating their sole purpose.

When we see that the characters do things that are unnecessary for the plot, and just take up screen time, it shows us that the creators forgot that we don't need to see every minute of an epic - it's only the important parts that matter.

Also, by the end of the story, he basically killed every member of the Resistance, while the rest will be probably captures, ending their story, unless Ep9 starts in a First Order prison camp.

Unanswered questions

There were many points in the story that were unclear. I tried to get answers from supplemental materials and interviews with the fim crew.

  • Why are the Resistance members on the run, even though they were victorious in the previous movie? (Edit: According to The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary, in the meantime, the whole galaxy surrendered to the First Order.)
  • Where are the friends of Poe? They were prominent characters in The Force Awakens. (Edit: According to The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary, they are on a mission.)
  • Robot Head's question: Why doesn't Poe know who Holdo is? There's only 400 Resistance member, that's not an awful lot, you'd think he'd have a chance to remember all of them.
  • Why doesn't the First Order Star Destroyers launch at least some of their own fighters? They see that Resistance ships are coming. Even if their Star Destroyers have to jump to hyperspace and leave those fighters, they are probably still better off.
  • Why is the First Order obsessed with destroying the Resistance fleet? (Edit: According to The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary, they are the only opposing fleet left in the galaxy, as the New Republic totally disarmed itself.)
  • Why is the First Order doing the slow motion chase? (Edit: According to The Last Jedi novelization, Snoke gave this order, and they just followed it.)
  • Why does the Resistance fleet stick together? Even after they realise that they are being tracked, and they couldn't know there's only one ship with the hyperspace tracker, trying to jump away individually to meet at a predetermined point would seem logical.
  • How was Kylo's wingman able to destroy the bridge of a capital ship? Did they switch their shields off? If they did, why?
  • How come Leia doesn't use her Force powers? If she doesn't have any other powers besides space survival and flying, it should be also told.
  • RetroBlasting's question: Why does Luke chuck the lightsaber when Rey gives it to him?
  • RetroBlasting's question: Why does Luke act like a bad teacher when he accepted to give Rey three lessons?
  • What happened to the astromech droid Luke used to get to the planet?
  • Was that Rey who stole the Jedi texts from Luke? I'm sure it was not emphasized, and if it is so, why did she do it? (Edit: According to The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary, Rey has a "scavenger instinct" that compels her to take things for herself. While the books were not addressed, her habit might be related to stealing the books.)
  • Thor Skywalker's question: Why does Luke let Rey leave? He knows she is in grave danger, and letting her meet with Kylo Ren could lead to her death or her seduction to the Dark Side.
  • Who is that green dwarf who sets the Jedi tree on fire with a lightning? (Edit: According to The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary, it's Yoda, former master of Luke. He is a ghost at the moment.)(Yes, I already knew he was Yoda, but there was no introduction for him in the film.)
  • What prevents Yoda from using Force lightning in Force ghost form? There must be some restriction to his power.
  • Who was the one that killed Snoke? (Edit: According to the WookiePedia, it was Kylo, but the The Last Jedi film is not clear on this, even though it would be a focal element.)
  • Why are the First Order officers so surprised when the cruiser rams them during the hyperspace jump, even though the technology to do that was available for a few thousand years and it was either used as often as possible so there should be defensive measures for that? (Edit: According to The Rise of Skywalker Visual Dictionary, it's very hard to pilot the ship at the right moment in the right way to get the effect we've seen in The Last Jedi movie. According to The Last Jedi novelization, the crew had no clue what Holdo wanted to do.)
  • Why do the First Order let Finn and Rose get back to the base? (Edit: According to The Last Jedi novelization, they don't think they matter. They consider the battle has been won.)
  • Did Luke know that the Force projection will be fatal for him?
  • Why does Luke join with the Force? (Edit: According to WookiePedia, he was fatally weakened by the Force projection (to achieve practically nothing). He could have told someone about the twin suns too, becaused I missed those.)

Attempts at humour

The humorous elements in the original trilogy were based on the technical problems of the Millenium Falcon, or the complaints or out of place comments made by Threepio. I never felt they tried to force a laugh on me. In The Last Jedi movie the humour feels forced, like they try to include it where is doesn't belong. The placing of the jokes are often inappropriate, killing the mood of scenes that were built up to that point.

  • When Poe is mocking Hux, it could be funny in a humorous film. For example, it wouldn't be out of place in Spaceballs. (Edit: This joke would fit into a 1930s Flash Gordon story, and that was part of the basis of Star Wars, but Star Wars never went into slapstick up until now.)
  • Leia asking C3-PO to change his facial expression. All of this while members of the Resistance are dying in battle.
  • When Finn awakens in the medical facility, he gets out without anyone noticing, while leaking water. It is just dumb.
  • When the Resistance fighters are obliterated by First Order missiles, and Poe is pushed back into the corridor, they destroy the sense of dread of an otherwise good scene, by throwing BB8 after him, as some comic relief.
  • When Luke gets his lightsaber back, and throws it away is in itself a great scene, well acted, it just doesn't fit the character. Otherwise, it would have been a good addition. Also, The Force Awakens movie was set up specifically to this moment, and it kills the whole buildup.
  • When Rey searches for the lightsaber, there is a porg looking into the hilt, while another starts to poke the switch button. I find this a good scene, and I love how they restricted themselves from moving further, and igniting the lightsaber for comic effect.
  • When Rey tells Luke where she is from, and Luke jokes about Jakku being pretty much nowhere. In itself, it's a good joke, however, as RedLetterMedia and MauLer points out, it neither fits the scene, nor the current personality of Luke.
  • When Rey tries to feel the Force, and Luke mocks her. It could be a good, funny moment in a comedy film, but it doesn't fit the otherwise serious tone of The Last Jedi film.
  • When Rey is contacted by a shirtless Kylo, it's just simply pointless.
  • When Chewbacca is roasting one of the porgs, and they watch, it's a good scene, reminescent of The Animals of Farthing Wood TV series episode, where Mr. Pheasant goes looking for his wife, and finds here roasted and stuffed. It was a nice scene. (The Animals of Farthing Wood S01E04 False Haven)
  • While Rey stayed at Luke's place, she destroyed the property of the caretakers several times, for comical effect. This felt cheap for me, especially as it also showed how careless she is, and also how Luke doesn't care about the wellbeing of his caretakers.
  • BB-8 gets a box as a disguise - this might get a quick chuckle, but they reference it so often, it gets boring. Show this us once, and be content with it.
  • Found by The Closer Look: While Rey talks to Snoke, she tries to grab the lightsaber with the Force, but Snoke takes that, and hits her in the head. It's stupid.
  • Found by The Closer Look: While they fight the Supreme Leader's Royal Guard, one of the guardsmen falls into a meatshredder machine. It just doesn't fit this movie, and probably the Star Wars saga overall.
  • A metallic triangle shape closes to the camera, while the ominous Darth Vader theme plays from the A New Hope. Then they reveal it's a First Order ironing machine. (Edit: As Rian Johnson, the writer/director stated in this interview, this is supposed to be a reference to Hardware Wars, a Star Wars parody from 1978. The problem is that any kind of outside reference breaks the immersion of the viewer, so it's no recommended, not to mention how forced - and week - was this joke.)
  • The porg had numerous scenes with attempt at humour, with various success.

Good use of humour:

  • In the salt-speeder scene they use old speeders, and during take-off, Poe's foot falls through a hole in the chassis. It's fine, shows these are old vehicles, without maintenance.
  • Luke mocking Kylo after the barrage is also a good scene, and it might be justified.

Subversion of expectation

A unique aspect of The Last Jedi movie among the Star Wars stories is that it actively tries to do the reverse of our expectations. The makers build on the viewers knowledge of the previous films, and they hope we also watch the trailers, as those were edited in a way to build up to these reversals. In itself, it's not a bad thing, but Star Wars is about reinforcing expectations, this is why many long time fans hated the The Last Jedi film. Vito made a good list of these in his video.

  • Poe demoted after destroying the dreadnought: We got used to celebrations in the previous films when a character accomplished something. When Poe destroys the dreadnought against the orders of Leia, it's still a victory that allows them to escape. Although it's realistic to get a demotion when you are heroic against orders or rules, I'm almost sure most people was surprised by this.
  • Luke chucking the lightsaber: The whole The Force Awakens movie built up to this moment, so we expect something epic. I admit it that it was funny, but then it ruined Rey's voyage.
  • Porgs with the lightsaber: When the two porgs are playing around the lightsaber, I expected that one of them will ignite it, and the blade will kill the other. I expected this because the film was so stupidly bad that I could have imagine a scene like that. Yet, it did not happen, the scene ended with everybody alive, and the lightsaber was not switched on. I'm not entirely sure it's intentional, because it's too clever compared to the rest of the movie, but I can't imagine why else the scene is in the The Last Jedi film.
  • Kylo not shooting Leia: The trailers tried to make it look like Kylo is going to shoot missiles at Leia, killing her. Then, in the movie, Kylo takes his hands off the launch buttons. The viewer has a moment of surprise, and possibly joy that Leia is saved, when Kylo's wingmen shoot their own missiles, destroying the bridge. This scene might have been stronger if Leia didn't fly back to the ship, but otherwise it's not a good scene, even if you didn't watch the trailer. I have to admit it caught me in a surprise that ordinary TIE-fighters can cripple capital ships.
  • Leia coming back from space: When the bridge is blown, the crew is thrown out into space, the viewer expects that everybody will die. When Leia floats back, it's a total surprise.
  • Poe inciting rebellion: Holdo was set up as some suspicious guy, and as Poe is the protagonist, we expect him to be right and to win. When Poe took the control room, it was a surprise that the rightful owners managed to defeat the insurrection. This is one of the reversals I find ok.
  • Not meeting the Codebreaker: Rose and Finn go on a mission to meet the Codebreaker, yet they never manage to reach him.
    • Double subversion - Finding DJ: When all hope is lost, and they are inprisoned, they find another hacker who is able to do what the Codabreaker can.
  • The ironing machine: The closing up of the triangle shape with the ominous theme tells us that it's something important and bad that is going to happen. When they reveal that it's just an ironing machine, it makes me disappointed, because they's just built up something, and they immediately ruin it. In itself it could be harmless fun, but scenes like this make the viewer disregard any attempt to trust their expectations, and the only reason they are watching this film is because they expected to be entertained. And Rian Johnson reversed this expectation.
  • DJ's betrayal: DJ joined our heroes, he helped them to get on board the big Star Destroyer. Then, after they almost completed their mission, he betrayed Finn and Rose. I'm not sure whether this should be included here, because while I can imagine that someone might have been surprised by this, DJ has been built up as an untrustworty person. It might be a double subversion, because first we were lead to believe only the codebreaker could break the code, then DJ says he is also able to do that, and when we start to believe in him, he siddenly turns his coat.
  • Snoke is not the final villain: The viewers probably expected that Snoke will be a villain similar to the Emperor, who won't be defeated until the end of the series.
  • The defeat of Snoke: After Snoke is killed, we'd expect that Rey and Kylo will finally join forces. But no, they just go back to their own ways.
  • It's salt, not snow: When they show us the setting that looks like the one in The Empire Strikes Back - fortified rebel base, with turrets and trenches, as Imperial walkers advance toward them in a white surrounding -, we expect that white thing that covers the ground to be snow. But no! It is pointed out that it is salt. As if there is anyone who cares. Not that it played any role that it was salt, it didn't affect anything about the battle.
  • Finn's sacrifice: When we accept that Finn is going to die by ramming the First Order gun, suddenly Rose hits him from the side, saving him, and dooming the whole Resistance. The viewer accepted his fate, and as every single speeder was behind him, we knew it must be him to destroy the gun. Not to mention the Deus Ex Machina needed to achieve this.
  • Luke fighting Kylo: When Kylo stabs Luke, we suddenly realise it's just a Force hologram that does the fighting, it's not happening for real.
    • Double subversion - Luke still dying from the fight against Kylo: When we start to get relieved that Luke is not stabbed and survived the combat, he still dies from exhausting himself.
  • There's no lightsaber vs lightsaber battle: As RedLetterMedia points out, a lightsaber battle is probably expected of a Star Wars film.

The forces of the armies are not established

As Dr. Jordan Breeding* mentions, we don't know anything about the forces that are in war. It's partly the fault of The Force Awakens, but The Last Jedi should have started with establishing this. As we don't know if the First Order has only one Dreadnought, or more, it's unclear how many casualties does it worth to take one down. As we don't know whether the Resistance has more spaceships, or just those we see, we don't know what does it mean if the whole fleet we see is destroyed.

* not an actual doctor


Rey continues her path of invicibility started in The Force Awakens. She doesn't have any weakness or fault, she always succeeds in whatever she decides to do. This makes her one of the most boring Star Wars character, and even Daisy Ridley can't help to balance this.

Vice Admiral Holdo

Holdo was a missed opportunity for a potentially great character, intentionally corrupted by the creators of The Last Jedi movie for stupid reasons.

She could have been a great character, had she been handled correctly. Many people complain about the character's look, or that she is a female, but we already have odd-looking characters, and nobody complained about Leia or Mon Mothma being female. The real problem behind all of these is the mishandled use of the character. She was set up to be someone who the watcher will dislike, so we can support the mutiny lead by Poe. She acts against every reason to make her look obnoxious. Then, it is revealed that she is a nice person, and she had the right intention, just to subvert our expectation, but by that time the mind of the viewer is already set. Then we get a quick suicide mission to make her a martyr of the Resistance. I think the intention behind this is to redeem her in our minds after spending an hour of hating her, but for me (and by the reactions, lots of others) this doesn't work.

The fact that in reality she was wrong all along, her strategy was incredibly stupid, and she should have trusted Poe instead of snapping orders at him, also doesn't help in regards of the character.

Dramatically she was unnecessary, easily replaced by existing characters. Her whole story could have been played by Leia, even up to her suicide run, closing the story arc of Leia - she spent her whole life organising the Rebellion, and now she ends her life saving the Resistance. If they wanted to save Leia for future sequels, the creators could have used Ackbar, instead of unceremoniously killing him.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017) - Film review by KadmonStar Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017)
image © Lucasfilm (Disney)

* * *

Possibilities of improvement

A fan-edit might improve The Last Jedi movie, but even if you cut parts and rearrange shots, I feel there still won't be a story worth telling.

  • The beginning shot is nice, we pan through the spaceships, but there's a hard cut, and we are on the surface of the planet. It would be nice to see the zooming through the atmosphere.
  • Cutting the scene when Poe goes alone against the dreadnought, or explain why he is able to do it
  • Cutting the Poe mocks Hux scene: It just adds to the stupidity of the story. (Edit: This was cut from the graphic novel adaptation.)
  • Cutting the leaking Finn scene
  • Cutting the casino scenes: As the whole plot was pointless, it might be left out without any change to the story. Also, while at it, cut the Maz Kanata scene, no matter how cool that was.
  • Cutting the Finn and Rose flies off part: They could immediately get captured by the First Order. When they try to leave the fleet, either through hyperspace tracking or a tractor beam, they get captured, and they get sent to be executed.
  • Cutting the shirtless Kylo Ren shots. I'm somewhat undecided on this. While the shirtless shot is unnecessary, and I don't feel it would add to the character, but seeing Rey getting uneasy due to his naked body is a good moment. (Edit: I think this was changed in the graphic novel adaptation, but I have to confirm this.)
  • Cutting the Rey on the island scenes: No matter how visually pleasing is to see Rey, unless her competency gets toned back, those practice scenes were mostly pointless, even the one in the cave.
  • Cutting the milking Luke scene: Although I was okay with this, a lot of people seems to be abhorred by the green milk pouring down on Luke's beard.
  • Cutting Yoda's Force lightning: It doesn't make sense.
  • Cutting the ironing machine shot
  • Cutting Phasma: After her demise in The Force Awakens movie, it was utterly pointless to bring her back, just to kill her immediately again. Unfortunately she is in several key scenes.
  • Cutting the porgs on the Falcon shots
  • Cutting the Falcon in the crystal cave scenes: The whole scene is stuffed into the walker battle, and it destoys the tension of that. Also, it's just a copy of the "Falcon in the Death Star 2" scenes, so it's redundant anyway.
  • Cutting Rose trying to kill Finn via ramming
  • Changing some scenes to tone down Rey's competency: There are several scenes when Rey is disturbingly powerful. Cutting away her use of the Force, her fighting and piloting skills might help this. Rey defeating all those Sith guards is ridiculous, and she flies the Falcon better than Han ever did. Those scenes should get some slight edits to remove her.
  • Based on Kirk Wilson's idea: The Holdo maneuver is instead using some kind of bomb. They might overload the reactor of the Raddus to power the bomb. The jump might be needed to reach the enemy ships without being shot down.
  • Based on Ben Hudson's idea: Rose and Finn gets sent by Holdo to board the Star Destroyer, so they could switch off its shield, to make the Holdo Maneuver work. Sending an ex-stormtrooper and a technician on a quest like that is logical, and having them on a mission like that would make it look like it's an essential part of the plot. Let them succeed, and while the shield is switched off, and before the First Order is able to repair it, Holdo jumps into the Star Destroyer to destroy it. If there would be footage to be used, DJ might be actually a double agent, who gives Rose and Finn up as a distraction, so they'll need to deal with them instead of dealing with the shields.
  • Based on Marek Tučan's idea: Let Holdo be a senator or princess, instead of being an admiral. She doesn't look or act like a proper military leader. I always assumed she got the position because she was royalty or politician. Addressing her as a senator would solve the problem of incompetence.

How it could have been better?

A better script, written by someone with a better logical aptitude, could have made this movie great, because I think otherwise the crew was competent. Even though the cast was a little bit wooden, they were not bad.

I feel that the writer, Rian Johnson has a vision of his intentions, he just can't communicate them good enough. So a few additional details about the state of the galaxy, the New Republic, the Imperial Remnants, the missing X-Wing pilots, just a few sentences here and there could improve the The Last Jedi film immensely.

* * *

How does it compare to the other works of the creators?

The previous works of Rian Johnson were also illogical messes, but they were more fun, probably because they were self contained, and not part of a series. The Last Jedi movie is an incoherent mess, not a worthy successor. His reactions to the complaints of the fans were also just rubbing salt into wounds, he didn't handle all of this correctly.

(Edit: I've seen Knives Out, written and directed by him, and that was just perfect. The plot of that movie is also a mess, and it won't make sense if you start to think about it, but you will be entertained through the movie, so you won't start to think about it until it ends. After some thinking, it still falls apart, but until then you feel like you had a great time. It shows that he is not inherently bad and talentless, he just needs to have the right story to create something good.)

How does it compare to the other films in the series?

The creators tried to make The Last Jedi film look apart from the other episodes in the series, and they succeeded with that. This film doesn't feel like a Star Wars story, it just has surface elements that resemble the Star Wars universe. It ends on a more depressing tone than The Empire Strikes Back, the most dark episode of the series, because now it feels the whole Resistance is destroyed, and the First Order is victorious.

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Appendix - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie: In defense of the movie

What reviews get wrong

In the past few weeks I've heard and read many-many reviews, and many of them are extremely negative. Although I can relate to their frustration, there are lots of things that are misunderstood. I try to shed light to some of them:

"The Last Jedi is a feminist movie!" - No, it is not. Feminism is about the equality of sexes. In The Last Jedi movie the female characters are clearly superior, so what you are thinking of is "female supremacy". But the movie is only "female supremacist" in a sense that every male is highly incompetent, not that the females are powerful role models. This reminds me of Brazilian soap operas, where the male characters are there to move the conflicts forward, while the females are there to solve those problems, thus making the female viewers more contented, as it reinforced their feelings towards the competency of men.

"The bombs are falling down, even though there is no gravity in space!" - Sure, there is. Otherwise the Moon would not orbit the Earth. Most people think of weightlessness seen in movies set on orbital stations or rockets. Those people are actually free-falling constantly, while missing the Earth. It's a clever thing, and needs a lot of engineering to achieve.

"That Asian bomber girl should suffocate because she is in space!" - We don't know much about the space in the Star Wars universe, but it looks like it has an atmosphere. The starfighters move as if they are moving against resistance, Han Solo only needed a mask when he left the Falcon, and the hangars are open to space. So you could assume there might be air. And even if there won't, there might be a forcefield or some techno-magic to protect the humans inside.

"When the spaceships reach max velocity in the slow-mo chase, they don't need to burn any more fuel, because they are in space!" - About the vacuum of space, I'd like to refer to the previous point. So there might be a resistant atmosphere that slows down the ship. However, if they are indeed in vacuum, there is no maximum velocity, so both sides are constantly accelerating, with the same speed.

"It's a plothole that Leia can survive being hit by a missile, and get hurled into space by her Force powers! We were never shown she had those!" - It's not a plothole, it's just stupid storytelling. Marcia Lucas wouldn't have let that shot survive without foreshadowing.

"It's a plothole that a stupid b**ch like Admiral Purplehair gets to command the Resistance fleet!" - Do not forget that Star Wars has a backward society, with nobles ruling the planets. If she is royalty, it doesn't matter how stupid she is, she could get promoted.

"It's a plothole that Kylo Ren didn't realise Luke has the same blue lightsaber that was destroyed an hour earlier!" - I don't think Kylo had that much time to analyse that lightsaber, and while we were only shown a couple of them in the original trilogy, there could be many blue lightsabers out there.

"We didn't get to know anything about Snoke! It's a mistake!" - While I agree that Snoke could have received more attention, I just write this off, as it's constistent with the lack of imagination and use of the SW IP in this movie.

"The whole movie was pointless! There was no change in the status quo! Nothing changed in the story!" - Unless you consider that the First Order got in the hands of an incapable leader (Kylo Ren), probably causing the fall of it. And also that the whole Resistance was most likely destroyed off-screen when they try to escape on the Falcon.

* * *

Appendix 2 - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie: What the defenders of the movie get wrong

The company tries to defend the movie, and tries to disgrace everyone who attacks it, and I think this leaves a bad taste in people who otherwise love Star Wars, except for The Last Jedi.

I liked the movie, therefore it can't be bad, so your arguements are invalid: Liking a piece of art doesn't improve its quality. You can like something because of taste. You can have emotional attachment, finding something attractive in the style, or something interesting in the themes. You might even like something because you like the creators. But that piece of art can still be objectively bad. It's totally okay to like bad art, but it's kind of a closed minded approach to refuse any kind of criticism of the subject.

"It's male schauvinists that hate the movie, because there are female characters in it!" - No, people hate the movie because they are disappointed by how bad the The Last Jedi film is. If every female character were male, it wouldn't make any difference in the plot.

"People complain because they didn't get more info on Rey's parents. But this is okay, because we didn't get any more info on Luke's background too." - One of the problem with the Rey complaints is that people phrase them wrong. I think their real problem is not with the lack of lexical data, but with the lack of any kind of explanation, how come that Rey excels at everything, better than anyone we have ever seen in the franchise, without any kind of training. And that is what bugs people, even if they can't put these feelings into words.

"Lucas never made a 'Star Wars' movie by sitting down and thinking, 'What do the fans want to see?'" - This was a quote from the writer/director Rian Johnson. However, he is not right. Lucas was also a fan of the old movie serials, and he knew he wanted to make a film that he - as a fan - would like to watch. That is why he tried to make his best, collecting talented people to help his cause.

"This movie is not like the previous ones, and it's good that finally we got something different." - This might be true if it was not part of an overarching series. People go to watch Star Wars movies, because they expect to see something similar to the ones they have seen. When they get something different -like this film-, they are right to get angry and feel cheated.

* * *

Appendix 3 - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie: Subverting expectations, as a source of enjoyment

I intend to write an own article about this (and I actually did, before it was lost due to a failure), but until then these few sentences should be enough.

I've been talking to many people and read many reviews about The Last Jedi movie, and a realisation came to me, that most people who loved this movie, emphasized the fact that they loved it because it twisted their expectations that was built up by knowing the previous movies and watching the trailer.

This idea was something new to me, and I think it's worth exploring more, as a source of enjoyment for your audience. Chuck Wendig has a The Last Jedi review, where he explains his feelings, and I think it's an interesting read if you'd like to understand how this works.

However, for this to work, you need to know the source material, so watch the original trilogy and the movie trailer, so you get the most out of this.

Resources - Subverting expectations

Chris Boland: The Last Jedi is Awful and the Excuses for it are Even Worse: Analysis video with spoiler.

John talks Star Wars: WHY THE LAST JEDI DIDN'T WORK: SET UPS WITHOUT PAY OFFS: Analysis video with spoilers.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017) - Film review by KadmonStar Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, movie (2017)
image © Lucasfilm (Disney)

* * *

Uses for the film - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)


  • Someone needs to find someone or something to achieve some goals


  • The salt planet battle has some nice moments.

Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas


Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas

The assault: A fortress gets assaulted while important leaders are there. The defenders have a vehicle or dragon, that could be used to help in the defence or help the leaders to get away. The attackers win if they crush the defenders, while at least half of the attackers are alive. The defenders win if they repel the attackers, and the leaders are still alive or they have escaped.

The siege: The attackers bring a new weapon to a siege that could easily breach the gates. The defenders have to assault the siege weapon to allow more time for the reinforcements to arrive. The defenders win if they destroy the weapon. The attacker wins if they repel the assault.

Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)

Although I don't know about miniatures at this scale for the sequel trilogy, Wizards of the Coast made models at this scale for the Star Wars Miniature Game, and Fantasy Flight Games did the same for Imperial Assault. You might substitute Imperial Stormtroopers for First Order Stormtroopers if you don't mind the differences.

* * *

Similar stories - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)


Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980): The Rebels are found, and they have to escape after a battle against Imperial Walkers.

* * *

Frequently asked questions - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)

When does The Last Jedi start?

The The Last Jedi movie start immediately after the final scene of The Force Awakens movie.

Why is The Last Jedi hated?

Many fans of Star Wars consider The Last Jedi an abomination, due to conflicting with previous lore, and making fun of the audience.

Is there a post credit scene in The Last Jedi?

No, there's no post credit scene in The Last Jedi.

Where can I watch The Last Jedi online? Is The Last Jedi available on Netflix? Is The Last Jedi on Amazon?

Currently (2021.05.01), The Last Jedi can only be watched on Disney+.

Is The Last Jedi on Disney+?

Yes, as of 2021.05.01, The Last Jedi is on Disney+.

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Resources - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)


IMDB: Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017): Database article.

WikiPedia: Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Database article.

WookiePedia: Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi: Database article.

Letterboxd: Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Database article.

Rotten Tomatoes: Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Database article.

Metacritic: Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi 2017: Database article.

Parental advisory information - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

Raising Children Network: Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi: Parental advisory information article about the The Last Jedi film.

Sandie Angulo Chen (for Common Sense Media ): Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi: Parental advisory information article about the The Last Jedi film.

Reviews with no spoilers by people who liked the movie - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

David Popovich: Let's Talk THE LAST JEDI cause I LOVE IT!: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with no spoilers, by someone who loved it.§

Marco Minniti (for Asbury Movies): Star Wars: The Last Jedi (in Italian): Review article with spoilers, in Italian.

English version by Google Translate

Star Wars Explained: The Last Jedi Review (SPOILERS After 3 Minutes): Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with no spoilers for 3 minutes, by someone who loved it.§

Reviews with no spoilers - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

Shaun, Adam, Tony (for Reel Time Flicks): Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017): Review article with minor spoilers.

Travelers Warden: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi - Insane Disappointment: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with no spoilers.

WardWorks (for Cross the Netflix Stream): Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi Movie Review: Review article with spoilers. Includes a non-spoiler part in the beginning.

Reviews with spoilers by people who liked the movie - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

Chuck Wendig (from Terrible Minds): The Last Jedi: A Mirror, Slowly Cracking: Review article of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers. Finally someone who liked the movie, and has the vocabulary to explain his feelings.

Folding Ideas: The Last Jedi Vlog - It Made Me Feel Feelings: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers, by someone who liked it.

Grace Randolph (for Beyond The Trailer): Star Wars The Last Jedi Movie Review: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with minor spoilers, by someone who liked it.§

Grace Randolph (for Beyond The Trailer): Star Wars The Last Jedi SPOILERS Movie Review: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers, by someone who liked it.§

greigzilla (for We've Got (Back) Issues): Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Review article of the movie, with no spoilers.

Jenny Nicholson: The Last Jedi SPOILER PARTY Don't Watch: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers, by someone who liked it.

Star Wars Explained: The Last Jedi Review:

Stephan Krosecz: The Last Jedi - Why I Loved It: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers, by someone who loved it.§

Reviews with spoilers - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

AEmovieguy Reviews: The Last Jedi 'ruined' Star Wars for me - Movie Review & Angry Rant | Fun Catharsis: Review video with spoilers. The guy doing the review understands movie theory better than the director of the The Last Jedi film.

Angry Joe (from AngryJoeShow): The Last Jedi review videos. The video takes apart the whole story of The Last Jedi movie.

Anti-Trekker: Star Wars: the Last Jedi, destroys the Star Wars Mythos (Spoilers): Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers. The beginning is somewhat slow, you could skip to 7:00 where it really starts.

Armoured Media: How Bad is: Star Wars the Last Jedi?: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers. (2021.03.04: The video is private.)

Black Nerd Comedy: STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI - Movie Review (Black Nerd): Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers.§ Staff: 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' best and worst: Our global review: Review article of the The Last Jedi film. There might be spoilers in it.

EddieReviews: THE LAST JEDI || Movie Review [Film Fridays]: Review video of the The Last Jedi film.

HelloGreedo: Star Wars: The Last Jedi reviews:

James Matlack Raney on Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (James Matlack Raney's website)

Jeffrey Roth (for Psycho Drive-In): Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Chapter Two: Jeffrey Roth: Review article with spoilers.

Jeremy Jahns: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - SPOILER Review: Review video, with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film.§

Kevin Smith: THE LAST JEDI - KEVIN SMITH'S REVIEW: Review video with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film. There's no additional video besides the face of Kevin Smith, so you can listen to it as if it's a podcast.

Left Foot Media: The Last Jedi review videos

Lore Star: Star Wars The Last Jedi Review *spoilers*: Review video about The Last Jedi movie.

Matt Zoller Seitz (from Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Review article of the The Last Jedi film. There might be spoilers in it.ß

Nate Zoebl: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017): Review article about the film with spoilers.

republished on Psycho Drive-In

Red Letter Media: Half in the Bag: The Last Last Jedi Review: Review video with spoilers. It's mostly bashing the The Last Jedi film, but has some good points.

the video on YouTube§

Shadiversity: Star Wars is DEAD and The Last Jedi killed it!: Review video with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film.

Paul Brian McCoy (for Psycho Drive-In): Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Chapter Three: Paul Brian McCoy: Review article with spoilers.

Payton Swanson (from Payton Place): Star Wars: The Last Jedi or do not, see for yourself: Review video with spoilers. Watching this girl talk about The Last Jedi movie is a more enjoyable experience than watching the movie itself.

Shawn Hill (for Psycho Drive-In): Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Chapter Four: Shawn Hill: Review article with spoilers.

That Movie Chick: Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoilery Discussion/Review - That Movie Chick: Review video with spoilers. A good analysis of the The Last Jedi film.

The Critical Drinker's review videos:

The Dishonoured Wolf: The Last Jedi: The Worst Star Wars Movie Ever Made: Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with spoilers. (2020.01.15: The channel was deleted.)

Travelers Warden: Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi - Full Review (SPOILERS): Review video of the The Last Jedi film, with no spoilers.

Voxis Productions: Smack Talk: The Last Jedi Review: Review video with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film.

WardWorks (for Cross the Netflix Stream): Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi Movie Review: Review article with spoilers. Includes a non-spoiler part in the beginning.

Reviews with spoilers - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie - Turkish

Gökhan Cılam (for Science Fiction Club): Star Wars: The Last Jedi (in Turkish): Review article about the film with minor spoilers, in Turkish.

English version by Google Translate

Analysis and thoughts - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

CinemaSins: Everything Wrong With Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Analysis video of The Last Jedi movie.

Daniel (for Spacedock): Bizarre Tactics in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Analysis video about the military tactics.Ł

Filmento: Why Knives Out Worked where The Last Jedi Failed | One v One: Analysis video about the narrative structure of The Last Jedi movie. Contains spoilers about the Knives Out film.

Georg Rockall-Schmidt: The Importance Of Fandom - The Last Jedi: Analysis video about keeping franchises intact to please the fans.

How It Should Have Ended: How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended: Parody video about the possible outcome of alternative timelines in the movie.§

JM McNab (from Cracked): All Of Your Nagging 'Last Jedi' Questions, Answered: Article, with some good ideas about the The Last Jedi film.§

KingEmperorPenguin: A Military Analysis of The Last Jedi (or why is everyone incompetent?): Video, analysing the military decisions in The Last Jedi movie.

Left Foot Media: 6 Things that fans of The Last Jedi are getting wrong: Analysis video with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film.

Left Foot Media: 'How The Last Jedi Defies Expectations' is wrong: Analysis video with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film.

MauLer: MauLer and SmilerAl Audio Commentary - Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Video about two guys talking about The Last Jedi film, while watching the movie.§

Robot Head: The Last Jedi Action. Worse Than You Remember: Video analysis of the action scenes of The Last Jedi movie.§

Robot Head: Dumb Movies for Dumb People - The Star Wars Sequels: Analysis video, listing some unanswered questions from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.§

Screen Junkies: Honest Trailers - Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Humorous analysis video about The Last Jedi film.§

Screen Junkies: Serious Questions - Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Humorous analysis video about questions that arise after watching The Last Jedi film.§

The Critical Drinker: Oh No! Disney Star Wars is in Trouble: Analysis video about the flaws of The Last Jedi film.

The Critical Drinker: The Drinker Fixes... Luke Skywalker: Analysis video about a possible way to correct the handling of Luke in the film.

The Critical Drinker: Admiral Holdo - A Toxic Leader: Analysis video about about Admiral Holdo's role in The Last Jedi film.

Thor Skywalker: The failure of a perfect character: Rey's Journey to The Rise of Skywalker: Analysis video about Rey's narrative.

Vito: Why Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a Complete Cinematic Failure: Analysis video with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film.

Analysis - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie: References to other works

WhatCulture Star Wars: Star Wars: 7 Massive Plot Holes The Sequels Stupidly Created: Analysis video about the plot holes the sequels created in other movies in the Star Wars series.

Analysis and thoughts - The message of the story - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

Alberto Alarcón (for Medium): The last Jedi hidden message: Analysis article about the message of the The Last Jedi movie.

Ben Haefele (for Adalo): The Most Important Lesson of The Last Jedi: Analysis article about the message of the The Last Jedi movie.

Lindsey Romain (for Nerdist): 5 Lessons We’re Still Learning from THE LAST JEDI: Analysis article about the message of the The Last Jedi movie.

Reddit: Why do people think The Last Jedi's message was about letting the past die?: Forum topic about the message of the The Last Jedi movie.

robotical712 (for Star Wars Shadowcast): The Message of the Last Jedi: Analysis article about the message of the The Last Jedi movie.

The Closer Look: The Last Jedi - How Comedy Can Kill A Movie: Analysis video about the humour of The Last Jedi film.

The Critical Drinker: Star Wars, and the problem with Rey: Analysis video about the narrative problems with the character of Rey.

Reviews - In Hungarian - Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie

Alec Cawthorne (from Amerikai Plán): Five contradictions in The Last Jedi (in Hungarian): Review article with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film, in Hungarian.

translated to English, by Google Translate

Star Wars: The Last Jedi novel adaptation

Jason Fry (for Star How the Last Jedi Novelization Connects to a Galaxy of Star Wars Books and Comics: Behind the scenes article about writing the novel adaptation.

James Floyd (for Star 7 Reasons Why The Last Jedi Novelization is Essential: Article that lists the additional scenes that expands the story of the movie.

Review about the novel adaptation - Star Wars: The Last Jedi novel adaptation

Michael Gleason (for BlackScarabFilmZ): The Last Jedi - The Literary Lair (Novelization Review): Review video with spoilers of the The Last Jedi film. Includes a plot summary.

Thor Skywalker: The Last Jedi Expanded Edition Novel: How does it compare to the movie?: Review video with spoilers of The Last Jedi movie. IT includes comparison to the film.

Star Wars Explained: 70 Facts from The Last Jedi Novelization by Jason Fry - References, Easter Eggs, Connections, & More: Review video with spoilers of The Last Jedi movie. Includes a plot summary.§

* * *

Buying the product - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi movie (2017)

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* * *

Have you seen the Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi film? How do you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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