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Seraphim Falls, movie (2006) - Film review by KadmonSeraphim Falls, movie (2006)
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The Seraphim Falls (2006) is a Western adventure / drama film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.

Product: Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)

Original title: Seraphim Falls

Series: -

Setting: historical / fantasy Earth

Product type: Film, Genre: Western adventure / drama, Style: Western, thriller, drama, fantasy, devil, action, adventure

Release: Premiere: 2006.09.13 (Toronto International Film Festival), Release: 2007.01.26

Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them

Watched: very recent (2020.05), first time

Rating: Good (2+ out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Good (2+ out of 3 points)

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This is my review of Seraphim Falls, a Western adventure / drama movie from 2006. It's about  a man trying to capture another man. The Seraphim Falls film is interesting, I recommend it to fans of the genre.

I don't recommend you to watch the trailer at all. The beginning of the trailer is confusing, and after the first minute, it begins to show spoilers.

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Review (spoiler-free) - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)

I've been told that this is an interesting movie, so I watched it when I had the chance. I didn't see the trailer before watching it.

The Seraphim Falls movie is about a man trying to capture another man.

The story is good. The pacing is consistent. There's a character arc for the main character. I didn't find major logical problems.

The cinematography is good. The vistas are nice. The movie seems to be made to be seen on a wide screen.

The characters are good, interesting, we get enough information about them. The actors are great.

The music (by Harry Gregson-Williams) fits the theme. It reminded me of the score of the Conan the Barbarian movie (that I like).

Seraphim Falls is an interesting Western adventure / drama, I think fans of the genre will enjoy it.

I'd recommend this film to fans of slow drama movies.

My experience

I was satisfied with Seraphim Falls (2006). I happen to like stories with well-thought, interesting plots, and Seraphim Falls delivered just that.

Rating: Good (2+ out of 3 points). Seraphim Falls is a well-made film.

Enjoyment: Good (2+ out of 3 points). Seraphim Falls is interesting, I liked it.

Rewatchability: Average. I think it's mostly the surprise of the story that makes you feel interested, but the story is good enough to let you enjoy watching it multiple times.

Chance of watching it again: There's a chance. Now that I know the story, there's probably no need to watch it again, but I liked it enough that I might watch it in the right circumstances.

Chance of watching a sequel: High. I'd sure watch it.

Seraphim Falls, movie (2006) - Film review by KadmonSeraphim Falls, movie (2006)
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Will you enjoy this?

If you like western action movies, you might be interested in this, but keep it in your mind that this is not an action movie, but a slow drama with some action scenes.

If you like mystery or thriller movies, you might like Seraphim Falls.

If you like supernatural or fantasy movies, you might like Seraphim Falls.

If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.

If you like to be surprised by the development of events, this movie offers some twists for you.

If you prefer visuals over story, the movie looks good even if you don't care about the story.

Watching for plot points

If you are interested in Western adventure stories, I think it's worth watching the Seraphim Falls movie for the plot points.

Should you watch this on your own screen at home, or is it worth going to the cinema?

The visuals probably look better if you watch it in cinema, but I think the overall experience will be similar.

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Seraphim Falls, movie (2006) - Film review by KadmonSeraphim Falls, movie (2006)
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Review with spoilers - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)

I liked the Seraphim Falls movie.

I was mislead when I heard about the story. I was told it's a supernatural movie, about the devil making bargains with both the hunter and the hunted. While this is true, it happens 90 minutes into the movie, so it's far from being the plot of the Seraphim Falls film. So, I was waiting for the supernatural elements to arrive into the story, but it took really long. On the other hand, I was not disappointed, the story was interesting even without anything supernatural.


The cover of the movie is okay, it doesn't say much, but it doesn't spoil the movie.

The trailer

The trailer is bad. The beginning makes it look boring, while the end is full of spoilers.

If you prefer spoilers, it's a great trailer for the Seraphim Falls film. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, it will ruin the movie for you.

Promise of the first scene

A traveller is attacked by a group. I assume we'll either follow the injured traveller, as he'll continue his quest, or he'll try to take revenge on the attackers. Or the attackers are some bandits, and we'll see them apprehended, or making some daring mission.

Execution: We've got everything possible. We have followed both the injured traveller and the attackers, and we've seen the traveller taking a revenge.

Plot summary / Synopsis

A man (Pierce Brosnan as Gideon) gets ambushed. The man is chased by a hunter (Liam Neeson as Morsman Carver), who tries to capture the man with a couple of hirelings. They manage to injure the hunted, but he still escapes into the woods. The hunted hides, kills one of the hirelings, and steals his gear. The hunted finds a house. The family living there helps him. In the night, he sneaks away, stealing their horse. The hunters arrive at the house, and they leave their spare horse for the family.

The hunted lures the hunters to a spot in the woods, only to be ambushed by their leader. The hunted runs away. The hunters run into a trap set by the hunted, killing one of them.

The hunted runs into a couple of criminals. One of them try to kill him, so he won't have a chance to tell the authorities about them, but the hunted kills him, and takes his horse.

The hunters find the body of the criminal. One of the hirelings recognises him as a wanted criminal, so he leaves to take the body for the reward. The hunted ambushes the remaining hunters, and takes one of them hostage, but the leader just shoots the hostage, and attacks the hunted. The hunted overpowers him, asking him to stop the hunt, otherwise he'll kill him.

After the hunted leaves with their horses, the hunter follows on foot. All through the movie, both groups encounter several people - pilgrims, railroad workers, criminals, a native. They meet with a demon (Wes Studi as Charon), who helps the hunter to catch up to the hunted. Their last encounter, in the desert, is with the devil (Anjelica Huston as Madame Louise C. Fair), who gives them weapons to be able to kill each other.

After a while the hunter catches up to the hunted in the middle of a desert, but he is unable to kill the hunted. They make peace with each other, and try to leave the desert.

We get to know through flashbacks, that the hunted was a blue coat officer, who ordered to set the barn of the hunter on fire to make him talk about his men, because the hunter was a grey coat officer. He didn't know there's a baby in the house. When the fire reaches the house, the wife and the kid of the hunter runs into the house to save the baby, but they are trapped, and all of them die. The hunted doesn't send his men to save them.

The setting

The story is set in the past of our Earth, in 1868.

Seraphim Falls, movie (2006) - Film review by KadmonSeraphim Falls, movie (2006)
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The message of the story

I'm not sure there's one.

The structure of the story

The scenes of the Seraphim Falls film are mostly played in sequence, following the same storyline. There are some flashbacks, showing the motivations for the actions of the characters.

There is no a single viewpoint character.

It has the usual arc of the dramatic structure - introduction, action, resolution.

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Things I liked


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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?

Up to this date, this is the only feature film of the writers (Abby Everett Jaques, David Von Ancken). I'd be interested in their future works.

From the director (David Von Ancken), I've seen an episode of the Person of Interest TV series, that was also okay.

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Seraphim Falls, movie (2006) - Film review by KadmonSeraphim Falls, movie (2006)
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Analysis of the story - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)

I mostly liked the story, I didn't find problems that would have prevented me from enjoying Seraphim Falls.

Problematic elements


Unanswered questions


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Possibilities of improvement

I felt that the movie was a little bit too long for the substance it offered. By the 90 minute mark, I started to feel bored. There are a lot of long shots that might be trimmed to make a more tight film.

Although I got interested in the movie because of the supernatural elements, I actually think that I would have enjoyed it better without any of it. The native Americans offer for the hunter could be cut, and the whole deal with the devil part felt like it didn't belong to the story.

It's a good question, though as otherwise, without the whole "deal with the devil" part I wouldn't have found the movie.

Another approach would be to sprinkle some of the supernatural from the beginning of the story, but that would require to practically remake the film.

How it could have been better?


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Behind the scenes


Thoughts about the reviews of others


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Seraphim Falls, movie (2006) - Film review by KadmonSeraphim Falls, movie (2006)
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Uses for the film - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)


  • There's a man, who wants to take revenge on another man.





Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas

Hunter campaign: The premise is simple - The characters belong to either the hunters or the hunted. The hunters have been searching for the hunted for a long time, but finally they have caught up to them. They know that they wouldn't be able to find them again.

Both groups are otherwise decent people, they are not bloodthirsty killers. Both groups could hire mercenaries if they have the resources.

The hunted made some horrible mistake in the past, that comes to haunt them now. Their only goal now is to get away from the hunters. They are more skilled and experienced than the hunters, but they start with less resources.

The hunters have something done to them, so they want to take revenge on the hunted. They want them to suffer, so they try to make sure to capture them alive. Their only goal in life is to capture the hunted. If the hunted manages to get away, they lose the game.

You might even have both groups be played by a separate player group, but it works just fine even with one group. If both groups are played, it should be a one-shot game, otherwise this could end up killing one of the groups.

The area is a wilderness, with scarce resources. There's not much food or water. There are no large settlements.

To be able to travel, they need resources. Food and water. Vehicles or mounts to ride on. Weapons to be able to fight. Trading goods to be able to buy these resources.

During their travels they meet people. Those people act as a hindrance to their goals, but they can provide resources.


  • They try to steal from them. Even if they act friendly, and offer hospitality, they take something valuable from them.
  • One of those people try to murder them. Make sure it's only a few people, so they have a fighting chance.
  • They offer something the group needs for a very high price. Even if there's only one person visible, there might be others in the vicinity, it should be uncertain for the group. This is to avoid just killing the man, and take the resource.

Their time is limited by the other group.

If the hunted is able to reach an escape point (for example, a large settlement where they can hide), the hunters lose the game.

However, if the hunters can go faster than the hunted, they can catch up to them, and capture them. So, it all depends on their speed and their ability to get resources to keep that speed. And that is why those encounters are important - the players need to balance the time they spend on things.

When they get robbed, things get stolen, is it worth their time to go back and retrieve their things? They have to decide if they try to get new resources later, and try to go on without them for a while. They also have to decide whether it's worth their time to gather resources when there's an opportunity.

Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas

The Hunt campaign: There are two groups for two players. If there are additional players, they should divide the group between them. Both groups get resources they can spend - on characters, abilities, gear and mounts / vehicles.

The first scenario is The Ambush, with the hunters as the attackers, and the hunted as the defenders. If any of the groups survive, the hunt continues.

After the first scenario, the distance of the two groups is 1. Every campaign turn, both groups get an action. The hunted gets an action, then the hunters get an action.

The group on foot moves 1 distance on foot. They get more on mounts or vehicles. For example d3 on horse, d6 in a car.

If the distance becomes 0, then a new The Ambush scenario starts, with the hunted as the defenders, and the hunters as the attackers.

Hunter options:

  • Following the hunted, decreasing the distance by 1.
  • Try to get vehicles / mounts, or resources. Create an ambush scenario, with the hunters as the attackers. There's a house or a camp in the middle, with a vehicle / mounts or resources, and a couple of armed person. The hunted player controls the defenders. If the hunted can get the resources, they can exchange them for a vehicle / mounts, or armour or weapons for the group.

Hunted options:

  • Set traps for the hunters, it takes some time, but has no danger for the hunters. The hunted gets 1 distance.
  • Create an ambush to kill the hunters, or take their vehicles / mounts. It takes time, it has danger, but there's more control on the hunters part. The ambush is automatically successful. Start The Ambush scenario, with the hunters (and their vehicles / mounts) in the middle, and the hunted on the edge. When the scenario ends, the distance is 1.
  • Try to escape, putting the most distance between them. The hunted gets 2 distances.
  • Try to get vehicles / mounts, or resources. The hunted gets 1 distance. Create an ambush scenario, with the hunteds as the attackers. There's a house or a camp in the middle, with a vehicle / mounts or resources, and a couple of armed person. The hunter player controls the defenders. If the hunted can get the resources, they can exchange them for a vehicle / mounts, or armour or weapons for the group.

The Ambush (scenario): The defender sets up the playing area, with the defender models in the middle. Then the attacker deploys their models at any edge of the playing area. The defenders are not combat ready, but they have one active lookout, as a Passive guard. The lookout can alert the others if the model can see the attackers.

  • If the hunters capture all of the hunted alive, they win the whole game.
  • If the hunted kill all of the hunters, they win the whole game.
  • If at least one of the hunted leaves the playing area, the game continues with The Hunt.
  • If at least one of the hunters leaves the playing area, the game continues with The Ambush, with the hunted as the attackers, and the escaped hunter as the defender.

Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)

Western civilians: Human-sized human civilians in period clothing.

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Similar stories - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)



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Frequently asked questions - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)

Is the Seraphim Falls film based on a book or comics?

No, Seraphim Falls is not based on either books or comics.

Is the Seraphim Falls film a remake or reboot?

No, the Seraphim Falls film is neither a remake nor a reboot.

Is there a post credit scene in Seraphim Falls? Does Seraphim Falls have end credit scenes?

No, there's no post credit scene in Seraphim Falls.

Where can I see Seraphim Falls? What is Seraphim Falls playing on? What streaming service is Seraphim Falls on? Where can I watch Seraphim Falls online? Is Seraphim Falls available on Netflix? Is Seraphim Falls on Amazon?

As of 2022.02.05, Seraphim Falls is available on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play, Microsoft Movies, YouTube.

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Resources - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)


Sony Pictures: Seraphim Falls: Official article.


IMDB: Seraphim Falls (2006): Database article.

WikiPedia: Seraphim Falls: Database article.

Letterboxd: Seraphim Falls 2006: Database article.

Rotten Tomatoes: Seraphim Falls 2006: Database article.

TVTropes: Film / Seraphim Falls: Database article.


: Concept art article.¤

Reviews with no spoilers - Seraphim Falls film (2006)

: Review video about the Seraphim Falls film with no spoilers.¤

Reviews with spoilers - Seraphim Falls film (2006)

: Review article of the Seraphim Falls movie, with spoilers. Includes a very detailed plot summary.¤

Analysis - Seraphim Falls movie (2006)

: Analysis video, explaining the finale of Seraphim Falls.¤

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Buying the product - Seraphim Falls, movie (2006)

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Have you seen the Seraphim Falls film? How do you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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