Resident Evil, TV series (2022) - Watch the trailer on YouTube
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Article updated: 2023.01.26
The Resident Evil (2022) is a contemporary fantasy / post-apocalyptic family drama TV series. The TV series was reviewed by Kadmon.
Product: Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
Original title: Resident Evil
Series: Resident Evil (Netflix) series
Previous entries in the series: -
Other adaptations of the story: Resident Evil game series, Resident Evil movie series, Resident Evil movie reboot
Setting: contemporary alternate Earth / future alternate Earth (Resident Evil (Netflix) setting)
Product type: Film, Genre: contemporary fantasy / post-apocalyptic family drama, Style: sci-fi, thriller, fantasy, contemporary fantasy, post-apocalyptic, family drama, action, adventure, creature - zombie,, super-human abilities
Release: 2022.07.14
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points)
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This is my review of Resident Evil, a contemporary fantasy / post-apocalyptic family drama TV series for the Resident Evil (Netflix) series from 2022. It's about parents trying to make a better world for his children, in their own ways. The Resident Evil film is barely watchable, I don't recommend it to anyone.
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
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Review (spoiler-free) - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
I didn't know there's going to be a Residen Evil series, but seeing the latest reboot, I was not surprised to find this series. The latest Resident Evil movie was somewhat okay, I thought that the series might be related to that. (Update: It doesn't.) So I thought to give it a try., without watching the trailer.
I watched it in Hungarian dubbing.
The Resident Evil TV series is about parents trying to make a better world for his children, in their own ways.
The basis of the story might have been good, but the execution is bad, and the choice of parallel storylines messes everything up. Throughout the season, the story jumps between timelines without any logic. The consistency is off, mostly due to the parallel timelines. There are no character arcs. There are plenty of logical problems.
The cinematography is okay. There are some strange camera angles, but I assume they try to mimic the look of the computer games. Most of the scenes are not interesting visually, but there are some good ones throughout the season. The action scenes mostly happen in the dark, and it's hard to follow them, but as nothing bad happens to the protagonist, and the rest of the characters don't matter, it won't cause a problem. Some transition shots when the timeline changes try to mirror the ending of the previous scene, creating some kind of connection between the two. The special effects are good.
The main characters have some personality, the rest of the characters are empty shells. Their portrayal by the actors is acceptable, as most of the characters are unlikeable and unrelatable anyway.
The music (by Grégory Reveret) is acceptable. Some of the music during the credits is especially enjoyable.
There's depiction of violence, gore, and there's constant swearing.
Resident Evil is a barely watchable contemporary fantasy / post-apocalyptic family drama, that I think only the most hardcore fans of the genre could enjoy.
My experience
I was not satisfied with Resident Evil (2022). I prefer stories with well-thought, logical plots, and Resident Evil couldn't deliver that.
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points). Resident Evil is a watchable series that's lacking a proper plot.
Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points). Resident Evil is boring and most of the story is pointless.
Rewatchability: Low. I think it's mostly the surprise of the story that makes you feel interested.
Chance of watching it again: Never again.
Chance of watching a sequel: I might watch it, if I don't have anything better to do.
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Will you enjoy this?
If you like mystery or thriller movies, you might like Resident Evil.
If you like supernatural or fantasy movies, you might like Resident Evil.
If you like horror or action thriller movies (Alien, Life, Splice), you might like the film, although there are not many really scary scenes in the Resident Evil TV series.
If you like scientific research stories (Andromeda Strain), you might like Resident Evil, as there is some time spent on the research and investigation.
If you'd like to get comedic moments in your movies, Resident Evil will disappoint you, as it's mostly serious.
If you can get through the first episode of the TV series still interested, the next couple of episodes will be some variation of that story.
If you enjoyed the Resident Evil computer game series, you might be interested in this story, although don't expect to get anything closely related to the games.
If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.
If you prefer visuals over story, you should probably skip this, as there are neither visuals, nor a story.
If you hate romantic movies, the series is safe to watch, as the romance plotlines are mostly in the background.
If you hate zombie movies, you should probably avoid Resident Evil movies, although this series was not that full of zombies as the previous movies.
If you hate violence and gore, then I don't recommend the Resident Evil series for you.
Do you need to play the original game to enjoy this?
There's enough explanation that you'll understand what's going on without seeing the first film. If you've played the game, you'll be probably more confused, as the TV series has very little to do with the game.
Do you need to see the first film series or the new reboot movie to enjoy this?
There's enough explanation that you'll understand what's going on without seeing the first film. Also, the TV series is not set in either continuity, and it's worse than either of the movies.
Watching for plot points
If you are interested in zombie outbreak stories, it might be worth watching the Resident Evil TV series for the plot points, but reading the plot summary should be enough.
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Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Episode review with no spoilers - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep1: Welcome to New Raccoon City
The episode is an acceptable (although weak) start for a series.
Ends in a cliffhanger.
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep2: The Devil You Know
The episode starts without any introduction, it just continues at the exact moment where the previous episode have left. I assume this series was designed to be watched continuously, instead of being watched as separate episodes.
The storylines continue slightly in this episode, but not much happens, I don't think you would miss anything if you'd just skip it.
Ends in a mild shocker / cliffhanger.
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep3: The Light
The storylines continue slightly in this episode, but not much happens, I don't think you would miss anything if you'd just skip it.
Ends in a mild shocker / cliffhanger.
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep4: The Turn
The storylines continue slightly in this episode, but not much happens, I don't think you would miss anything if you'd just skip it.
The episode starts with a prologue, making it the closest in the series to resemble a normal TV series episode.
Ends in a mild shocker / cliffhanger.
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep5: Home Movies
The storylines continue slightly in this episode, but practically nothing happens, this was extremely boring. I don't think you would miss anything if you'd just skip it.
Ends in a mild shocker / reveal.
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Bad (1 out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep6: Someone's Little Girl
The storylines continue slightly in this episode, and finally some changes happen, but not much.
Ends in a mild shocker / reveal.
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep7: Parasite
This episode also starts like a normal TV series episode.
Ends in a cliffhanger.
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Ep8: Revelations
The 2022 storyline gets some closure, but the 2036 storyline still ends in a cliffhanger (unless you consider that a proper, but letdown ending).
Release: 2022.07.14
Watched: very recent (2022.07), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
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Review with spoilers - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
I didn't like the Resident Evil TV series.
The covers of the TV series are weak. They don't even indicate what kind of story will we get. At least they don't spoil the plot.
The trailer
The trailer is surprisingly good, it's interesting, but doesn't give away the plot points.
Promise of the first scene
A girl is living in an empty city, breeding rabbits. I assume that she is some kind of survivor. She might be found by another survivors, or she finds a shelter of survivors, or something like that.
Execution: The story ended with the girl dying alone. I'm not sure this was the promise of the story, so I'm not satisfied.
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Plot summary / Synopsis
Ep1: Welcome to New Raccoon City
2036: There's a girl (Ella Balinska as Jade Wesker) living in London, observing the behaviour of the local zombies. She scratches her hand, and the blood attracts the zombies to her. They chase her to her camp, where she kills all of them with flamethrowers. This combat wakes up a giant worm that attacks her. She is rescued by a group of scavengers who take her to their base. It turns out they've noticed that she is wanted by the Umbrella Corporation, so they called their agent. When the agent (Turlough Convery as Richard Baxter) arrives, the soldiers kill every scavenger, but the girl escapes.
2022: We see the girl (Tamara Smart as young Jade Wesker) and her sister (Siena Agudong as young Billie Wesker) living with their father (Lance Reddick as Albert Wesker) in New Racoon City. The father regularly takes their blood, and injects it into himself in secret. When the sister, who is a vegetarian, finds it out that there are animals in the lab where her father works, she decides to free them. The two girls sneak inside, but they free a rabid looking dog, who bites the sister. Their father arrives and gets them home. The father explains to his boss that they were hacked, and that lead to the dog getting free.
Ep2: The Devil You Know
2036: The girl gets to Dover, but her husband on phone recommend her to cross the channel and get to Callais. The corporation finds out about this, and attack the people queueing to get on the ship.
2022: The infected sister doesn't go to school, but she sometimes acts aggressively. Her dog is also aggressive towards her. A rat injected with the blood of the sister breaks out of containment.
Ep3: The Light
2036: As the ferry is out of question, the girl joins a family to go under the channel, in the Channel Tunnel. In the tunnel, they are attacked by humanoid creatures (lickers), then by a giant spider. The girl survives, and reaches Callais, where she is ambushed by the agent of the Umbrella Corporation, but they are suddenly attacked by the Brotherhood. Both the girl and the agent are captured by the Brotherhood.
2022: The infected sister gets better, so she goes to school, but there she gets worse, so she goes home.
Ep4: The Turn
2036: The girl and the agent are taken to the Brotherhood base. They find it out that the Brotherhood uses a treadmill to generate power, that's pushed by zombies, who are controlled by the shrieks of a female zombie. They get out of their prison. The zombies also get free. The girl kills the shrieking zombie, and takes her head. The agent is killed by zombies.
2022: The father tries to come up with an antidote to the virus, but he is unsuccessful. The infected sister, fearing that she has only hours to live, decides to go to a party to have some fun. The father gets home to deal with the infected sister, but she's not in their home. A reporter (Pedro De Tavira as Angel Rubio) arrives in the city, and talks to the girls, but he gets caught by the Umbrella Corporation.
Ep5: Home Movies
2036: The girl gets captured by the Umbrella Corporation. The leader of the group is her sister (Adeline Rudolph as Billie Wesker).
2022: The girl gets her father's notebook hacked, so they find it out that they might be in danger. Her father left them some clues to find help. They even get into his secret laboratory, and find out about his previous research. When the father arrives, they attack him, and make him confess that he took part of illegal experiments.
Ep6: Someone's Little Girl
2022: The father kills the reporter during interrogation so he could tell the company about his infected daughter. He gets locked up, as they suspect he is hiding something.
2036: At the Umbrella base, her sister tells the girl that she is still slowly dying from the infection, and she captured her only so she could bid her farewell. The sister lets the girl free, and tells her that a search team from the University looking for her is nearby. She meets with that team, and they bring her to a ship. She meets with her husband (Ahad Raza Mir as Arjun Batra) and daughter (Ella Zieglmeier as Bea) after her six months of research. Using the controller zombie's head, the girl manages to separate a pheromone that makes people the target of zombies, and another to protect from zombies. She catches a zombie to use in the experiment, but due to her stupidity and carelessness, the zombie gets loose, killing another researcher.
Ep7: Parasite
2005: In the Arklay Mountains, we see that Albert Wesker maintains a secret laboratory, that's being staffed by clones of him. The real Wesker wears sunglasses, and he is superfast when Umbrella soldiers assault his lab. Two of the clones stay alive as the real Wesker gets away. The clones get captured.
2022: The father - one of the clones -, gets in a cell next to the other captured clone. It turns out the other clone (Bert) was in prison all along. The other clone decides to escape, so he kills his guards and get out. He is even able to escape from the building. He pretends to be the father, and takes the girls from the school. Umbrella captures all of them. It is revealed to the daughters that his father uses their blood to cure himself.
2036: Umbrella helicopters approach the University ship. The girl finds a tracker in the zombie head she brought with her. Umbrella requests the girl in exchange of leaving free, and the captain agrees. The girl asks her daughter to get away. When the girl meets with the Umbrella boss, it turns out that her sister is able to control the body of the boss, so it's actually her who leads the corporation. She also confesses that she needs the blood of the girl to battle the effects of virus in her system. When the sister threatens that she won't let the ship go, the girl uses the attack pheromone to summon the nearby zombies, who attack the Umbrella camp.
Ep8: Revelations
2022: They bring back the daughters home so they can pack their belongings before returning to the lab, but this allows the girl to escape. They get back to the lab to free their father, but the father stays back to sacrifice himself and blow up the lab. The explosion lets out one of the zombies. The story ends with the daughters leaving the city.
2036: Using the zombie attack as distraction, the girl is able to get back to the ship. They release a giant crocodile they've kept in shackles. In the camp, the sister uses weaponised drones to kill all the zombies and soldiers alike. The sister is attacked by the giant crocodile, but she is able to escape in a helicopter. On the ship, the girl finds it out that her daughter took her word, and got away from the ship, so they go back for her with her husband. When the daughter meets the giant crocodile, it's friendly towards her. The helicopter uses missiles to kill the giant crocodile. The girl and her daughter gets captured by Umbrella soldiers, and the sister shoots the girl, and takes the daughter. The story ends with the girl dying alone.
Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
The setting
Alternate Earth (2022), and the future of the alternate Earth (2036).
There is a special virus (T-Virus) that makes people zombies.
There was an outbreak in Raccoon City, infecting thousands, so the government decided to nuke the city.
The T-Virus
It makes human mindless.
It makes animals grow.
It probably spreads by getting bitten.
Plot points of interests
The were a couple of interesting elements.
The Brotherhood: Religious fanatics. They consider the infection a miracle.
The Umbrella Corporation: A corporation that plans to dominate the world.
The University: They want to preserve the remnants of the previous world. They prepare to live with the infected.
Albert Wesker: In 2022, he moved to New Raccoon City, with his daughters, Billie and Jade. Officially he died in 2009. He is a clone of the real Albert Wesker. Due to his accelerated ageing, so he would become 20 years old in 6 months, his body started to deteriorate at an accelerated rate. He came up with a solution - the creation of two children, whose blood can be used to cure him. In 2022 he seemingly dies in an explosion, although his daughter in 2036 talks about his recent death.
Billie Wesker: Born in 2009? She is 14 in 2022. Twin (but not identical twin) sister of Jade. They were created by the Albert clone to be used as medicine for him.
Jade Wesker: Born in 2009? She is 14 in 2022. Twin (but not identical twin) sister of Billie.They were created by the Albert clone to be used as medicine for him.
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Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Analysis of the story - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
I didn't really like the story, as there were so many problems with the logic and the the plot, that it prevented me from enjoying Resident Evil.
The message of the story
I'm not sure there's one.
The structure of the story
The scenes of the Resident Evil film are mostly played in sequence, but on multiple separate timelines.
There's no single viewpoint character.
The series has a truncated usual arc of the dramatic structure - introduction, action, but it doesn't have a resolution, as it ends in a cliffhanger. The individual episodes don't really have a structure - usually it's action, more action, than a cliffhanger.
Scenes and elements from previous games and films:
- Zombies
- Albert Wesker
- The Raccoon City incident is constantly mentioned. The infection lead to the city being destroyed.
- Ep1: The zombie dog
- Ep1: The giant worm is similar to the giant worm in the Resident Evil 3 game.
- Ep3: Lickers, and a giant spider.
- Ep3: The triple-barrelled shotgun from the Resident Evil 5 game.
- Ep5: Playing the Moonlight Sonata on piano. In the Resident Evil 1 game, it opens the room, here, it gives another clue.
- Ep5: Lisa is shown in a video.
- Ep8: Giant crocodile.
- Ep8: A Tyrant is shown in a tank.
- Ep8: Ada Wong is mentioned.
Things I liked
- It looked like the creative team had some opportunities to shine. I liked the set design, I liked the transition scenes, I liked the creatures. However, as a whole, these didn't matter, the series was a disappointment.
- At the beginning I liked it that Albert Wesker got into the centre of the plot, although later we got to know that it's not the real Wesker, just a clone of him. This kinda made the whole thing moot for me.
- The setting looks good.
- The music is good.
Problematic elements
Lack of protection: The girl spent 6 months watching zombies that are especially attracted to blood, and are extremely dangerous, without wearing any kind of protective gear. This, of course, leads to her scratching her hand, bleeding, escaping from zombies, and killing all her flock.
Tough girl: First, she withstands a flamethrower flame in a close distance, then she gets thrown from a great height into the windshield of a car. A normal human would have just died by this time. As we don't know anything about her special abilities, I consider these bad writing.
Aggressive girl: Why does the aggressive girl attack Jade at the first day of school? Especially in seemingly good school? Then, the others jump to the occasion by taking videos of the event, and posting it online. This makes this look like a pretty regular school. In a good school, it would be regulated what can they post online.
Not a single security guard: Even though they do dangerous research in the basement, and the automated system lets anyone in even at night, the whole place is totally empty, without guards, or even a receptionist.
Billie hiding the mascot dress in the locker: Why did she hide it there? If she wanted to imply it was her sister, it would have been enough to attack the girl. Proving it was her could have gotten her into serious trouble.
Shooting indiscriminately: If they want to capture the girl alive, why do they just shoot blindly into the crowd? (Spoiler [Ep2]: The same thing happens again.)
The Umbrella guy standing among the carnage: Although he might have invulnerability, I'm just afraid that it's the creators who don't understand how bullets work.
Unlikeable characters: All of the characters are unlikeable, the protagonists and the antagonists alike. That's not a good start, as the audience won't get engaged in their story.
Leaving the infected sister unsupervised: The father has enough money to spend it on a babysitter who could look after the girl, so she won't do anything stupid. The father is supposed to be some kind of genius, it's not likely he'll just assume that everything will be just fine. (Spoiler [Ep4]: He'll regret his carelessness, but it will be too late.)
Leaving the ticket on the table: The guy must have spent a fortune to get that ticket. It's highly unlikely that he'd just leave it on the table. When a suspicious stranger gives him a drink, he should have checked the ticket anyway before the stranger disappears.
Knowledge about the Brotherhood: She seemed to know about the Brotherhood, when she decided to go to their territory. How come she didn't know that they consider the zombie infection as a miracle from God?
Attacking the Brotherhood boss: What did the girl want to achieve with that?
Imprisoning people: When they get into the Brotherhood prison, they don't take their belongings. They can keep their knives, and the soldiers even have their armour on.
Experimenting: Jade doesn't have help, and she lets her daughter in. It's extremely stupid on her part. Also, although the 10 year old daughter is said to be some kind of genius, she acts like some 3 year old kid, just to make sure the next scene happens, and the zombie gets free.
Fences: In a world overrun by zombies why do the Umbrella soldiers build a fencing that's easily overcome by zombies?
Umbrella armour: Why do they wear armour that exposes body parts like their hands?
The clone uncle's antics: Although I wouldn't mind a funny uncle in any other series, Resident Evil really doesn't need this.
The dance: While I appreciate the choreography, the comedy undermines the serious tone of the current event.
Bringing the girls home: This was a totally unnecessary act, only there to further the plot without any logic behind it.
The effect of the attack pheromone: The zombies seem to only attack the tent, and they avoid the girl and the sister who gets out. However, pheromones work by sticking to nearby things. So, both of them would still carry the pheromones on them, attracting the zombies.
Fighting the crocodile: Even though the crocodile could only move by staying close to the ground, and couldn't even jump, the flying drones and even the combat helicopter manages to get so close that the crocodile was able to destroy them.
Unanswered questions
- Ep6: Why did Billie tell Jade that their father died recently, when in Ep8 we happen to see him die in the explosion? Did he somehow survive the lab explosion?
- Ep8: It was explained by Billie that she needs the blood of Jade to remain healthy. Why does she suddenly decide to kill her? What's her problem?
- Ep8: Will Jade die on the rocks?
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Possibilities of improvement
- Cutting the whole thing into a one hour movie could make it interesting.
- Cut most of the 2022 parts, as they don't advance the story, and in the end, we don't even see the breakout of the infection.
How it could have been better?
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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?
From the writer of Ep1, Ep8 (Andrew Dabb), I haven't seen any other works.
From the writer of Ep2, Ep7 (Mary Leah Sutton), I haven't seen anything else.
From the writer of Ep3 (Shane Tortolani), I haven't seen any other works.
From the writer of Ep3 (Garett Pereda), I haven't seen anything else.
From the writer of Ep4 (Kerry Williamson), I've seen What Happened to Monday (2017), that was weak. Ep4 was also weak.
From the writer of Ep5 (Lindsey Villarreal), I haven't seen anything else, but based on Ep5, I'm not interested in her further works.
From the writer of Ep6 (Jeff Howard), I have seen Before I Wake (2016), that was average, and Oculus (2013), that was good. He has written both movies with Mike Flanagan. His episode was slightly better than the rest, but still pretty weak.
From the writer of Ep8 (Tara Knight), I haven't seen any other works.
From the director of Ep1-2 (Bronwen Hughes), I haven't seen anything else.
From the director of Ep3-4 (Rob Seidenglanz), I haven't seen any other works.
From the director of Ep5, Ep8 (Rachel Goldberg), I haven't seen anything else. Ep5 was a low point, Ep8 was more acceptable, so I don't know what to think of her work.
From the director of Ep6-7 (Batan Silva), I have seen an episode of The Boys (We Gotta Go Now), that was good.
How does it compare to other adaptations of the same story?
Up to this date, this is probably the weakest of the Resident Evil adaptations.
The Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) reboot wasn't a cinematic masterpiece, but as I recall, it was acceptable, and the protagonist girl looked good enough to provide aesthetical pleasure when the plot started to become lacking.
The Resident Evil (2002) was only connected to the computer game series in its title, it was a completely different story, with some elements lifted from the games. Although they all had their problems, at least all of them had some kind of story to tell.
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Behind the scenes
Thoughts about the reviews of others
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Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
image © Constantin Television
Uses for the film - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
- Set in an alternate contemporary setting and a post-apocalyptic setting.
- There's a company that wants to rule the world.
- There's a viral outbreak, turning people into zombies.
- The zombie fighting scenes could be used to depict people fighting zombies.
- The look of the Umbrella soldiers is good. Just add some armoured gloves to the suit, so they won't get bitten in the hands.
Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas
Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas
Wandering creatures: The noises made by the models lure wandering creatures to the area. The more noise they make, the more dangerous creatures enter. Every attack or use of vehicles creates 1 noise counter. At the end of the turn, for every 5 noise counter, a larger wandering monster enters a random edge of the playing area. For the rest of the noise counters, roll one d6 dice. On a roll of 6, a smaller wandering creature enters the game. The creatures use Random aggressive movement.
Solo game: The player has a team who have to cross the playing area. There are some creatures randomly deployed that use Random aggressive movement. The player wins if all of their models leave on the opposite edge playing area alive, even if they are unconscious.
Escape from the fort: The defender sets up the playing area, including a fortified place in the middle. Outside of the fortified place, there are many weak, but hostile models (besieging soldiers, animal horde, alien creatures), that use Random aggressive movement. The defender deploys their models inside the fortified place, including the leaders in the middle. Then the attackers get deployed (by treachery, tunnelling, flying, teleportation), touching the inner walls of the fortified place. They are less numerous than the defenders, but they are heavily armoured, making it very hard for the defender weapons to harm them. The attackers want to capture the leaders. The attackers win, if more than half of the defender leaders are captured. The defender wins if more than half of the leaders leave the playing area.
Through the tunnel: The game is played in a tunnel system. The attacker sets up the tunnels, leaving at least one clear route that can be taken from the starting edge to the opposite edge, and at least one further route that can contain obstacles. Any other tunnel can contain as many obstacles as they want. Add further 6 entry points to the edges of the playing area, and add a number to them. Then the defender deploys their models at the start point, and make their move. At the end of the turn, roll a d6. In case of a 1, roll again, and put some monster at the indicated entry point, that is an aggressive attacker. At the beginning of the turn, after the first one, roll a d6. On a 1, the attacker deploys their models at the start. The attacker wins if they kill more than half of the defenders, while more than half of their own models is able to leave the playing area. The defender wins if more than half of their models is able to leave the playing area. The creatures win if they kill more than half of the other teams. The defender can spend army points to have less models, but they get extra turns before the dice gets rolled for the attackers arrival. The attackers can spend army points to have less models, but have a higher chance of appearing.
Creature player (harder for the players): The creatures are controlled by another player, making them more dangerous.
Creature summoning: The defender sets up the playing area, including a base in the middle. The defender deploys their models in the base, including the leaders. The attacker deploys their models on one of the edges of the playing area. One (or more) specialist models have a device that can summon creatures. They need to get this device inside the base, then activate it with one action. After the activation, at the beginning of the next 10 turns, d6 creatures will enter at a random edge. They use Random aggressive movement. The attacker wins if all of the defender leaders are killed, and more than half of the attacker models survive. The defender wins if more than half of their leaders survive when there are no more enemy models on the playing area.
Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)
Civilians: Human-sized (S3) modern (advanced) human female / male civilian.
Giant crocodile: S7-S8 giant crocodile. Just use any big toy crocodile.
Zombies: Human-sized (S3) sick-looking modern human civilians.
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Similar stories - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
Resident Evil (2002): In a contemporary setting, there's a catastrophe (zombie pandemic) in a research facility (New Racoon City) of a corporation (Umbrella Corporation). People try to contain it, but the AI controlling the place turns against them.
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021): In a contemporary setting, there's a catastrophe (zombie pandemic) in a research facility (Racoon City) of a corporation (Umbrella Corporation). People try to contain it.
Computer games
Resident Evil: The computer game series the TV series was based upon.
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Frequently asked questions - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
Is the Resident Evil TV series based on a book or comics?
No, Resident Evil is not based on either books or comics, but on the Resident Evil computer games.
Is the Resident Evil TV series a remake or reboot?
Yes, the Resident Evil series is a remake / reboot of the franchise.
Is there a post credit scene in Resident Evil? Does Resident Evil have end credit scenes? Does Resident Evil have a post credit scene?
No, there's no post credit scene in the Resident Evil series.
Will there be Resident Evil Season 2? / Is Resident Evil Season 2 cancelled? / Where can I watch Resident Evil Season 2?
Unfortunately, the Resident Evil series was cancelled in 2022 August. There might be a 2nd season if another network will pick up the series, but based on the previously cancelled series, I don't think it's likely to happen.
Why is Resident Evil cancelled? / Why was Resident Evil season 2 cancelled?
The Resident Evil series was cancelled by Netflix probably due to their viewer statistics.
Where can I see Resident Evil? What is Resident Evil playing on? What streaming service is Resident Evil on? Where can I watch Resident Evil online? Is Resident Evil available on Netflix? Is Resident Evil on Amazon?
As of 2022.10.24, Resident Evil is only available on Netflix.
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Resources - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
Netflix: Resident Evil: Official article.
IMDB: Resident Evil (TV Series 2022– ): Database article.
WikiPedia: Resident Evil (TV series): Database article.
Rotten Tomatoes: Resident Evil: Season 1 (2022): Database article.
TVTropes: Series / Resident Evil (2022) : Database article.
Resident Evil Wiki: Resident Evil: Database article.
: Concept art article.¤
Reviews with no spoilers - Resident Evil TV series (2022)
: Review video about the Resident Evil film with no spoilers.¤
Reviews with spoilers - Resident Evil TV series (2022)
The Critical Drinker: Resident Evil Is A Cruel Unfunny Joke: Review video of the Resident Evil TV series, with spoilers.¤
Analysis - Resident Evil TV series (2022)
: Analysis video, explaining the finale of Resident Evil.¤
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Buying the product - Resident Evil, TV series (2022)
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Have you seen the Resident Evil TV series for the Resident Evil (Netflix) series? How do you like the episodes? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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