If you'd like to be surprised by the Madame Web film, I don't recommend you to watch the trailer at all, because it begins by giving away an important twist of the plot. Then it starts to reveal practically every plot point and potential twist, up to the ending scene, it's only the very end we are not shown - although you'll probably able to predict it, based on what you've already seen in the trailer.
Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024) - Watch the trailer on YouTube
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video © Sony
Article updated: 2024.02.26
The Madame Web (2024) is a contemporary fantasy film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.
Product: Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024)
Original title: Madame Web
Series: Sony's Spider-Man Universe: Madame Web
Other adaptations of the story: -
Previous entries in the series related to this movie: -
Setting: contemporary fantasy Earth (Marvel Universe - Sony's Spider-Man Universe)
Product type: Film, 2 hours, Genre: contemporary fantasy, Features: action, fantasy - contemporary fantasy, super-human abilities - psychic powers, thriller, Style: -
Release: Premiere: 2024.02.12 (Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, Los Angeles), Release: 2024.02.14
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them
Watched: very recent (2024.02), first time
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Average (2 out of 3 points)
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This is my review of Madame Web, a contemporary fantasy movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe from 2024. It's about an ordinary woman receiving extra-ordinary powers, forcing her into dangerous situations. The Madame Web film is watchable, but I mostly recommend it to hardcore fans of Spider-Man.
Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024)
image © Sony
"In a switch from the typical genre, Madame Web tells the standalone origin story of one of Marvel publishing's most enigmatic heroines. The suspense-driven thriller stars Dakota Johnson as Cassandra Webb, a paramedic in Manhattan who develops the power to see the future… and realizes she can use that insight to change it. Forced to confront revelations about her past, she forges a relationship with three young women bound for powerful destinies...if they can all survive a deadly present."
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Review (spoiler-free) - Madame Web, movie (2024)
I've heard it for a long time, that a Madam Web movie is in the works. I've even seen parts of the trailer. When it came out, and I've started to hear bad reviews of the film, I decided to watch it quickly, before my views become influenced by the reviews, and before someone decides to reveal some spoilers that would ruin the movie for me.
The Madame Web movie is about an ordinary woman receiving extra-ordinary powers, forcing her into dangerous situations.
The story is mediocre, rushed, and hard to follow. At least it's consistent in that, although that's hardly a consolation. There are no real character arcs, although there's an arc forced on the protagonist. It doesn't even have a proper ending. There are plenty of logical problems (or at least unanswered questions), luckily those become only apparent when you start to think about the story, and there's something constantly happening during the movie so you could get distracted by those. There are plenty of references to Spider-Man, and previous knowledge of those stories might enhance your experience.
The cinematography is okay. Some of the visuals look excellent. I wouldn't say the movie was visually interesting, but it looked okay. The action scenes were sometimes hard to follow, but that might have been intentional.
The characters are under-developed, we don't get to learn more about them than the very basics. Even the main protagonist and the antagonist is just as empty as the rest of them. The actors seem to be fine, but I don't think they got get any proper materials to work with.
The music (by Johan Söderqvist) is probably okay, I don't really remember it. The movie often used hit songs from the time period depicted in the story.
Madame Web is a watchable contemporary fantasy, that I think only fans of the Spider-Man stories would enjoy.
My experience
I was not entirely satisfied with Madame Web (2024). I prefer stories with well-thought, logical plots, and Madame Web couldn't deliver that. However, I was entertained by the movie itself.
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points). Madame Web is a acceptable film, with a weak plot.
Enjoyment: Average (2 out of 3 points). Madame Web is watchable, I was able to sit through it.
Rewatchability: Average. I think if you liked it for the first time, you may be entertained by the movie multiple times.
Chance of watching it again: Low. Now that I know the story, there's no need to watch it again. The action scenes might be fine, but I wouldn't watch the movie again just to catch those.
Chance of watching a sequel: As I can be considered an addict of these, I'll probably watch it.
Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024)
image © Sony
Will you enjoy this?
If you are a hardcore fan of Spider-Man, you might enjoy watching the movie just for the references.
If you ever wanted to know how Madame Web received and learnt how to use her powers before she became that old lady, this is the movie you've been waiting for.
If you like mystery or thriller movies, you might like Madame Web, as there some hints of mystery and thriller sprinkled in the story.
If you like supernatural or fantasy movies, you might like Madame Web.
If you'd like to get comedic moments in your movies, Madame Web might disappoint you, as even though I assume the creators wanted it to have funny moments, they didn't really work, at least for me.
If you can get through the first half hour of the movie still interested, from then on it gets into gear, and you might even love this.
If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.
If you prefer visuals over story, this movie won't give you anything exciting.
If you hate depiction of violence, you probably shouldn't watch Madame Web, although they spare any gory details.
Things you are required to know to enjoy this
Although the movie itself is self-contained, previous knowledge of Peter Parker as Spider-Man can enhance your experience of watching Madame Web. There are plenty of teases and references to him during the movie.
Do you need to see the other films in the series to enjoy this?
There's enough explanation that you'll understand what's going on without seeing any of the previous film. Actually, there are practically no references to any of the SSU movies or the MCU Spider-Man movies.
Watching for plot points
If you are really interested in stories about precognitive abilities, it might be worth watching the Madame Web movie for the plot points, although it won't show anything you couldn't have seen before in previous films.
Should you watch this on your own screen at home, or is it worth going to the cinema?
The visuals probably look better if you watch it in cinema. However, I think the overall experience would be similar.
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Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024)
image © Sony
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Review with spoilers - Madame Web, movie (2024)
I couldn't really like the Madame Web movie, although I was able to get my attention captured throughout the story.
There are plenty of visual references to spider-webs, mostly done via cracked glass plates.
The cover of the movie is okay, it doesn't say much, but it doesn't spoil the movie.
The trailer
The trailer is basically a substitute for watching the movie.
If you prefer spoilers, it's a great trailer for the Madame Web film. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, it can ruin the movie for you. Although, truth the be told, the story is predictable enough even without the spoilers in the trailer.
Promise of the first scene
A woman is looking for a rare spider to experiment on, as the spider can give super-human powers. She is pregnant. I assume that she'll find that spider, and based on the premise of the story, I'd say that her child will get some of those superhuman powers. I suppose we'll see how will the child learn how to use their powers to do good.
Execution: I was partially satisfied, as we did get to see the child receiving the powers and using them, but then the movie inserted an additional plotline about three potential Spider-Women, that was left unresolved. I felt that they gave us a new promise that we'll see how will these Spider-Woman also develop their potentials, or at least we'll see how will they get their powers. That was missing from the movie.
Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024)
image © Sony
Plot summary / Synopsis
1973: Peruvian Amazonas
A pregnant scientist woman (Kerry Bishé as Constance Webb) is looking for a species of spider in the jungle, that she wants to experiment on to be able to heal diseases. She is accompanied by a guard (Tahar Rahim as Ezekiel Sims). The guard heard that the bite of the spider is able to give super-natural powers. When she finally finds the spider, the guard tries to force her to give the specimen to him, leading to her being accidentally shot.
After the guard leaves, a group of spider-people descent from the trees to save the scientist woman. She gives birth with their help.
2003: New York
There's a paramedic girl (Dakota Johnson as Cassandra "Cassie" Webb) and his assistant (Adam Scott as Ben Parker) working together. While they are rescuing a man from a wrecked car, the paramedic girl falls into the sea in the car. She sees visions while drowning, before she gets resuscitated by her assistant. After that, she gets feeling of deja vu, as events seem to get repeated.
We see the guard, seemingly unaged, having a vision of the future when three spider-women kill him. He gets close with a woman who works for the government to be able to get access to their assets, as he wants to find these three woman. He gets her password out of her, then kills her. He has an associate (Zosia Mamet as Amaria) who helps him find the woman. She de-ages the images that were created from the guard's description, and promises to find them when they get in front of a public camera - for example if they travel by train.
The paramedic girl gets invited to a party, where she meets a family member of his assistant, a pregnant woman (Mary Parker), while her husband (Richard Parker) is on a business trip.
The paramedic girl has work in a burning warehouse that stores explosives. She has a vision that one of her colleagues will die. She tries to prevent it, but he doesn't take her seriously. Then he dies. She starts to realise that her visions predict the future.
While the paramedic girl travels by train, all of those future spider-woman (Isabela Merced as Anya Corazon, Sydney Sweeney as Julia Cornwall, Celeste O'Connor as Mattie Franklin) are also there by coincidence. Ezekiel also gets notified of this, so he boards the train. The paramedic girl has visions that the girls will get attacked by Ezekiel. She prevents this by taking them off the train. Ezekiel kills some policemen who try to help them. The police suspects the paramedic woman of kidnapping the three girls. As they talk about the attack, they realise that the attacker was able to walk like a spider-person. She leaves the girls in the woods, as she remembers something similar in the diaries of her mother.
The girls get hungry in the woods, so they go to a local bar to eat. There, a guy notices them, as they were reported missing, and calls the police. Ezekiel gets notified of the place.
When the paramedic girl gets back to the woods, she finds that the girls are gone. She tracks them to the bar, where she sees them being killed by Ezekiel. When this really happens, she decides the crash the car into the bar, running over Ezekiel. The girls get in the car, and they escape to hide in a motel. She has a vision that Ezekiel wants to kill the girls because they will threaten him in the future with their powers. She also realises that Ezekiels poison causes the heart to stop. In the morning, she tells this to the girls, and teach them how to restart a heart that stopped.
Ezekiel's accomplice identifies the paramedic girl, and Ezekiel realises that she is the daughter of the scientist he killed.
Peruvian Amazonas
She decides to visit Peru to learn more about the spider-people, and leaves the three girls to her paramedic assistant. She finds the leader of the Spider-People (José María Yazpik as Santiago), who helped her mother. It turns out that the child had a genetic disorder, that would have probably killed her, or left her paralised. The mother travelled to Peru in order to find the cure for this. The man probably also teaches her how to enhance her powers.
New York
While the girls stay at the home of the paramedic assistants, his pregnant sister-in-law feels that she is about to give birth, so they all get in a car to go to a hospital. Ezekiel's accomplice notices them on a camera. By this time, the paramedic girl arrived back in New York, intercepts him, and runs him over, saving the girls. She has a vision, so she calls for a medical helicopter, and lure Ezekiel to the ruined warehouse filled with explosives. They trap the place, trying to blow him up. They start fighting during the explosions. A lot of debris falls on Ezekiel, seemingly killing him. During the fight, the paramedic girl gets paralysed, and blinded by flaming debris.
The setting
The story is set in a historical 2003 of a fantasy Earth (SSU).
There are spiders that grant superhuman powers through their bites. There is a magical link between Spider-People. There are people superhuman abilities.
The magical spider
The spider only lives in the Peruvian jungles. The venom of the spider gives humans superhuman abilities, similar to those that Spider-Man has.
Plot points of interests
The are a couple of interesting facts about the setting and characters.
Anya Corazon: A human female girl.
Ben Parker: A human male paramedic. Works with Cassie Web. He has a girlfriend (probably named May). Has a brother, Richard Parker.
Constance Webb: A human female scientist. She was working in the Amazon, trying to find a rare spider specimen, while pregnant. She was shot by Ezekiel.
Julia Cornwall: A human female girl.
Mary Parker: A human female woman. The wife of Richard Parker, the sister-in-law of Ben Parker. She is pregnant with a boy (probably named Peter).
Mattie Franklin: A human female girl. She has rich parents.
Richard Parker: A human male. The brother of Ben Parker. His wife is Mary Parker. They have a boy (probably named Peter).
Characters with superhuman powers
Cassandra Webb: A human female paramedic. Works with Ben Parker.
- Clairvoyance: In the beginning, she only has precognition, seeing a couple of minutes into the future, watching how things unfold. Later, she learns to use her abilities to predict the future. By the end of the movie, she seems to predict multiple timelines, and choose between them. She is also able to see into the past, at least as far as the time her mother was pregnant with her.
- Multiplication: Later, she is able to project her body to multiple places at once.
Ezekiel Simms: A human male. He was poor in his early years. He shot the pregnant Constance Webb, leading to her death. After he got spider-powers, he used those powers to become rich, and build some criminal empire. He is probably killed by Cassandra Web.
- Poison: Able to inject poison from his hands. It first paralises, then kills the victim.
- Fall from high distance
- Walk or crawl on ceilings
- Super strength
- Super speed
- Superhuman durability: Being crashed by a falling ambulance does not even slows him.
- Precognition: He is able to see how he dies.
Characters killed
Constance Webb: He was shot by Ezekiel. Later died from her wounds, after giving birth to Cassandra Web.
Ezekiel Simms: He probably dies when debris falls on him.
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Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024)
image © Sony
Analysis of the story - Madame Web, movie (2024)
Although I couldn't say I liked the story, I was entertained (or at least distracted) by it. I didn't find major problems that would have prevented me from enjoying Madame Web, even though it's full of those if you stop to think about them.
The message of the story
I'm not sure there's one.
According to the main actress, the story is about female empowerment and women supporting each other. Does this imply that Cassandra wouldn't have helped the targets of Ezekiel's murder if they were males? Or if they were males, they wouldn't have supported each other? I'm not entirely sure about this.
The structure of the story
The scenes of the Madame Web film are mostly played in sequence, following the same storyline. There are some flashbakc scenes, explaining events from the past. There are also some flash-forwards, indicating the procognitive abilities of the protagonist.
There's no single viewpoint character.
It has an almost usual arc of the dramatic structure - introduction, action, a kind-of resolution, then a sudden ending.
Parallels with other stories
Scenes and elements from previous works:
- The main protagonist is the child of a person, who was killed by the antagonist. In Dune, Paul was the son of Leto, who was killed by Baron Harkonnen. In Madam Web, Cassie is the daughter of Constance, who was killed by Ezekiel.
- The protagonist gets precognitive powers. Later, the eyes of the protagonist get blinded by an explosion, but due to the precognitive powers, the protagonist is still able to see. Happened to both Paul in Dune and Cassie in Madame Web.
- The protagonist is predicted to be able to be in multiple places at once. Paul in Dune is said to be the "one who can be many places at once", referring to his precognitive abilities. Cassie in Madame Web is able to be in multiple places literally, due to projecting her body.
- A character gets precognitive powers due to getting in contact with a substance, while still in their mother's womb. Alia in Dune, Cassie in Madame Web.
Scenes and elements from previous works:
- Ben Parker, the uncle of Peter Parker is shown. It is implied that he has a girlfriend (probably May).
- Ben Parker lives in Queens, where Peter Parker will also live. Probably in the same house.
- Ben Parker makes jokes when he is nervous. This is also a habit of Peter Parker.
- Mary Parker, the mother of Peter Parker is shown.
- Richard Parker, the father of Peter Parker is mentioned.
- The Spider-People paint their bodies red, and wear webbing similar to the patter on Spider-Man's costume.
- "With great responsibility, will come great power" - Ben Parker said to Peter "With great power, there must also come great responsibility".
Ezekiel Sims
- In some scenes, Ezekiel wears a suit, and walks barefoot.
Madame Web
- She is blind and paralised by the end of the movie.
Things I liked
Problematic elements
Pregnancy in the jungle: While watching the pregnant scientist woman in a hot and dangerous jungle, I didn't feel it justified, and felt it's a mistake on the creators part. Even though later it's shown in the movie, she wanted to find a cure for the disease of her unborn daughter, until that time, I still considered it a mistake, taking away from my enjoyment of the movie. It would have been preferable if they would have at least hinted that there was a serious reason behind that.
Falling with the car: Why did the paramedic girl just go into the car without further assistance, causing her to fall with the car? It looked like there were multiple people at the site.
Ezekiel's premonition: It looks to me that the precognition abilities of the Spider-People work in a way that it shows what happens if they act without the knowledge received in the precognition. Ezekiel sees all three girls attacking and killing him. However, it looks to me that the three girls would have been unrelated, and it was the actions of Ezekiel that united them. They will probably also get their powers due to Ezekiel's research into the spiders. So, in the end, I don't think they would have been united, if they weren't forced by Ezekiel due to his premonition, and it seems like a paradox / plot hole. Although there's some mention that Ezekiel was cursed by his powers, if we take this literally, the curse could have created the false premonition.
Ezekiel killing the government woman: Why does he kill the government woman before trying out her password? She could have mislead him, and then he would have to find another government agent to deceive.
Identifying the spider-woman: The killing of Ezekiel seems to be in the far future - based on his looks, at least 20 years or so. How does he plan to identify the girls in the present, using the government data? Especially as the girls don't look 20 in his vision, so they are probably not even born. They don't seem to use futuristic technology, so they probably use regular software that was available in 2003.
Driving through the city in the stolen car: I'm almost sure that the car was reported stolen, so now the police is likely searches for it. How come nobody notices it, even after it gets heavily damaged?
Travelling to Peru: How can Cassie travel to Peru, while being wanted by the police? I doubt she could just fly a regular plane. Does she have secret funds to fly under the radar on smuggler planes?
Shocking through the roof of the car: I'm almost sure that cars are insulated against lightnings from the outside. I doubt that an electric attack from the inside would work like that.
Defeating Ezekiel: Ezekiel had decades of training using spider-powers, and he was a very determined egoist, uncaring for the well-being of others. Yet, he couldn't deal with a couple of untrained teenagers, and some explosions were able to take him out. What will this mean for Spider-Man? Will he have trouble beating some school bullies in future movies? Will explosions be the Kryptonite of Spider-People?
Killing Ezekiel: If the falling ambulance didn't even hurt Ezekiel, why does a couple of rocks and a neon sign do the thing?
Unexpected and sudden ending: I would have preferred if we would have at least arrived at a part of the story where the three Spider-Women also got their powers, so a sequel could instantly start with them already in action. However, this is not the case, after they defeat Ezekiel, the movie just ends. There's not even a cliffhanger or a teaser.
Unanswered questions
- Why do the spider-people save the scientist woman, who is an intruder into their lands? Did they have a vision about her or her child?
- Why do the spider-people let Ezekiel run away with the magical spider? Did they let him go intentionally? Did they have a vision about him?
- Why do the spider-people paint their body and wear webs like Spider-Man? Did they have a vision about the costume of Spider-Man?
- Do medics really let resuscitated drowning victims just let go home in the USA (or at least in the SSU)?
- In the subway, when Ezekiel could easily grab the girls he wanted to kill, why does he grab the policemen instead?
- What will happen to the spider of Ezekiel? Will his accomplice take it, possibly to gain spider-powers or give powers to others? Will the specimen be taken by the police or the government after they search his home?
- How many people know about these special spiders? How many spiders were taken away to create super-powered people?
- Will the three girls get any powers now? Or defeating Ezekiel deleted that timeline of events, and now they will remain ordinary humans?
- Now that the people have seen Ezekiel, a criminal, dressed as Spider-Man, how will they regard when Peter Parker will don a similar costume? Will Peter choose a similar style, beceuse he was inspired by the costume of Ezekiel?
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Possibilities of improvement
Pregnancy in the jungle: Add dialogue to the beginning, hinting that the scientist has a very specific reason to be there in person, despite her pregnancy.
Ezekiel killing the government woman: Simply make a cut, seeminly jumping in time, and Ezekiel could kill the woman after he confirmed the codes.
Unexpected and sudden ending: Add some dialogue telling that all three girls got their own spider-powers. I don't care, how, for me, they could have been bitten by a radioactive Ezekiel before he died. Or when they visited Ezekiel's hideout, they got one by one, accidentally bitten by his spider. Give us something that fulfils the prophecy, promised in the movie.
How it could have been better?
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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?
I haven't seen anything else from the story writer (Kerem Sanga).
From the works of the story and screenplay writer (Matt Sazama), I've seen Morbius (2022), that was mediocre. This was slightly better.
From the works of the story and screenplay writer (Burk Sharpless), I've seen Morbius (2022), that was mediocre. This was slightly better.
This is the first work of the screenplay writer (Claire Parker).
I haven't seen any other works of the screenplay writer (S.J. Clarkson).
This is the first feature film I've seen from the director (S.J. Clarkson).
How does it compare to the original source?
Madame Web
- In the comics, Webb was her married name, from her husband. In the movie, Webb is her maiden name, probably from her father. Her mother is also called Webb, it's not clear if it's her maiden or married name, but in the 1970s, it's probably the latter.
- She has a neuromuscular disease in both media. In the comics, she is kept in a life-support apparatus due to this. In the movie, she was cured by the Spider-People, before being born, however, she became paralysed due to her injuries during the final fight.
- She was born blind in the comics. In the movie, she became blind during a fight.
- She was mutant, born with precognition abilities in the comics. In the movie, she received this power only after being clinically dead due to drowning.
- In the comics, she also has telepathic powers. In the movie, she is able to project multiples of herself, to act at different places.
- In the comics, originally she was already old when she first met Spider-Man, and got involved with super-heroes. However, she got rejuvenated, before teaming up with the three Spider-Women (Jessica Drew, Julia Carpenter (née Cornwall), and Mattie Franklin). In the movie, she is still young when she meets the three girls (Anya Corazon, Julia Cornwall, and Mattie Franklin), in a time that they don't have any powers yet.
- In the original comics, she didn't have any relations to Peter Parker and his family. In the movie, she worked with Ben Parker, Peter's uncle.
Anya Corazon
- In the comics, Anya was not part of Madame Web's Spider-Women crew, it was Jessica Drew instead.
- In the comics, her family was American. In the movie, they are illegal aliens.
- In the comics, she sacrificed herself to save someone, and a sorcerer gave her magical Spider-Powers. It's unclear, how will she get powers in the movie universe.
- In the comics, beyond the usual Spider-Man powers, she was able to create a carapace armour. In the movie, she didn't seem to have this ability.
Julia Cornwall
- In the comics, she received Spider-powers from government experiments. In the movie, it's unclear how will she get her powers in the future.
- In the comics, she had powers like Spider-Man, and beyond those she was able to create and move webs psychically. In the movie, she'll probably get similar powers.
Mattie Franklin
- She came from a wealthy family both in the comics and in the movie.
- In the comics, she received her powers through a magical ritual. It's unclear how will she get powers in the movie universe.
- In the comics, beyond the usual Spider-Man powers, she was able to fly due to this ritual. Later, she gained the ability to manifest spider-legs. In the movie, she is seen using those spider legs.
Ezekiel Sims
- In the comics, he received Spider-powers through a mysterious ritual in the Amazon jungle. In the movie, a special spider from the Amazon jungle bit him, giving him powers.
- In the comics, while he tried to achieve power, he was more altruistic in nature, and tried to help young heroes. In the movie, he is clearly an immoral egoist.
- In the comics, he died while sacrificing himself to save others. In the movie, he might have died while trying to kill some kids, who might have posed some threat to him in a far future.
- In the comics, he had practically the same powers as Spider-Man. In the movie, he seem to have some kind of invulnerability, able to withstand being hit by a falling ambulance.
- In the comics, he mostly wore regular clothes, even while using his powers. In the movie he dresses up in a Spider-Man suit.
- In the comics, he never had any connection with Madame Web. That's probably due to the fact that Madame Web doesn't have spider-powers in the comics.
Ben Parker
- In the comics, he was a police officer. In the movie, he is a paramedic.
Peter Parker
- Although he isn't named in the movie, it is implied that he might be the baby of the pregnant Mary Parker. This at least confirms that Mary is the mother, unlike in the Trouble comics, where it was revealed that the real mother was May. The identity of the father may still be ambiguous, but the Ben of the movie seems to be a decent guy, who wouldn't get into those kind of carnal fun activities.
How does it compare to the other films in the series?
I feel that Madam Web fits fine into the previous SSU movies - Venom 1-2 and Morbius were similarly weak and pointless stories.
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Behind the scenes
Thoughts about the reviews of others
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Madame Web, movie for Sony's Spider-Man Universe (2024)
image © Sony
Uses for the film - Madame Web, movie (2024)
- Set in a contemporary fantasy Earth (the Sony's Spider-Man Universe).
- The protagonist receives super-natural powers (precognition).
- The protagonist's visions show her people getting killed. She decides to save those people.
- The antagonist has super-natural powers.
- The antagonist has precognitive powers, and sees that he will be killed in the future by a goup of super-powered people (Spider-Women).
- The antagonist decides to kill them before they have a chance to kill him, or even before they get their super-powers.
- The antagonist is still defeated by those same group of people, even before they get their super-powers.
- The antagonist pursues their intended victims (young girls), constantly finding them (via surveillence technology). intending to kill them.
- Others don't believe the intended victims that they are being pursued.
- The antagonist is practically invulnerable (until he loses his plot armour).
Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas
Visions of danger: A character starts to see other people during dangerous situations. The character then can decide to help them, knowing more about those specific dangers.
Tempting fate: It turns out that those people should have become the victims of those dangerous situations, and the character has changed their fate. Now, more and more dangerous situations arise around those people, until the character is able to appease some higher power.
Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas
Rewind and retry (solo game): One of the characters in the player's force is has the ability to foresee the future (magical clairvoyance, time travel technology, or high tech calculation). When any of the characters would be taken out of action, the player can decide to restart either that specific turn, or the whole game from the start. This ability can only be used once during the game. Set up a game as usual. At the beginning of every turn, make a map of the playing area, indicating the location of the models, and any effects on them, so you could use that as a reference to rewind the game. This ability is recommended to be used in a solo game, otherwise it could become annoying to the player of the other force.
Steal the objective (solo game): There's a team of researchers working on a project. There is a traitor among them. When the research comes to fruition, the traitor decides to strike, and steal the objective. The player sets up the playing area, and places the objective in a random location. Also place the workers, the guards and the traitor in random locations. The traitor has a weapon. The traitor wins if it reaches the objective, kills every eye witness in its way, takes the objective, and leaves the playing are with the objective. After the traitor takes the objective, or it attacks any people, the guards will attack the traitor.
Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)
Civilians: Human-sized (S3) modern (advanced) human female / male civilian.
Spider-Women: Human-sized (S3) modern (advanced) human female in costumes.
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Similar stories - Madame Web, movie (2024)
Short stories like Madame Web
Philip K. Dick: The Golden Man (1954): Set on a futuristic fantasy Earth, the protagonist has the ability to see the future. The antagonists try to kill the protagonist.
Novels like Madame Web
Stephen King: The Dead Zone (1979): Set on a contemporary fantasy Earth, the protagonist has visions about the future. The protagonist decides to create changes.
Graphic novels like Madame Web
Movies like Madame Web
It Follows (2014): Set on a contemporary fantasy Earth, an antagonist with supernatural abilities pursues its victims (young people), intent on killing them, for seemingly no reason. Others don't believe the claims of the victims. In the end, the victims lure the antagonist into a trap, and seemingly defeat it.
Next (2007): Set on a contemporary fantasy Earth, the protagonist has visions about the future. The antagonists try to kill the protagonist, so the protagonist won't interfere with their plans. Based on the The Golden Man short story by Philip K. Dick.
Premonition (2007): Set on a contemporary fantasy Earth, the protagonist has visions about the future - the dead of a person (significant other). The protagonist decides to create changes.
The Dead Zone (1983): Set on a contemporary fantasy Earth, the protagonist has visions about the future. The protagonist decides to create changes. Based on the The Dead Zone novel by Stephen King.
TV series & episodes like Madame Web
Games like Madame Web
Computer games like Madame Web
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Frequently asked questions - Madame Web, movie (2024)
Is the Madame Web film based on a book or comics?
Yes, the basic concept of the Madame Web movie is based on the Spider-Man comics. I don't think it was based on any particular storyline from the graphic novels.
Is the Madame Web film a remake or reboot?
No, the Madame Web film is neither a remake nor a reboot.
Is there a post credit scene in Madame Web? Does Madame Web have end credit scenes? Does Madame Web have a post credit scene?
No, there's no post credit scene in Madame Web.
Where can I see Madame Web? What is Madame Web playing on? What streaming service is Madame Web on? Where can I watch Madame Web online? Is Madame Web available on Netflix? Is Madame Web on Amazon?
As of 2024.02.17, Madame Web is only available in cinemas.
Based on previous Sony movies, it will be most likely available on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play, Microsoft Movies, Netflix, Vudu, YouTube.
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Resources - Madame Web, movie (2024)
Sony Pictures: Madame Web: Official article.
IMDB: Madame Web (2024): Database article.
WikiPedia: Madame Web (film): Database article.
Letterboxd: Madame Web 2024: Database article.
Rotten Tomatoes: Madame Web 2024: Database article.
TVTropes: Film / Madame Web 2024: Database article.
Sony's Spider-Man Universe Wiki: Madame Web: Database article.
: Concept art article / video.¤
Reviews with no spoilers - Madame Web film (2024)
: Review article / video about the Madame Web film with no spoilers.¤
Reviews with spoilers - Madame Web film (2024)
: Review article / video of the Madame Web movie, with spoilers. Includes a very detailed plot summary.¤
Analysis - Madame Web movie (2024)
: Analysis article / video, explaining the finale of Madame Web.¤
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Buying the product - Madame Web, movie (2024)
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Have you seen the Madame Web film for Sony's Spider-Man Universe? How do you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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