Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012) - Watch the trailer on YouTube
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video © Death Awaits Cinema
Article updated: 2022.11.09
The Grave Encounters 2 is a horror film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.
Product: Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
Original title: Grave Encounters 2
Series: Grave Encounters
Previous entries in the series: Grave Encounters movie (2011)
Product type: Film, Genre: Horror, Style: video mashup, handheld camera, shaky cam, bad editing, ghosts
Release: 2012.10.02
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them
Watched: very recent (2017.06), first time
Rating: Very bad (1- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Very bad (1- out of 3 points)
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This is my review of Grave Encounters 2 movie, a horror movie from 2012. It's a video mashup about a film crew investigating the events of the first movie. This is even worse than the first one, I don't recommend the Grave Encounters 2 film to anyone.
Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
image © Death Awaits Cinema
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Review (spoiler-free) - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
I watched the first movie because I was told it would be a good one. I watched this movie because I don't learn from my mistakes. I don't think I've watched the trailer for the film.
The Grave Encounters 2 film is a video mashup about a film crew investigating the group that tried to investigate a haunted house in the first movie (Grave Encounters movie (2011)).
Unlike the first film, the beginning is solid, it's one of the best parts of the movie. (It was the second best part of the movie for me.) The tempo and quality however is very uneven, you can clearly point out better and worse parts.
The characters were empty, and we didn't get to know them. The actors were probably okay.
I can't remember the music.
As the whole thing just happened without any real story behind it, and that would have been important for me, I couldn't really enjoy the film, but I can imagine others might do.
My experience
For me, the best part of the film was the music during the end credits, it was entertaining. There were also some seconds that featured girls that were nice to look at.
Rating: Very bad (1- out of 3 points). The Grave Encounters 2 film has plenty of problems.
Enjoyment: Very bad (1- out of 3 points). It was not that bad that I'd switch the movie off, but I didn't like watching it.
Chance of watching it again: No way. It was bad enough that I've spent the time to watch it once.
Rewatchability: Good. If you liked the film for the first time, you probably liked it because of the atmosphere, not the plot.
Chance of watching a sequel: Unlikely. However, I already said that about the previous movie, and I've still watched this. I'm somewhat interested in where would they take the story.
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Will you enjoy this?
If you like fake ghost hunting documentaries, you might enjoy the Grave Encounters 2 film.
If you like found footage films with no story, you could.
If you'd like to get comedic moments in your movies, Grave Encounters 2 will disappoint you, as it's mostly serious.
If you enjoyed the Grave Encounters movie (2011), you might be interested in this story.
If you get through the first 20 minutes of the Grave Encounters 2 film still interested, you might enjoy this film. The beginning for few minutes might be misleading, because those are good, wait until they start the investigation.
Do you need to see the first film to enjoy this?
There's enough explanation that you'll understand what's going on without seeing the first film.
However as I think this film is somewhat inferior to the previous one, I feel that watching the Grave Encounters movie (2011) before this would improve your experience of Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012).
Watching for plot points
If you are only watching this film because you are curious whether it has some interesting scary background story - it doesn't. I can't even really tell if it has a story at all.
Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
image © Death Awaits Cinema
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Review with spoilers - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
I don't think there is anything worth mentioning about this film that would spoil anything.
I felt that the most creative part was the first few minutes with the video reviewers. Those got their own review style, footage resolution, aspect ratio. It really felt there was some work put into this segment.
Promise of the first scene
We'll get some strange amateur movie about ghost hunting.
Execution: Although the beginning was better than the rest of the movie, we mostly got what we were promised.
Plot summary / Synopsis
The events of the previous film (Grave Encounters movie) were made public, and it's been a cult hit. Some of the fans (lead by Richard Harmon as Alex Wright) try to look behind the making of the film, and realise it's been a found footage movie. They meet with crew members, and start investigating. They are contacted online by someone who sends them evidence that one of the missing people is still alive, and that person wants to meet them in the hospital where the story was filmed. They realise during a Quija-board session that their informant was a supernatural entity. They get back to their hotel, but the elevator sends them back to the hospital. Strange things happen, they meet one of the survivors of the film crew (Sean Rogerson as Lance Preston), trapped in the hospital, and he tells them the evil doctor from the first movie was doing supernatural experiments, that is why they are trapped. He tells them they need to finish the film, by a human sacrifice. After a while they agree to do it, and the last survivor gets out of the hospital. The film gets published.
Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
image © Death Awaits Cinema
The setting
Grave Encounters is most likely set in alternate reality where supernatural entities exist.
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Analysis of the story - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
I didn't like the movie.
The message of the story
I'm not sure there's a message. If there's any, it's probably "it's okay to sacrifice your mates if it helps to finish your movie". Or "don't trust doctors".
The structure of the story
The scenes are played in sequence. The story has the usual dramatic structure - introduction, action, resolution.
Things I liked
- The beginning was good.
- There were some good spooky elements in the story, even though they didn't make much sense..
Problematic elements
It would be hard to list all the problems.
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Possibilities of improvement
Improving this would require a better man than I am.
How it could have been better?
I'm pretty sure the camera work was intentionally bad. Considering the previous works of the camera crew I'm also pretty sure that they would have achieved a semi-amateur looking effect without any additional work. And that would have been all that could have made it an average film.
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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?
I don't know, I haven't seen anything else from the writers, the Vicious Brothers (Colin Minihan & Stuart Ortiz), beyond the Grave Encounters films.
I also haven't seen anything else from the director (John Poliquin).
How does it compare to the other films in the series?
It's worse than the first one (Grave Encounters movie).
Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
image © Death Awaits Cinema
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Uses for the film - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
- Set on contemporary fantasy Earth.
- A film crew goes missing, while working on a story.
- There are ghosts in an old building (hospital)
- The home video scenes in the beginning could be used to show fans of a horror story.
Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas
- The team has to find the missing film crew. They were friends, or they are fans of their work, or they just got hired by one of the relatives of the missing crewmembers.
Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)
Civilians: Human-sized (S3) modern (advanced) human female / male civilian.
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Similar stories - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
Grave Encounters (2011): Found footage movie, about spooky things in a house (ghosts).
Rec (2007): Found footage movie, about spooky things in a house (zombies).
The Blair Witch Project (1999): Found footage movie, about spooky things in the woods (witches).
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Frequently asked questions - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
What are the numbers at the end of Grave Encounters 2?
At the end of Grave Encounters 2, we get see "49, 14, 122, 48". These are coordinates near the Riverview Hospital (Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada), and empty building, where Grave Encounters movie (2011), and most of Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012) was filmed.
How scary is Grave Encounters 2?
I don't think Grave Encounters 2 would be really scary.
Is Grave Encounters 2 real? / Is Grave Encounters 2 real footage?
No, despite the bad camera work and editing, Grave Encounters 2 is not real, although it is set up as a documentary.
Is Grave Encounters 2 based on true events?
No, Grave Encounters 2 is not based on true events. It is set up as a documentary, and the creators try to convince the audience with bad camera work and bad sound.
Is Grave Encounters 2 a comedy?
I don't think Grave Encounters 2 is a comedy. There are some light-hearted moments, more than in the previous movie, Grave Encounters movie (2011).
What is the movie Grave Encounters 2 about?
The movie is about a group investigating what happened to the film crew that tried to investigate a haunted house. It is a found footage style horror movie.
Is there a post credit scene in Grave Encounters 2?
Yes, there's a short post credit scene in Grave Encounters 2.
How many Grave Encounters are there?
As of 2020 November, there are two Grave Encounters movies: Grave Encounters movie (2011) and Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012).
Will there be Grave Encounters 3?
As of 2020 November, the latest collaboration of the Vicious Brothers, the creators behind the Grave Encounters series, was in 2014. Unless somebody takes over the franchise from them, I find it highly unlikely that Grave Encounters would be continued.
Where can I see Grave Encounters 2? What is Grave Encounters 2 playing on? What streaming service is Grave Encounters 2 on? Where can I watch Grave Encounters 2 online? Is Grave Encounters 2 available on Netflix? Is Grave Encounters 2 on Amazon?
As of 2022.10.18, Grave Encounters 2 is available on Amazon Prime Video, Fubo, Google Play, Vudu, YouTube.
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Resources - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
IMDB: Grave Encounters 2 (2012): Database article.
WikiPedia: Grave Encounters 2: Database article.
Box Office Mojo: Grave Encounters 2: Database article.
Letterboxd: Grave Encounters 2: Database article.
Rotten Tomatoes: Grave Encounters 2: Database article.
Stuart Heritage (The Guardian): Grave Encounters 2: a sight for really sore eyes – trailer review: Review article.
Behind the scenes
Digital Interference: Grave Encounters 2 Behind The Scenes: Video about making of the movie.
Beth Accomando (for kpbs): Review: ‘Grave Encounters 2’: Review article.
ScareSkeptic: Scare Skeptic - Grave Encounters 2 Review: Review video.
Reviews in Hindi
Haunting Tube: Grave Encounters 2 (2012) Story Explained in Hindi: Review video in Hindi.§
FoundFlix: GRAVE ENCOUNTERS 2 (2012) Ending Explained: Analysis video of the ending of the movie.
Buying the product - Grave Encounters 2 movie (2012)
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Have you seen the Grave Encounters 2 film? How do you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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