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If you'd like to be surprised by the Freaks: You are One of Us film, I don't recommend you to watch the trailer beyond 0:46, because it gives away too much of the plot. It basically provides a summary of the film.

Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020) - Watch the trailer on YouTube
Watch the trailer in German
video © Pssst! Film & Das Kleines Fernsehspiel (ZDF)

The Freaks: You are One of Us (2020) is a contemporary fantasy drama film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.

Product: Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)

Original title: Freaks – Du bist eine von uns, English title: Freaks: You are One of Us

Series: -

Setting: contemporary fantasy Earth

Product type: Film, Genre: contemporary fantasy drama, Style: sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary fantasy, drama, action, super-human abilities

Release: 2020.09.02

Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them

Watched: very recent (2021.01), first time

Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)

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This is my review of Freaks - You are One of Us, a contemporary fantasy drama movie from 2020. It's about an ordinary woman gaining superhuman powers. The Freaks - You are One of Us film has some interesting parts, but I only recommend it to dedicated fans of super-hero movies.

Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonFreaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)
image © Pssst! Film & Das Kleines Fernsehspiel (ZDF)

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Review (spoiler-free) - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)

I didn’t hear anything about this movie before I ran into it. The premise sounded interesting, and I like fantasy movies. I decided to watch it without seeing the trailer.

The Freaks - You are One of Us movie is about an ordinary woman gaining superhuman powers.

The story is slow, and lacks basic logic. The concept is interesting, but similar stories have been done before, and better in every aspect. My main problem with the film is that the writer didn't really think through what would happen if the premise of the story - there are superpowered people out there - would become the reality. And this lack of forethought leads to logical problems.

The cinematography is okay.

The characters are okay, we got some background information about them. The actors are okay.

The music (by Matthias Mania, Daniel Großmann) is okay.

Freaks - You are One of Us is a watchable contemporary fantasy drama, that I think only dedicated fans of the super-hero genre would enjoy.

My experience

I was not satisfied with Freaks - You are One of Us (2020).

Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points). Freaks: You are One of Us is a watchable, but not very clever film.

Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points). Freaks: You are One of Us is irritating.

Rewatchability: I'm not sure. I think it's mostly the surprise of the story that makes you feel interested.

Chance of watching it again: Unlikely.

Chance of watching a sequel: I'd probably watch it.

Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonFreaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)
image © Pssst! Film & Das Kleines Fernsehspiel (ZDF)

Will you enjoy this?

If you like super-hero movies, you might like Freaks - You are One of Us.

If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.

If you hate subtitles, you don't have to worry, there's already English dubbing for the movie.

If you prefer visuals over story, this film is probably not for you.

Watching for plot points

If you are interested in super-hero stories, I think it's worth watching the Freaks - You are One of Us movie for the plot points. Or you could skip watching the film, and read the summary.

Should you watch this on your own screen at home, or is it worth going to the cinema?

I think you’d get a similar experience either way.

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Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonFreaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)
image © Pssst! Film & Das Kleines Fernsehspiel (ZDF)

Review with spoilers - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)

I didn’t like the Freaks - You are One of Us movie.


The cover of the movie is okay, it doesn't say much, but it doesn't spoil the movie.

The trailer

The trailer is basically a substitute for watching the movie.

If you prefer spoilers, it's a great trailer for the Freaks: You are One of Us film. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, it will ruin the movie for you.

Promise of the first scene

A little girl cries. She gets taken care of. I have no clue where will this lead.

Execution: We got to know why did she cry, why was there a hole in the wall. I'm still not sure if I'm satisfied with the fulfilment of the promise.

Plot summary / Synopsis

We see police arriving into a school, as there has been an incident. There's a little girl crying. A woman find and calms her.

Years later, the little girl is now a woman (Cornelia Gröschel as Wendy Schulze), working in a restaurant in Germany. She takes psychiatric medications, because she’s prone to aggressive outbursts. This lead to the dead of one of her teachers in school. She asks for a promotion, but she is denied this. A homeless man (Wotan Wilke Möhring as Marek) approaches her, and tells her that she should stop taking her psychiatric medications. The homeless man tells her that she is one of them, before jumping in front of a car, getting run over.

The woman sees the homeless man later, without a scratch, although the accident should have been fatal. The man gives her an address. She decides to stop taking her medications.

The woman gets attacked at night, and she is able to overpower her attackers with superhuman strength. She uses her super-strength to threaten her boss, to give her a raise. A boy (Tim Oliver Schultz as Elmar Mund), working at the same place, sees this.

The woman checks the address, and finds the homeless man living there. He explains that there are people with super-human powers, but they are kept under control by the government, and those who are let to live their lives freely, still have to take the medications to suppress their powers.

The boy, living with his father and his step-mother doesn't like his family. The woman gets into his home to explain the situation about his medications. He develops electric powers.

The son of the woman gets bullied by a group of kids, and the woman bends their bicycles using her super-strength.

The woman gets the promotion she was looking for.

The boy designs a super-hero suit for himself, and calls himself Electro Man. They rob a bank together, and go to a disco to beat up some guys. The woman introduces the boy to the homeless man. The boy start to have romantic feelings towards the woman.

They decide to break into the facility where the government keeps the other superpowered people. They are able to get in, but they get chased out by the security guards. The boy defeats the guards with his electric powers. They escape. The boy wants to be a super-hero, but the homeless man tries to convince him, that it's the safest if they hide, and live alone.

The boy goes to his psychiatrist, and tells her about the homeless man's hiding place. The government captures the homeless man.

While the woman has a party with kids, the boy shows up, dressed up as Electro Man. He tells her that the homeless man was captured, and he also confesses his love. The woman sends him away. On his way home, the boy causes some traffic accidents by controlling the traffic lights, to enlighten his mood. The woman tells her husband that she has super-powers. The husband doesn't believe her, so she throws him across the room.

The woman goes to the home of the boy, just in time to see him murder his father. She wants to stop him, so he takes her out with an electric shock.

The woman wakes up in the institute. It is revealed that when she was a child, she has thrown a desk at one of her teachers, killing him, and blowing a hole into the wall.

The psychiatrist visits the home of the woman, and she offers to take care of her son, to make sure he didn't suffer due to the incident.

The boy visits the woman in the institute, and tells her that she is special, and that he feels that it's her husband and son that keeps her from joining him in being a super-hero. The boy takes out the power in the city. This lets the woman out of her cell. She is attacked by the security guards, but the homeless man saves her from getting shot. As the homeless man has his powers suppressed, he dies from the shot. The woman escapes.

The boy visits the home of the woman, intent on killing her family. The woman arrives, and starts to fight the boy, but she easily takes her out with an electric shock. She takes on some insulated gloves, and pushes him out of the house, into the pool, with her super-strength. The boy gets fried by his own powers. The woman leaves her family, to keep them safe.

The institute captures the boy.

We see that the woman is with others, probably also super-powered people. She probably wants to free the others.

Then we see the son of the woman getting bullied by the group of kids, but he uses his telekinetic powers to handle them.

The setting

The story is set on a contemporary alternate fantasy Earth, where people with superhuman powers exist.

Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonFreaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)
image © Pssst! Film & Das Kleines Fernsehspiel (ZDF)

The people with superhuman powers

There are some people who have superhuman powers. When they manifest, the government catches them, puts them in an institute, and keep them medicated, that suppresses their powers.

The medication is able to suppress the powers, if taken regularly. However, in the movie, we see that Wendy is able to overcome the effect of the medication, when she is really angry.

Elmar Mund / Electro Man: Electric powers.

Marek: Invulnerability.

Wendy Schulze: Super-strength.

The message of the story

If you feel special, out of ordinary, it’s because you probably are! Stop using your psychiatric medications to reach the maximum of your potential!

The structure of the story

The scenes of the Freaks - You are One of Us film are played in sequence, following the same storyline. There are some flashbacks into past events.

There is no single viewpoint character.

It has the usual arc of the dramatic structure - introduction, action, resolution. It ends with a hint of a potential sequel.

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Things I liked


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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?

From the writer (Marc O. Seng), I haven't seen anything else. Based on this, I'm not sure I'm interested in his works.

From the director (Felix Binder), this is the first movie I've seen.

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Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonFreaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)
image © Pssst! Film & Das Kleines Fernsehspiel (ZDF)

Analysis of the story - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)

I didn’t like the basic concept of the story, as it lacks logic. This prevented me from enjoying Freaks - You are One of Us. Also, there were plenty of other problems.

Problematic elements

Handling the super-heroes: The government knows that the protagonists have superhuman powers. Yet, they just trust them to take their neutralizing pills without further surveillance. They should be chipped, their homes should be bugged. Their movements should be constantly checked, and they should be followed when they start to do something out of ordinary.

The facility they keep the superpowered people have guards who have no idea what to do in case of emergency. The government should keep their elite forces there, keeping everything safe.

In my opinion, the government should keep some superpowered humans on their side, just to make sure they have the right amount of power if someone would start to use their own powers against them.

Keeping it secret: How do they keep super-powered people secret, if they openly do impossible things? Can they brainwash people to forget everything?

Also, they kept this secret even from the guards of the facility, so they didn't know how to handle the situation.

The message: I don't like the message of the story: if you feel you are out of ordinary, you shouldn't take your medications your psychiatrist prescribed for you, because it's just their to suppress your real powers.

Destructive heroes: The superpowered people use their powers destructively - they beat up and kill random people, and rob banks, yet, they seem to be depicted in a positive light by the movie.

Threatening the boss: Why does threatening her boss, and lifting her up help the career of the woman? If anything, the boss should be wary of her.

Robbing the bank: The husband of the protagonist woman just accepts that his wife robs a bank to be able to dodge eviction from their house. I find this strange, especially as he works as a security guard, so staying close to the law is probably a priority for him.

Getting into the institute: When they finally defeat the security guards, why do they escape? They finally had a way in, with no guards.

The boy getting back to the psychiatrist: He just broke into the facility without any kind of mask on. Then he took down some guards. It was probably on their cameras. Why do they let the boy go away?

The woman's confession: When she tells the husband that she has superpowers, they spend minutes talking. She could have just lifted a car, or something, and the whole debate would be over.

The security door: In the institute, the door suddenly opens when the power goes out. If the door is electronic, it would actually need power to pull the latch.

Super-strength returning: We see that the medication really suppresses their powers. Otherwise the homeless man wouldn't have died from the bullet. How does the super-strength of the woman return conveniently, when she needs them?

Unanswered questions

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Possibilities of improvement


How it could have been better?


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Behind the scenes


Thoughts about the reviews of others


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Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonFreaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)
image © Pssst! Film & Das Kleines Fernsehspiel (ZDF)

Uses for the film - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)


  • There are people who have to take psychiatric medication. They would gain superhuman powers if they stopped taking their medications.
  • There’s a secret group of people with superhuman powers, that are hiding, so the government couldn’t capture them.





Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas

  • One of the characters is approached by a stranger, who tells him that he belongs to a secret society / magical beings. He just needs to do some things that are not natural for him to join them / receive his powers.

Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas

Assault on the super-prison: The attackers have a few super-powered people, who attack a facility that holds more of their super-powered people. The defender sets up the playing area, including holding cells. The defender rolls a random super-power for the prisoners, write that on a paper, and puts it face down into the holding cell. Then the defender sets up their units anywhere on the playing area. Then the attackers deploy their models on any edge of the playing area. Choose the abilities of the attacking team. If they have a teleporter, the attacker can put the whole attacking team anywhere on the playing area, in one group. The defender models have good armour, and any kind of weapons. They are more numerous than the attackers. When an attacker reaches a holding cell, they can spend an action to open it. When a holding cell gets opened, the ability of the prisoner is revealed, and from then on the attacker controls the super-powered prisoner. The attacker wins if they free at least half of the prisoners, then leave the playing area. The defender wins if they keep more than half of the prisoners.

Super-powers (d6): 1: Teleporting: By spending an action, they can teleport into another area. They can take any friendly units in the same area with them. If they teleport out of the playing area, they can't return to the game. 2: Super-strength: They get higher damage when attacking in close combat, and they can throw items as ranged attacks. 3: Super-speed: They get multiple actions. 4: Energy blast: They can make ranged attacks. 5: Armour: They have a higher resistance against damage. 6: Regeneration: When they are taken out, roll a d6 at the end of the turn. On a 1, they get back to normal.

Known identities (easier for the attacker): The attacker knows the identity of the prisoners. The papers with their abilities are placed in the cells face up.

Random team (harder for the attacker): The attacker rolls the abilities of the team members randomly before the game.

Unknown identities (harder for the players): The identities of the prisoners is kept even from the defender. When the cell is opened, roll a super-power randomly.

Assault on the hide-out: The attackers are a special team, prepared to take out super-powered people, who are hiding at the place. The defender decides the super-powers of the defending team. Then the defender sets up the playing area, including a defensible base in the middle. Then the defender sets up their units anywhere on the playing area. The defenders can start the game hiding. Then the attacker deploys their forces on any edges of the playing area. The attacker wins if they kill or capture more than half of the defenders. The defenders win if more than half of their units are alive at the end of the game, or escaped by leaving the playing area. Use the super-powers table from above.

Random team (harder for the defender): The defender rolls the abilities of the team members randomly before the game.

Known identities (harder for the defender): The attacker knows the identity of the defenders. The defender player has to tell the attacking player what their special abilities are before the attacker chooses the attacking forces.

Evacuation (harder for the defender): Randomly assign objectives around the defender's base after the models are deployed. The defenders have to collect all of these objectives if they wish to leave. If the defenders have a teleporter, they must use this option (otherwise the game would end quickly).

Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)

Civilians: Human-sized (S3) modern (advanced) human female / male civilian.

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Similar stories - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)


Bliss (2021): In a contemporary setting, an ordinary man receives magical powers. He also realises that the reality he perceives is not entirely real (virtual reality).

Brightburn (2019): In a contemporary setting, an ordinary boy receives magical powers. It's more darker than Freaks: You are One of Us.

Chronicle (2012): In a contemporary setting, an ordinary man receives magical powers. It's more darker than Freaks: You are One of Us.

Psychokinesis (2018): In a contemporary setting, an ordinary man receives magical powers. It is more light-hearted than Freaks: You are One of Us.

TV series & episodes

WandaVision (2021): In a contemporary setting, an ordinary man realises that he is living in a simulated reality (magical illusion).

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Frequently asked questions - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)

Will the Freaks: You are One of Us movie be available with English audio dub?

For Freaks: You are One of Us, an English audio dub is already available.

Is the Freaks: You are One of Us film based on a book or comics?

No, Freaks: You are One of Us is not based on either books or comics.

Is the Freaks: You are One of Us film a remake or reboot?

No, the Freaks: You are One of Us film is neither a remake nor a reboot. The creators said that it's a homage to the Freaks (1932) film, but I couldn't find any similarities or parallels beyond the title.

Is there a post credit scene in Freaks: You are One of Us? Does Freaks: You are One of Us have end credit scenes?

Yes, there's no post credit scene in Freaks: You are One of Us.

Where can I see Freaks: You are One of Us? Where can I watch Freaks: You are One of Us online? Is Freaks: You are One of Us available on Netflix? Is Freaks: You are One of Us on Amazon?

As of 2022.01.16, Freaks: You are One of Us is only available on Netflix.

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Resources - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)


Netflix: Freaks: You are One of Us: Official article.


IMDB: Freaks: You're One of Us (2020): Database article.

WikiPedia: Freaks: You're One of Us: Database article.

Letterboxd: Freaks – You are One of Us 2020: Database article.

Rotten Tomatoes: Freaks: You are One of Us 2020: Database article.


: Concept art article.¤

Reviews with no spoilers - Freaks: You are One of Us film (2020)

: Review video about the Freaks: You are One of Us film with no spoilers.¤

Reviews with spoilers - Freaks: You are One of Us film (2020)

: Review article of the Freaks: You are One of Us movie, with spoilers. Includes a very detailed plot summary.¤

Analysis - Freaks: You are One of Us movie (2020)

: Analysis video, explaining the finale of Freaks: You are One of Us.¤

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Buying the product - Freaks: You are One of Us, movie (2020)

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Have you seen the Freaks: You are One of Us film? How do you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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