If you'd like to be surprised by the Creep film, I don't recommend you to watch the trailer beyond 0:57, because it starts to gives away parts of the plot.
Creep, movie (2004) - Watch the trailer on YouTube
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video © Dan Films & UK Film Council & zero west Filmproduktion
Article updated: 2022.02.15
The Creep (2004) is a survival thriller film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.
Product: Creep, movie (2004)
Original title: Creep
Series: -
Setting: contemporary Earth
Product type: Film, Genre: survival thriller, Style: thriller, survival thriller, action, violence
Release: Premiere: 2004.08.10 (Frankfurt Fantasy Filmfest), Release: 2005.01.28
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them
Watched: very recent (2022.02), first time
Rating: Average (2 out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)
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This is my review of Creep, a survival thriller movie from 2004. It's about a girl trapped in a closed subway station, trying to survive the night. The Creep film is watchable, but I only recommend it to dedicated fans of the genre.
Creep, movie (2004)
image © Dan Films & UK Film Council & zero west Filmproduktion
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Review (spoiler-free) - Creep, movie (2004)
After watching Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2 (2003), I checked movies with Franka Potente, and I've found Creep, that looked interesting, and I haven't seen it yet, so I put it on my to-watch list. When I had the chance to watch it, I gave it a try without watching the trailer.
The Creep movie is about a girl trapped in a closed subway station, trying to survive the night.
The story would be okay, but the execution was not perfect. There are comedic elements sprinkled through the story, yet the story didn't commit itself to be a dark comedy, so the humour often feels clashing with the actual happening. The pacing is consistent, although there's one jump as it begins twice. There are no character arcs. There are some minor logical problems.
The cinematography is okay. The actions are good, easy to follow what is happening. The special effects look good. Although there's no nudity, but there's plenty of blood and some gore in the movie.
We don't really get to know the characters, not even the main protagonist. The actors are good, but they all act like they were in a comedy, with the possible exception of the female protagonist. The protagonist starts off unlikeable, and stays like that through the story.
The music (by The Insects) is okay, fitting the movie.
Creep is a boring survival thriller, I think only very dedicated fans of the genre would enjoy it.
My experience
I was not satisfied with Creep (2004). I prefer stories with interesting plots, and Creep couldn't deliver that.
Rating: Average (2 out of 3 points). Creep is has some good parts, but overall it's not very exciting.
Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points). Creep felt long and boring.
Rewatchability: Average. I think it's mostly the surprise of the story that makes you feel interested, but I can imagine people getting engaged enough by the story or the style of the movie to enjoy it multiple times.
Chance of watching it again: No.
Chance of watching a sequel: I'd probably watch it, hoping for a better movie.
Creep, movie (2004)
image © Dan Films & UK Film Council & zero west Filmproduktion
Will you enjoy this?
If you like mystery or thriller movies, you might like Creep.
If you like horror or action thriller movies, you might like the the Creep movie.
If you enjoyed the Diggery / Diggers (2016), you might be interested in this story, as it's very similar.
If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.
If you prefer visuals over story, this movie will be probably boring for you.
If you hate comedy movies, you might want to skip this movie, as it tries to be funny.
If you hate sexual abuse in movies, you should avoid Creep.
If you hate depiction of drug addiction, you shouldn't watch the Creep film.
If you hate violence and gore, the Creep (2004) movie is not for you.
Watching for plot points
If you are interested in cannibals in the subway tunnels stories, it might be worth watching the Creep movie for the plot points.
Should you watch this on your own screen at home, or is it worth going to the cinema?
The visuals might look better if you watch it in cinema, but I think the overall experience will be similar.
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Creep, movie (2004)
image © Dan Films & UK Film Council & zero west Filmproduktion
Review with spoilers - Creep, movie (2004)
I didn't really liked the Creep movie, but it was watchable once.
By 50 minutes I started to get bored. Not much happens in this movie, and what happens is not very interesting.
The cover of the movie is okay, it doesn't say much, but it doesn't spoil the movie.
The trailer
The trailer is okay, although it spoils some minor parts of the movie.
If you prefer spoilers, it's a great trailer for the Creep film. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, it will make the movie less fun for you.
Promise of the first scene
During the opening credits, we see a woman chased, or being hurt.
Then we see sewer workers, one of them gets killed, another sees a hurt woman getting caught. I assume the woman is already be dead by the time they find her. But if the sewer worker is left alive, he might start to investigate this place.
Execution: The second guy did survive initially, but then he was still killed. I'm not satisfied with the fulfilment of the promise.
Plot summary / Synopsis
In the sewers, there's a rookie sewer worker (Vas Blackwood as George) with his partner, finding a wall broken through, and they discover an unknown path behind it. While inspecting the path, his partner gets killed. The sewer worker sees a wounded woman, getting drawn into the darkness.
There's a party at night, and there's a girl (Franka Potente as Kate), who wants to go to another party to meet a celebrity. She goes to wait for the last subway train, but she falls asleep, so she gets closed inside the station.
An empty train arrives, and the girl gets on it. We see that someone else also jumps up. The train suddenly stops in the middle of the tunnel. We see that the driver has been killed. There's a man with a flashlight approaching her. She gets scared, but it turns out it's one of her acquaintances (Jeremy Sheffield as Guy). He is under the influence of drugs, and wants to force himself on the girl. Suddenly, the door opens, and someone pulls the guy out.
She escapes to another station, and finds an open hatch. When she crawls inside, she finds a homeless pair (Paul Rattray as Jimmy, and Kelly Scott as Mandy) sleeping inside. He tells the homeless man that she was attacked, and they go to find the security guard, leaving the homeless woman there alone.
A lot of rats appear, and someone attacks the homeless woman.
The girl and the homeless man find the injured man. When their dog turns up, covered in blood, the homeless man leaves to find his girlfriend.
The girl finds a rescue radio, and reaches the security guard. While they are speaking, a lot or rats appear, and the killer (Sean Harris as Craig, the "Creep") kills the security guard.
As the injured guy dies, the girl goes back to the homeless man, and asks him to get her to the next station. On their way, the homeless man decides to attack the killer. However, he gets killed. Then the girl gets captured.
We see the killer doing his daily routine - walking in the sewers, butchering humans, feeding rats.
When the girl wakes up in a cage, she find the sewer worker in another cage. Working together, they are able to distract the killer until the girl gets behind him, and hits him in the face. The girl and the sewer worker escape.
They find an abandoned hospital. The homeless woman is also there, injured, strapped to an operating table. Thinking she is dead, they leave her, to escape from the killer. The killer arrives to the hospital, and pretends to operate the woman, while cutting her up.
They find the lair of the killer. When he shows up, they attack him, but the killer is able to kill the sewer worker. The girl escapes, and they start fighting. After a while, the killer accumulates enough injuries to take him down. The girl gets back to the subway station. As she sits on the floor, in ragged clothes, a man gives her some spare coins.
The setting
Contemporary Earth, probably 2004.
Creep, movie (2004)
image © Dan Films & UK Film Council & zero west Filmproduktion
The killer
The killer is a deformed human. He was named Craig, and he was brought up in an underground hospital.
He seems to be very tough, and he is able to survive the toxic surroundings of the sewers.
Ha catches people to eat them. He either kills them immediately, or keep them in half submerged cages, until they die.
He doesn't seem to be able to speak his mind, but he can echo things that others said.
He has some kind of connection with rats. Lot of rats appear before he attacks people. Otherwise they don't follow him, they only appear at the attacks.
The underground clinic
Some reviews say it's an abortion clinic, and that might be true to some extent, but we also see fully grown deformed fetuses there, and even beds for a couple of children.
The message of the story
I'm not sure there's one. "Always carry the right amount of coins with you"?
The structure of the story
The scenes of the Creep film are mostly played in sequence, following the same storyline. The story introduced in the very beginning joins the second story in the middle of the movie.
There's no single viewpoint character.
It has a slightly changed arc of the dramatic structure - some introduction, some action, then a new introduction, action, resolution.
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Things I liked
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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?
From the works of the writer / director (Christopher Smith), I've seen Triangle (2009), that was a lot better, but Black Death (2010) was mediocre.
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Creep, movie (2004)
image © Dan Films & UK Film Council & zero west Filmproduktion
Analysis of the story - Creep, movie (2004)
I mostly liked the story, I didn't find logical problems that would have prevented me from enjoying Creep, it was just too long and repetitive.
Problematic elements
Closing the subway: I'm pretty sure the girl wouldn't be left there, closed inside a subway station.
Killing spree: Why does the killer starts killing people? It seems like he was content with killing enough people to have a full stomach, but now he kills the subway driver and the security guy, that would get too much attention on him, so he would have caught in a couple of days anyway.
Sneaky killer: He seems to be able to pass through closed doors.
- The subway train driver: How did the killer reach the driver? Did he crawl into the drivers cabin through the window?
- The security guy: I'm pretty sure there's a closed door at the security guard's station.
Guy's plan: He was following the girl. Then, when he found her sleeping, he waited until she woke up. Then waited, while watching her wander around the station. Why did he wait for the girl to wake up? It would have been more romantic to try to force himself on her while she was sleeping.
Repeats: Practically, the same thing happens multiple times. The girl gets in trouble. A guy tries to help her, but he gets killed. Then another guy helps her, they escape. The guy gets killed, she is left alone. Then yet another guy helps her, they escape, but the guy gets killed, leaving her alone.
Unanswered questions
- Did the killer die in the end?
- How did the killer get in that hospital?
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Possibilities of improvement
This would make a good first half for a longer thriller. Let we spend 45 minutes with this whole sewer story, and add an investigation about the illegal clinic under the city, that could lead to further mysteries. For that, of course, we'd need find another story to add to this one, or create a new one.
How it could have been better?
Add something extra to the story, as there's just not enough content in the plot to make a 90 minute movie. For example, Diggery / Diggers (2016) did this better.
Decide what to do with the comedy. I'm all for dark comedy, but the movie didn't commit itself totally to that. So, either do that, or ditch the comedic elements.
Add a character arc to the protagonist, so it feel like she changed for the better.
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Behind the scenes
Thoughts about the reviews of others
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Creep, movie (2004)
image © Dan Films & UK Film Council & zero west Filmproduktion
Uses for the film - Creep, movie (2004)
- There's a killer hiding in the subway tunnels.
- There are people trapped by a killer, who get out and try to escape.
- The scenes when the killer does his daily routine can be used to depict the life of a cannibal or mutant
Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas
- One of the characters is struck by a disease / curse, making him unable to eat anything, but the flesh of his own species. The team has to deal with his feeding habits, until they can come up with a cure.
Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas
Capture: Escapees wants to escape from the pursuers. The pursuers want to capture all of them. Determine an edge that will be the starting zone. Prepare a playing area together, that allows multiple escape routes to be used to reach the opposing edge. The escapees are deployed at their starting zone. They don't have any armour, and only have light weapons. They have one free turn to use. Then, at the beginning of the second turn, the pursuer models are deployed at the starting zone. The pursuers can have normal weapons, and they are allowed to use ranged weapons. The pursuer has to decide whether to spend the army points on more models, or more effective weaponry. If a pursuer model defeats an escapee in close combat, the model is Captured. One model can move the captured at half speed, two models can move it with regular speed. Any other model can free the captured model with one action. At the beginning of the third turn, randomly determine a creature nest, and randomly place a creature on the playing area. Use Random aggressive movement for the creatures. If the creature touches a captured model, it brings it into its nest. When the captured model is brought to the nest, the creature starts its regular actions again. The escapees win if more than half of the models get out of the playing area at the opposing edge. The pursuers win if they capture more than half of the escapees, while more than half of their own models are still alive.
Preparing for winter: Each player controls one of the cannibal creatures. Set up the playing area, and choose one nest for each player. The cannibals start in their nest. Set up a number of civilian models on the playing area. Begin the turn with the actions of the players. At the end of the turn, use Random civilian movement for the civilian models. When the cannibal defeats a civilian (or another cannibal), place a Meat token in their place, that the cannibal has to bring back to its nest. A dropped Meat token can be picked up by another cannibal. The game ends when there are no more living civilians on the playing area. The cannibal with the most Meat token is the winner of the game.
Security guards (harder for the players): Deploy some security guards randomly around the playing area. They have ranged weapons. If they don't see a cannibal, but they see a Captured civilian, they move towards them. Otherwise, use Random aggressive movement for the models.
Captured civilians (harder for the players): The civilians defeated in close combat are not killed, just unconscious. When they are brought to the nest, they wake up, but they count as Captured. If a security guard touches a Captured model, it can free them with one action. After being freed, replace the Meat token with a civilian model.
Cannibal tribes: There are more than one cannibals under the control of the players. Decide on the number, but 2-3 should be enough for this game. You may come up with different specialities for them. Stronger: +1 damage. Faster: x1.5 movement. Youngsters: They are weaker, -1 Damage, -1 Toughness, but you get two models instead of one.
Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)
Civilians: Human-sized (S3) modern (advanced) human female / male civilian.
The creep: Human-sized modern deformed human.
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Similar stories - Creep, movie (2004)
Short stories
Clive Barker: The Midnight Meat Train (1984): In a contemporary setting, there is a man-eating creature in the subway tunnels.
H. P. Lovecraft: Pickman's Model (1927): In a contemporary setting, there are man-eating creatures in the subway tunnels.
Graphic novels
Detective Comics #585-586 (1988): In a contemporary setting, there's a criminal, who controls rats. He keeps prisoners in the sewer system.
Death Line (1972): In a contemporary setting, there is a cannibal in the London subway tunnels. A girl trapped in the subway fight the cannibal to survive.
Diggery / Diggers (2016): In a contemporary setting, there is a man-eating creature in the subway tunnels. People trapped in the subway fight the creature to survive.
Mimic (1997): In a contemporary setting, there is a man-eating creature in the subway tunnels.
The Midnight Meat Train (2008): In a contemporary setting, there is a man-eating creature in the subway tunnels. Based on the The Midnight Meat Train short story.
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Frequently asked questions - Creep, movie (2004)
Is the Creep film based on a book or comics?
No, Creep is not based on either books or comics.
Is the Creep film a remake or reboot?
No, the Creep film is neither a remake nor a reboot.
Is there a post credit scene in Creep? Does Creep have end credit scenes?
No, there's no post credit scene in Creep.
What was the creature in Creep?
The creature in Creep is a deformed, mentally deficient man, who has been brought up in an underground abortion clinic.
Was Creep based on a true story?
The Creep (2004) movies is - luckily - not based on a true story. The unrelated Creep (2014) is - according to the writer, Mark Duplass - based on My Dinner with Andre (1981), Misery (1990), and Fatal Attraction (1987), as well as some real life experiences on Craigslist.
Where can I see Creep? What is Creep playing on? What streaming service is Creep on? Where can I watch Creep online? Is Creep available on Netflix? Is Creep on Amazon?
As of 2024.01.26, Creep is available on Amazon Prime US, Tubi.
Currently, Creep is not available on Amazon Prime UK or Apple TV any more.
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Resources - Creep, movie (2004)
Dan Films: Creep: Official article.
IMDB: Creep (I) (2004): Database article.
WikiPedia: Creep (2004 film): Database article.
Letterboxd: Creep 2004: Database article.
Rotten Tomatoes: Creep 2004: Database article.
TVTropes: Film / Creep (2004): Database article.
: Concept art article.¤
Reviews with no spoilers - Creep film (2004)
: Review video about the Creep film with no spoilers.¤
Reviews with spoilers - Creep film (2004)
: Review article of the Creep movie, with spoilers. Includes a very detailed plot summary.¤
Analysis - Creep movie (2004)
: Analysis video, explaining the finale of Creep.¤
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Buying the product - Creep, movie (2004)
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