Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003)
image © Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion (Sony)
The Anatomy 2 (2003) is a medical sci-fi / thriller film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.
Product: Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003)
Original title: Anatomie 2, English title: Anatomy 2
Series: Anatomy
Previous entries in the series: Anatomie / Anatomy (2000)
Setting: contemporary fantasy Earth
Product type: Film, Genre: medical sci-fi / thriller, Style: sci-fi, thriller, medical sci-fi, medical thriller, medical experiments
Release: 2003.02.06
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them
Watched: very recent (2022.02), first time
Rating: Average (2 out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)
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This is my review of Anatomy 2, a medical sci-fi / thriller movie for the Anatomy series from 2003. It's about a group of doctors getting into illegal medical research. The Anatomy 2 film is watchable, but I only recommend it to dedicated fans of the genre.
If you'd like to be surprised by the Immanence film, I don't recommend you to watch the trailer beyond 0:34, because it gives away too much of the plot. It basically provides a summary of the film.
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Review (spoiler-free) - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
Although I liked the first Anatomy movie, up to now I didn't know there's a sequel. I randomly ran into it, so I sat down to watch the film. I didn't watch the trailer.
The Anatomy 2 movie is about a group of doctors getting into illegal medical research.
The concept of the story is good, but the execution is lacking. The consistency is okay. There are some character arcs, although the reason behind the changes is not always clear. There are plenty of logical problems.
The cinematography is okay. The sex scene tried to be visually interesting, so at least they tried something new. There are scenes of sex and violence.
We don't get to know the characters, even the main character is just a hollow stereotype. The actors are good.
The music (by Marius Ruhland) is okay.
Anatomy 2 is a mediocre medical sci-fi / thriller, that I think only dedicated fans of the genre would enjoy.
My experience
I was not satisfied with Anatomy 2 (2003). I prefer stories with well-thought, logical plots, and acceptable dramaturgy but Anatomy 2 couldn't deliver that.
Rating: Average (2 out of 3 points). Anatomy 2 is a watchable film, with a weak plot.
Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points). Anatomy 2 is annoying, I didn't like it.
Rewatchability: Low. It's the surprise of the story that makes you feel interested, I don't think anyone would be engaged by this story enough to want to watch it multiple times.
Chance of watching it again: No.
Chance of watching a sequel: I'd probably watch it, but I'd read some reviews first.
Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003)
image © Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion (Sony)
Will you enjoy this?
If you like mystery or thriller movies, you might like Anatomy 2.
If you like scientific research stories (Andromeda Strain), you might like Anatomy 2, although the focus is not really on the research.
If you enjoyed Anatomy (2000), you might be interested in this story, although this is a worse movie.
If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.
If you hate subtitles, you are lucky, as Anatomy 2 has already been dubbed in English.
If you prefer visuals over story, you'll be bored by this movie.
If you hate sex scenes, be prepared to skip those.
Do you need to see the first film to enjoy this?
There's enough explanation that you'll understand what's going on without seeing the first film.
Watching for plot points
If you are interested in medical thriller stories, I think it's worth watching the Anatomy 2 movie for the plot points. But reading the summary might be just enough.
Should you watch this on your own screen at home, or is it worth going to the cinema?
The overall experience will be the same, wherever you watch it.
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Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003)
image © Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion (Sony)
Review with spoilers - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
I didn't like the Anatomy 2 movie.
The first movie was scary, because the doctors experimented with regular people - what was shown, could have happened to you, the viewer. In this instalment, the doctors experimented on themselves - not only was this done voluntarily, it could only happen to a very select people.
The beginning of Anatomy 2 was interesting, it kept me hooked. Then in the last third of the movie, things started to fall apart, due to lack of logic, and bad use of dramatic elements.
The cover of the movie is okay, it doesn't say much, but it doesn't spoil the movie.
The trailer
The trailer is basically a substitute for watching the movie.
If you prefer spoilers, it's a great trailer for the Immanence film. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, it will ruin the movie for you.
Promise of the first scene
A guy commits suicide. I have no clue where will they take this. I hope we'll find it out why did he do it. Probably take the culprits to justice.
Execution: It was okay, we found out why he did it, and the culprits received their justice.
Plot summary / Synopsis
There's a party, where the speech of the guest of honour, a professor (Herbert Knaup as Prof. Charles Müller-LaRousse), is disturbed by his assistant (Benny), who pleads for help, then commits suicide in front of them.
A young doctor (Barnaby Metschurat as Joachim Hauser) goes to work in a clinic in Berlin. He has a brother (Hanno Koffler as Willi Hauser) with muscle atrophy, bound to a wheelchair.
The coroner doing the autopsy on the brother's body find it out that he was poisoned. When he tells this to his colleague, he is called to an operation, then he gets knocked out. He falls into coma.
The young doctor works a lot, he often has to deal with problems with the management. He makes friendship with a girl (Rosie Alvarez as Lee). There's a group of doctors who assist the professor, and he decides that he wants to get into that group to prove himself.
The young doctor is asked by the girl to help examine an immigrant without insurance. It turns out they have to operate the patient immediately, so they do an illegal operation. The professor finds out about this. The young doctor gets invited to a group meeting.
On the meeting he is introduced to the assistants of the professor, who belong to the Anti-Hippocratic society. After the party, a blond girl (Heike Makatsch as Viktoria) injects him with a drug, and has sex with him. After that, he has to fill out a test form about his experiences, as the serum is being researched by the blond girl.
The young doctor finds out that one of the assistants receives synthetic muscles, as a volunteer test subject. One of the assistants tries to warn him that he should get out while he can, as he is in danger, but he gets interrupted.
The professor has developed a chip that can be implanted into the spine, to externally control muscles. They implant synthetic muscles in the calf of the young doctor.
Police investigators arrive. The professor sends two of his assistants to kill the assistant who wants to leak information about their research.
The young doctor goes to play in a soccer game. The blond girl injects him before the game, so his performance improves.
Two assistants catch the assistant who warned the young doctor. They switch off his muscles remotely, then control him remotely to fall off the roof of a building.
There's a foreign research published, similar to the professor's work. He decides they must speed up the process - remove the original muscles, and implant synthetic muscles into the whole body. The professor promises the young doctor that if he volunteers to be the first one to receive a full transplant, the next one will be his brother, to make him walk again.
The female investigator (Franka Potente as Paula Henning) talks to the young doctor, but he refuses to cooperate.
Before the operation of the young doctor could begin, a jealous assistant cuts into his muscles, to prevent the operation.
The female friend of the young doctor finds him when he injects drugs in himself. She calms him, and they have a reunion.
The comatose coroner suddenly wakes up, and attacks the staff. The young doctor realises that he has synthetic muscles. He investigates the case, and finds it out that the coroner didn't have an accident, his brain was surgically destroyed. The young doctor has enough, and goes to the head of the hospital. As he makes his confession, the head of the hospital calls the professor, who tells them that the coroner has died, and by the time the police would arrive, they would destroy the evidence. The young doctor hits the professor and leaves.
The young doctor takes his wheelchaired brother, but sees that the rest of the assistants prepare to catch him. The young doctor disguises himself with blood and bandage, and sends himself into another hospital, arranging the paperwork. During the trip, he escapes from the ambulance, and goes to his female friend.
The doctor friends with whom he had operated the uninsured patient start to operate him to remove the implants, but they don't dare to remove the spine implant. (Unbeknownst to the audience, they remove the battery, though.) The professor's assistants find them, and abduct both the young doctor and the female friend. The professor tells the blond girl that he'll be with her if she gets rid of the female friend of the young doctor.
The young doctor gets free, and he kills one of the assistants, but another assistant grabs his brother, and threatens to kill him. They prepare him for a lobotomy.
Meanwhile, the blond assistant commits suicide by overdosing herself. The female friend gets free, dresses up as a doctor, and joins the operation. She frees the young doctor from the restraints. The young doctor stabs the professor. The female friends sounds the fire alarm, so people are coming. The jealous assistant decides to kill the professor, so they can't humiliate him.
After all of this, we see the police getting the statement of the young doctor. When the police leaves, the young doctor and the female friend share a kiss.
We see the head of the hospital preparing to continue illegal research, just like before.
The setting
Anatomy 2 is set on a contemporary alternate / fantasy Earth, probably 2003. In this world, synthetic muscles and muscle control devices were developed.
Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003)
image © Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion (Sony)
The message of the story
I'm not sure there's one.
The structure of the story
The scenes of the Anatomy 2 film are played in sequence, following the same storyline.
There's no single viewpoint character.
It has the usual arc of the dramatic structure - introduction, action, resolution.
Plot points of interests
The were a couple of changes to the setting and characters of the Anatomy series.
The Anti-Hippocratic society: They are still working, although their members from Heidelberg got imprisoned.
New characters
Prof. Charles Müller-LaRousse: A leader of the Anti-Hippocratic society in Berlin. He got killed by his assistant.
Joachim Hauser: A young doctor, who got into the Anti-Hippocratic society, but decided to leave them.
Changes to characters
Paula Henning: She is now a member of the police, helping them in medical investigations.
Characters killed
Prof. Charles Müller-LaRousse: An assistant broke his neck.
Synthetic muscles: They can enhance the performance of people.
Muscle control device: Implanted into the spine, it can control the muscles of the whole body.
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Things I liked
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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?
From the writer / director (Stefan Ruzowitzky), I've only seen Anatomie / Anatomy (2000), that I liked. This one was worse.
How does it compare to the other films in the series?
Anatomy (2000) was a better movie. It was more relatable, and more engaging.
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Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003)
image © Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion (Sony)
Analysis of the story - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
I didn't liked the story, there were too many problems with it that prevented me from enjoying Anatomy 2.
Problematic elements
The guy at the party: Why doesn't the professor take the guy more seriously? He should have get him taken by the security, until his assistants could take care of him. He looked unstable, he could have told the people everything.
The coroner: If Why keep him alive? And if they keep him alive, why don't they sedate him properly?
Soccer match: Giving a player drugs before the game is more than likely illegal. Although might not get tested before a friendly match, but during the match, they clearly inject players with something that affects their mood. I'm pretty sure they would look into this, rather than just letting it happen. The assistants shouldn't be this careless, even if they are slightly drunk.
Hiding events from the audience: It's always a bad sign if the creators try to hide things.
- Removing the battery
- The girlfriend gets free
- The blond girl's suicide
Leaving the brother: What did the young doctor plan to do with his brother? Why leave him in the hospital? The nurses could have smuggled him out.
The computer: When the young doctor had the computer, he had a chance to control any of the assistants bodies. Why did he let them take him?
Unanswered questions
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Possibilities of improvement
How it could have been better?
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Behind the scenes
Thoughts about the reviews of others
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Anatomie 2 / Anatomy 2, movie for the Anatomy series (2003)
image © Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion (Sony)
Uses for the film - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
- Doctors illegally experiment on volunteers to improve science.
- The police investigates a hospital, as they think the doctors illegally experiment on people.
Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas
- A friend or family member of a character has some illness. The character is offered a chance, that they'll treat his friend / family member, if the character lets them experiment on him.
Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas
Assault the hospital: Armed forces are sent to apprehend a group of doctors, who were doing illegal experiments on themselves. The defender sets up the playing area, including the hospital, with many hiding places. Then the defender models are deployed in the middle of the playing area. They can start the game hiding. Then the attackers are deployed on the edges of the playing area. The attackers can use any kind of armour or weapons, but they intend to capture the defenders, and they can only use ranged weapons, if they get attacked by a defender. The defenders can't have armour, and they only have close combat weapons, but they have super-human abilities (speed, strength, agility). The defenders win if more than half of them leave the playing area. The attacker wins if they capture more than half of the defenders.
Control room (harder for the defender): Before the game begins, designate a control room. In that room, there's a device that can be used to switch off the defenders. By using it, and spending an action, one defender can be targeted, who becomes knocked out. By spending an action, a model can also be switched back on.
Access codes (easier for the defender): The defenders have access codes to the control room, but the attackers have to find them. Before the game begins, put a number of terminals inside the hospital area. Every time an attacker touches the terminal, remove the terminal, and roll a d6. On a 1, they've found the access codes. If it's the last terminal, you don't have to roll, the attacker gets the access codes.
Save the research (harder for the defender): Before the game begins, after the defender models are set up, designate some objectives randomly. The defender models has to reach these objectives, and spend an action the extract them. They can carry the research and give it to other models they touch. In order to win, all of the research must leave the playing area.
Extraction time (harder for the defender): It's not as easy to get the research. Every time they spend an action, roll a d6. On 1-3, they have the research. On 4-6, it still takes time to get everything.
Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)
Doctors: Human-sized modern human civilians in medical suits.
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Similar stories - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
Robin Cook: Coma (1977): In a contemporary setting, a medical student finds it out that doctors do unethical things to patients.
Anatomie / Anatomy (2000): The previous episode in the Anatomy series.
Coma (1978): In a contemporary setting, a doctor finds it out that doctors do unethical things to patients. Based on the Coma novel.
TV series & episodes
Coma (2012): In a contemporary setting, a medical student finds it out that doctors do unethical things to patients. Based on the Coma novel.
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Frequently asked questions - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
Will the Anatomy 2 movie be available with English audio dub?
Anatomy 2 is already available with an English audio dub.
Is the Anatomy 2 film based on a book or comics?
No, Anatomy 2 is not based on either books or comics.
Is the Anatomy 2 film a remake or reboot?
No, the Anatomy 2 film is neither a remake nor a reboot.
Is there a post credit scene in Anatomy 2? Does Anatomy 2 have end credit scenes?
Yes, there's a mid-credit scene in Anatomy 2.
Where can I see Anatomy 2? What is Anatomy 2 playing on? What streaming service is Anatomy 2 on? Where can I watch Anatomy 2 online? Is Anatomy 2 available on Netflix? Is Anatomy 2 on Amazon?
As of 2022.02.05, Anatomy 2 is available on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play, Microsoft Movies, Vudu, YouTube. It used to be on Netflix, but it's been removed.
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Resources - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
Anatomy 2 (on Official website. (2007: The website is offline)
IMDB: Anatomy 2 (2003): Database article.
WikiPedia: Anatomy 2: Database article.
Letterboxd: Anatomy 2 2003: Database article.
Rotten Tomatoes: Anatomy 2 2003: Database article.
: Concept art article.¤
Reviews with no spoilers - Anatomy 2 film (2003)
: Review video about the Anatomy 2 film with no spoilers.¤
Reviews with spoilers - Anatomy 2 film (2003)
: Review article of the Anatomy 2 movie, with spoilers. Includes a very detailed plot summary.¤
Analysis - Anatomy 2 movie (2003)
: Analysis video, explaining the finale of Anatomy 2.¤
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Buying the product - Anatomy 2, movie (2003)
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Have you seen the Anatomy 2 film? How do you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!
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