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If you'd like to be surprised by the A Quiet Place 2 film, I don't recommend you to watch the trailer beyond 1:20, because it starts to give away parts of the plot, and after 2:04, it gives away too much of the plot. It basically provides a summary of the film.

A Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020) - Watch trailer 2 on YouTube
Watch trailer 2 [Nexus Edit]: English - Hungarian
Watch trailer 1: English - Hungarian
video © Paramount Pictures (ViacomCBS)

Article updated: 2024.08.13

The A Quiet Place 2 (2020) is a sci-fi / fantasy thriller film. The movie was reviewed by Kadmon.

Product: A Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020)

Original title: A Quiet Place Part II

Series: A Quiet Place series

Setting: post-apocalyptic alternate Earth (A Quiet Place)

Previous entries in the series: A Quiet Place: Day One (2024), A Quiet Place (2018)

Product type: Film, Genre: sci-fi / fantasy adventure, Features: sci-fi, thriller, fantasy, adventure, creatures - aliens, post-apocalypticStyle: ?

Release: Premiere: 2020.03.08 (New York City, New York), Release: 2021.05.20

Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them

Watched: very recent (2021.06), first time

Rating: Average (2 out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points)

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This is my review of A Quiet Place 2, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi / fantasy thriller movie from 2020. It's about a family taking a journey in a post-apocalyptic land, that's infested with dangerous creatures. The A Quiet Place 2 film has some interesting moments, I recommend it to fans of the genre.

A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonA Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020)
image © Paramount Pictures (ViacomCBS)

Review (spoiler-free) - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)

I knew they were making this movie, and I've even watched the trailer, because I wasn't really interested it, so I was brave enough to do so, as it wouldn't be a problem if the trailer spoils the movie. The trailer didn't really catch my attention, so I didn't intend to watch it, until some reviews from people I appreciate started to appear that recommended it. Alteori spent time to create multiple videos about the movie, so I thought it couldn't be that bad. I didn't watch the first movie, but I've heard enough of the story, that I think I know enough about it.

A Quiet Place 2 is about a family taking a journey in a post-apocalyptic land, that's infested with dangerous creatures.

The story concept is good, but the execution of the story is not. The first half of the story is okay, but then the logic starts to fall apart.The characters act inconsistently, the events happen randomly, and everything play conveniently to reach the plot points the screenwriter aimed at. There are no character arcs, and there are plenty of logical problems.

The tension is good. There was probably one jump scare.

The cinematography is good. Most of the time it's easy to see what is happening, even in dark scenes. The changes in focus show that they intentionally lead the viewers' eye.

The characters are blanks. We don't get to know anything about their past, personality or their goals. The actors were probably okay, but like any of the characters, they could have been interchangeable.

The music (by Marco Beltrami) was okay. The music for the island battle was good.

A Quiet Place 2 is a watchable post-apocalyptic sci-fi / fantasy adventure, I think fans of the genre might enjoy it.

My experience

I wasn't satisfied with A Quiet Place 2 (2020). I happen to like stories with well-thought, logical plots, and A Quiet Place 2 lacked that.

Rating: Average (2 out of 3 points). A Quiet Place 2 is a well-made film, if you don't mind the lack of logic.

Enjoyment: Weak (2- out of 3 points). A Quiet Place 2 has interesting parts, but I didn't like the lack of logic.

Rewatchability: I'm not sure. I think it's mostly the surprise of the story that makes you feel interested, but if you really liked the movie, you might enjoy watching it multiple times.

Chance of watching it again: Very low. I don't think I'd ever like to watch it again, unless some better cut gets released.

Chance of watching a sequel: I don't know. I was not interested in it in the first place, and I feel that was justified.

A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonA Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020)
image © Paramount Pictures (ViacomCBS)

Will you enjoy this?

If you liked A Quiet Place, you'll probably be interested in a A Quiet Place 2.

If you like post-apocalyptic advanture movies, you might like A Quiet Place 2.

If you like horror or action thriller movies (Alien, Predator), you might like the film, although there are not many action scenes or scary scenes in the A Quiet Place 2 movie.

If you like jump scare ghost movies, you might be disappointed in this, although you might find some scary parts.

If you don't mind illogical elements in your movies, you can enjoy this.

Do you need to see the first film, A Quiet Place to enjoy this?

I think this movie gives everything you need to know about the setting and the creatures.

As I haven't seen the first film yet, I can't tell if watching it would add to the experience or not.

Watching for plot points

If you are interested in the setting or the fate of family seen in A Quiet Place, I think it's worth watching the A Quiet Place 2 movie for the plot points. Or you could just read the "Plot points of interest" section of this article.

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A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonA Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020)
image © Paramount Pictures (ViacomCBS)

Review with spoilers - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)

I didn't like the A Quiet Place 2 movie, due to the stupid actions of the characters.

The beginning of the movie was great. It established the setting and the creatures, and that's a nice addition to a sequel. Most sequels just assume we already know everything, and they forget to introduce the audience to the setting and characters, but here a first time viewer got everything.


The covers I've seen are okay. They imply that a family is hiding from something. They don't say much, but also don't spoil the movie, so that's perfect for me.

The trailer

The trailer is basically a substitute for watching the movie.

If you prefer spoilers, it's a great trailer for the A Quiet Place 2 film. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, it will ruin the movie for you.

Promise of the first scene

The first scene establishes the setting pretty well. I assume we'll see the family we've followed, trying to survive the attacks of the creatures.

Execution: We got exactly that, so that's just fine.

Plot summary / Synopsis

We see a family in a small town, going on a baseball game. There's a father (John Krasinski as Lee Abbott), a mother (Emily Blunt as Evelyn Abbott), a boy (Noah Jupe as Marcus Abbott), a deaf girl (Millicent Simmonds as Regan Abbott), and a small boy. One of their friends (Cillian Murphy as Emmett) is also there with his family. The sky turns strange, as if something is about to fall out of it. The people leave the game, but the town is attacked by creatures, that are attracted to noises. The family try to escape.

The story cuts 1,5 years after the event, to the end of the previous film. The surviving family members - the mother, the boy the girl, and a newborn baby -, are standing at their burning home after defeating some creatures. They decide to find another place. During their trip, they run into a booby trap, setting loud alarms, and injuring the leg of the boy. After they kill the arriving creature, with the help of an audio devide, they are rescued by their friend from the baseball game, who has lost his whole family. They settle in the factory he was hiding in. It has a safe bunker that can be used to hide from the creatures. They listen to the radio, and find a song playing on one of the stations. The girl comes to the conclusion that it must be a clue to the location of a safe place, and comes up with coordinates of a nearby island. Because she doesn't trust anybody, she decides to go on the journey alone, so she can share how could they defeat the creatures.

When they realise that the girl has gone missing, the mother asks the friend to get her back. The friend finds her, but she convinces him to go together to the island.

As the mother got tired of waiting, she takes an unnecessary trip to a nearby town to get supplies of Oxygen cannisters, neglectfully leaving his injured son with the newborn.

As the son got tired of caring for the baby, he decides to crawl around the factory with his injured leg, leaving the newborn alone. He makes some noise, summoning a creature. He gets inside the bunker with the baby, but they gets stuck in there accidentally. The mother arrives right after this, and she gets into the bunker, but the creature is outside. A lucky coincidence is that she has some cannisters of Oxygen they can use to breathe in the bunker.

The girl and the friend find a boat, and prepare to leave, but before that, the friend decides to unnecessarily search the whole pier. Incidentally, he finds a strangely acting girl. In an uncharacteristic move, he tries to comfort her, just to be trapped. A gang emerges from the background, and they try to take the girl, but the friend decides to fight them. The sounds attract some creatures, that kill all of the gang members. One of the creatures gets on a boat, that somehow gets free from the pier. The friend and the girl get on a boat, and go to the island.

The people on the island welcome them. Next morning they are having a carefree time, when the friend finds the boat on the shore of the island, that the creature has climbed on. He runs back to warn the people, but just as he arrives, the creature starts to massacre everyone around him. Instead of just killing the creature with the help of the auidio device, the friend decides to take to girl to the local radio station, causing the additional dead of locals, including their leader, and endangering the girl. They get to the radio station, start broadcasting the distracting noise, and they kill the creature.

Back at the factory, the creature finds the bunker, tears up the gate, and it's about to kill them, when the boy, who is listening to the radio instead of paying attention to the creature, hears the distracting sound being broadcasted right at that moment. He plays it on the radio, and they kill the creature.

The girl and the friend leave the broadcast on, without telling anybody any kind of instructions how will this help them against the creatures, and call it a day.

The setting

Contemporary alternate Earth. Alien creatures appeared (probably through a meteorite or crashed spaceship), that killed most of humanity by this time. The story is set 1,5 years after their arrival.

A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonA Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020)
image © Paramount Pictures (ViacomCBS)

The creature

The creatures hunt anything that's noisy. They kill humans, although it's not shown, why. Their attack is usually instantly fatal. They leave the bodies around, they don't eat them. [Update - Spoiler!: As implied by A Quiet Place: Day One (2024), they use the dead bodies to grow their food on them. That still doesn't answer, why do they just leave the bodies around, instead of getting them in their food farms.]

Their hearing is very good, they can sense small noises from quite a large distance away. Their vision is not good, but they are still able to sense their surroundings even in dark places, so they might have some kind of echolocation, that would provide them with a similar sense of their area. They are able to sense solid objects, trees, buildings, vehicles, but probably the living tissue is not easy for them to sense, as they are often confused in the presence of humans, unless they make some noise.

They probably don't need air to breath, but that's just a hypothesis of mine.

They can only be hurt, if there's a distracting noise, when they open their head plates, making themselves vulnerable.

They are good runners and jumpers. They can't swim, but they can probably just walk on the floor of the water. [Update - Spoiler!: As seen in A Quiet Place: Day One (2024), water might be poisonous to them.]

They can scream, so they have the potential to communicate with each other vocally.

The message of the story

I'm not sure there's one.

The structure of the story

The scenes of the A Quiet Place 2 film are mostly played in sequence, following the same storyline. It has the usual arc of the dramatic structure - beginning, action, very short resolution.

Plot points of interests

The were not many changes to the setting or characters.

Changes to characters

Hard to tell, I haven't seen the first movie. They didn't change through this story.

Characters killed

Nobody important.


The hearing aid noise is now transmitted by a radio station.


Scenes and elements from previous film:

  • In the beginning, there's a prominent shot of the space shuttle toy.
  • We see the mother returning to the grave of the small kid.
  • The final battle is won with the girl using her hearing aid, although now it's transmitted through radio.

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Things I liked

  • The first scene was a very good beginning, especially for a sequel.
  • I liked the look of the creature.

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How does it compare to the other works of the creators?

I haven't seen any other works of the writer / director (John Krasinski). The directing was good, the writing was weak. I'd prefer to see him as a director next time.

How does it compare to the first film in the series?

I haven't seen A Quiet Place (2018), so it's hard for me to compare them.

Based on my knowledge, I assume the first one was a small scale story, a small family trying to survive in a dangerous environment. There were a couple of casualties during the film, making us see that it's really not safe out there. The creatures were invulnerable up until the very end of the film, where they managed to kill one of them.

The sequel opens the world a little bit, with extra characters included, and probably more action. However, for me, it seems safer now. Nobody in the family got harmed during the film.

A next film could expand to be an even larger story, with soldiers trying to reclaim the world, but I hope they'll still retain some aspects of the small scale plot, as constantly upping themselves would soon lead to the exhaustion of the series.

How does it compare to A Quiet Place: Day One (2024)?

Although it's been a while since I've watched A Quiet Place 2, based on my ratings, I assume the two movie - while completely different - is somewhat comparably boring. There are long parts when nothing happens in both movies. As there are only a select protagonist in the movie, we know that probably nothing bad will happen to them. We don't get to learn anything interesting about the creatures.

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A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonA Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020)
image © Paramount Pictures (ViacomCBS)

Analysis of the story - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)

I was interested by the concept, but in the end, there were too many problems that prevented me from enjoying A Quiet Place 2.

Problematic elements

Actions driven by the plot: During the film, most of the problems only came up, because one of the characters acted stupidly, just to get into that situation. After a while, I gave up trying to make sense of what are they doing.

  • The girl leaving the group, to wander alone right in the beginning. If she wanted to leave, why didn't she tell it to their mother?
  • The girl leaving the group, to wander alone at the middle of movie. Doesn't she trust her own mother?
  • The mother leaving the boy, to wander alone, while the friend was still looking for the girl. If they got back to see that she is missing, it could have scared them, and leaving the boy alone with the newborn baby is not a good idea. (Edit: Yes, she goes there to get those cannisters of Oxygen they could use when they get stuck inside the bunker, but she couldn't have known that at the time.)
  • The friend inspecting the other ships, when they've already chosen one. (Edit: Yes, this is there so he could find the strange girl, then get captured, then get into a fight, so the creatures could get on the boat, so they could attack the island village, but it still makes no sense for the character.)
  • The friend trying to act socially to a stranger, who acts in a strange manner, in a potentially dangerous situation. He wasn't that friendly to the kids of his friends, why was he that open with a stranger?
  • The boy leaving the baby, to wander alone in the factory. It's especially strange, since he has a severely wounded leg, yet he still crawls up on all those ladders.
  • The boy locking himself in the bunker. I would have preferred to watch him being stuck there, without getting rescued.
  • The friend taking the girl to the radio station, instead of just killing the creature. (Edit: Yes, he did that so the sound would be broadcasted on the radio, in order to be able to rescue the mother stuck in the bunker, but he couldn't know that.)

Convenient happenings: Beyond the actions driven by the plot, there were some very random events happening in the story.

  • The boat with the creature reaching the island.
  • The boat with the creature is first seen by the friend.
  • The friend runs back to the community in time to be there when the creature attacks.
  • The boy is listening to the right radio station, just when the creature is about to attack them.
  • The girl is able to defeat the last creature with just a stick, when previously even a shotgun shell from close up wasn't enough.

Refusing to wear footware: Beyond the fact that it's very uncomfortable in the long term, not wearing shoes doesn't make them more silent. On the other hand, if they get stung by a beetle, or step into some spike or rock, it can make them cry.

The sand path: How much time did they spend to maintain that line of sand on a daily basis? As we see that it goes through a forest with fallen leaves around it, to keep it free of leaves and twigs, someone must go there every day to keep it clean. It seems like an unreasonable effort, especially as another leaf can just fall on it immediately after the cleaning ends. Yet, in the movie we see that the whole path is pretty clean.

Leg injury: The injury didn't really hinder the boy. By the look of his pain and cries, I'd assume it's a serious injury. But that didn't slow him, or stop him from climbing and running.

Running from the creatures: After they already know how to deal with the creatures, why are they running in panic, instead of luring them into traps in a calculated manner?

The "friend": That friend was setting traps for humans, and it shows some shady nature, that didn't come up any time later. Also, the family didn't complain about the trap, that could have got all them killed, that was also strange for me.

The addition of the friend: The fact that the friend stayed with them, practically ruined the opportunity for the family to evolve. The sacrifice of the dad made them change - the mother had to take the role of the warrior leader. But as they conveniently run into the friend, she could put this burden on him instead.

The mask: Why did the friend wear the mask? Beyond the convenience that it allowed him to be revealed later as Cillian Murphy.

The song: Why do they hide the clues to the pace of their settlement? Did they expect that people will just come up with the right solution? Why didn't they just sit down by the microphone at the radio station, and just state the coordinates once in a while.

Electricity: It seems like there's still electricity in the abandoned port town. How?

The bait girl: I assume that the port town gang was following them, and wanted to set a trap for them. Why did they send the bait girl to hide in the end of the pier? It took a very lucky chain of events that lead their victims there, it would have been more straightforward to put the girl near the entrance. And why was she hiding at all, as it was their intention that she is found?

Leaving the friend alive: This was just stupid. The right way to do is to get that rope in his neck, then strangle him, or cut his neck. First, he could just start screaming, inviting the creatures. Second, if they leave him alive, he'll most likely come back to take revenge. If they are not ruthless enough to kill people, they shouldn't have taken this job.

Kidnapping: Why do they put themselves in danger by capturing someone? And they don't even gag her! But even if she is gagged, she could just start to stomp on the ground, and the creatures would come. So, the proper way is to gag, bag, then pick up by two of the grown adults to carry her away safely.

The port town gang: They seem like some bad people, who are ready to do bad things to others. Why don't they just visit the island to loot them? It's not like they have any defenses.

The lack of defenses on the island: They don't have any barriers, walls, or even sentries around to watch for dangers. How stupid are they to forget that there are unkillable creatures around?

When a single creature attacked them, they just panicked. It was obvious they didn't have any plans. They didn't have distracting noises, or traps to at least slow the creatures. They didn't have safe hideouts.

The ending: The story just stops when they kill the creatures. This is not an awful way to end the movie, but it doesn't really give time for the audience to feel the right emotions before the credits roll. Also, what I felt missing is to conclude the whole mission of the girl, and let the world know there's a way to defeat the creatures. Sure, there's nothing stopping them from doing so now, but it would have been nice to see it.

Action scenes: I didn't really like that for long stretches of time, nothing happens, then action starts at multiple different sets, and the story constantly switches between those scenes. This could be a useful tool if done correctly, but here I didn't feel tension in all of the situations, and pretty much knew that the action is just padding to add runtime, and probably more screentime to the characters.

Sign language: It's a small thing, but I would have preferred a more smaller number of signs to be used, so the audience would be able to learn those. In this movie, signs play an important part of the story, so this would be a nice opportunity to teach some signs to the audience.

The trailer

The trailer spells out a large parts of the story.

Unanswered questions

  • What do these creatures want with the humans? They don't seem to eat them. [Update - Spoiler!: As implied by A Quiet Place: Day One (2024), they use the dead bodies to grow their food on them. That still doesn't answer, why do they just leave the bodies around, instead of getting them in their food farms.]
  • Why do the creatures stay in place when the girl plays the sound? They don't understand the concept of escaping? Or do they secretly enjoy the pain?
  • Why did the girl get on the train to scavange it? She was supposed to be in a hurry to reach the island.
  • Why did the military try to convince people that it's safe to stay on islands? It might be true that the creatures can't swim, but as they don't breath air, they can just walk to the island on the bottom. [Update - Spoiler!: As seen in A Quiet Place: Day One (2024), water might be poisonous to them.]
  • As brought up by Filmento, why do the islanders keep it a secret that the creatures can't swim. They could just broadcast it through the radio.

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Possibilities of improvement

The beginning, up to their meeting with the friend, is good. It's only the rest that needs some improvement. The basic concept is also fine. I assume there is some way to edit the footage in a way that it made sense. Or at least, more sense.

If we cut the illogical parts, practically nothing would remain of the story:

  • Use the footage, up to the point where they meet with the friend. The girl finds out about the island.
  • When the mother begs to the friend, make it look like they asks him to go with the girl.
  • They go on the trip together, hiding from creatures. They get to the pier, and take the first boat they originally intended. They get to the island.
  • They celebrate on the island, then we cut to the radio studio, with the hearing aid on air, broadcasting the sound, then fade to black.

How it could have been better?

Establish why did they decide to leave the house. For example, if all of the buildings were burnt down, that would be enough of an incentive.

Establish why did they choose to go where they did. Is there some town to resupply? Is there some quiet place to hide?

When the girl decides to go to the island, establish her reason to do that. Is the island in danger? Is there someone she knows? Why is it important enough to split the family?

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A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020) - Film review by KadmonA Quiet Place 2, movie for the A Quiet Place series (2020)
image © Paramount Pictures (ViacomCBS)

Uses for the film - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)


  • Aliens invade Earth, trying to kill all humans.
  • During the apocalyptic event, some people try to just hide themselves, others turn on other humans, and yet others try to rebuild civilisation.


  • The first scene is good to depict a creature attack on a rural area.

Scenario ideas - Role-playing game scenario ideas


The creatures for wargame

  • Use a system with noise rules (like Zombicide, The Walking Dead, or I assume other zombie-based games), or borrow the noise rules from those.
  • The creatures are invulnerable to modern conventional weapons - I assume, up to carpet bombing and direct hits from artillery, because the military probably tried that against them before giving up.
  • There's a specific device that creates a specific noise that makes the creature vulnerable to even handguns and melee weapons. The handheld version works in a 10 cm distance, but there could be amplified, heavy versions of the device. I'd still recommend that the creature could be only be killed with a critical hit, or an aimed attack, or by a very close shot, as the head still needs to be hit.
  • The creature is as fast as a running horse, and it can jump any distance during its movement. It can climb on any walls.
  • I recommend the creature to have multiple actions or multiple attacks.
  • A single hit by the creature kills an unarmoured human instantly. We haven't seen how armoured humans would fare, but seeing that it can tear a regular steel plate like paper, I think the creature has high armour penetrating properties.

Scenario ideas - Wargame scenario ideas

  • The defenders are randomly set up on the gaming area. There are some shelters around the area. An indestructable creature enters at the edge of the playing area. The creature is very fast, and probably has multiple actions every turn. A melee combat with it kills the defender. The defenders have to reach the shelters to hide. The creature is attracted to loud noises, and someone spending an action to be loud can lure the creature to itself. The creature wins if it kills more than half of the defenders before they get to the shelters. The defenders win if they get to the shelters in time.
    • Variant: There's a special equipment that distracts the creature. Any defender can carry the equipment, but than the model is at a disadvantage at doing any other action (-1 to rolls?). In a zone around the model (10 cm around the model) the creature gets a disadvantage (-1 to rolls? -2 to rolls against the carrier of the equipment?), and it is open to be damaged. While in the disadvantage zone, any attacks that cause damage can kill the creature, but it's still a tough opponent. If the carrier is killed, the equipment can be picked up by another model. In this variant, the defender only wins if they defeat the creature before it kills more than half of the defenders.

Miniatures - 1/50-1/60 (28-32mm scale)

Humans: Human-sized (S3) modern / post-apocalyptic (advanced) human female / male civilian or warrior. Find a model!

Creatures: Large (S4-S5) insectoid creature. WH40K Tyranids, or Alien Xenomorph models might work just fine. Find a model!

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Similar stories - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)


Cormac McCarthy: The Road (2006): A family drama, set in a post-apocalyptic world. A father and his son are travelling in the wilderness.


A Quiet Place (2018): A family drama, set in a post-apocalyptic world (creatures). The previous episode in this series.

Cargo, movie (2017): A family drama, set in a post-apocalyptic world (zombies). A father and his daughter are travelling in the wilderness.

Love and Monsters (2020): An adventure story, set in a post-apocalyptic world (creatures). A young man is travelling in the wilderness.

Maggie (2015): A family drama, set in a zombie apocalypse.

The Road (2009): A family drama, set in a post-apocalyptic world. A father and his son are travelling in the wilderness.

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Frequently asked questions - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)

Is the A Quiet Place 2 film based on a book or comics?

No, A Quiet Place 2 is not based on either books or comics.

Is there a post credit scene in A Quiet Place 2?

No, there's no post credit scene in A Quiet Place 2.

Where can I watch A Quiet Place 2 online? Is A Quiet Place 2 available on Netflix? Is A Quiet Place 2 on Amazon?

As of 2022.10.16, A Quiet Place 2 is available on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play, Microsoft Movies, Paramount+, Vudu, YouTube.

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Resources - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)


A Quiet Place 2: Official website.


IMDB: A Quiet Place Part II (2020): Database article.

WikiPedia: A Quiet Place Part II: Database article.

Letterboxd: A Quiet Place Part II 2020: Database article.

Rotten Tomatoes: A Quiet Place Part II: Database article.


: Concept art article.¤

Reviews with no spoilers - A Quiet Place 2 film (2020)

Alteori: A Quiet Place 2 ACTUALLY surprised me (No Spoilers): Review video about the A Quiet Place 2 film with no spoilers.Ł

Dr Bob Mann (bobwp) (for Bob the Movie Man): A One Mann’s Movies review of “A Quiet Place Part II” (2021).: Review article about the movie, with no spoilers.§

Obsessive Cinema Disorder 電影強迫症: A Quiet Place Part II Review: Review article about the movie, with no spoilers.

Stuart Wren (for Stu Loves Film): A Quiet Place Part II: Review article about the movie, with no spoilers.§

Reviews with no spoilers - A Quiet Place 2 film (2020) - Turkish

Buğra Şendürdar (for Science Fiction Club): (in Turkish): Review article about the film with minor spoilers, in Turkish.

English version by Google Translate

Reviews with spoilers - A Quiet Place 2 film (2020)

: Review article of the A Quiet Place 2 movie, with spoilers. Includes a very detailed plot summary.¤

Analysis - A Quiet Place 2 movie (2020)

Filmento: A Quiet Place Part II — How to Ruin a Franchise in 7 Seconds | Anatomy Of A Failure: Analysis video about the problems.Ł

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Buying the product - A Quiet Place 2, movie (2020)

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Have you seen the A Quiet Place 2 film for the A Quiet Place series? How do you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Do you know reviews or resources you'd like to add? What further thoughts do you have about it? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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