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Painting a juvenile Rock Churn for Imperial Space - Rahdox for Project: ELITE from Drawlab Entertainment - Painting logRahdox sc1 v1 for Project: ELITE range from Drawlab Entertainment painted as a Rock Churn for Imperial Space

I painted a Rahdox miniature as a juvenile Rock Churn, to be used as a pet by the Gaunt pirates, for the Imperial Space games. I made photos, and took notes of the painting progess.

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Paint scheme: Rock Churn, Setting: Imperial Space

Miniature: Rahdox sc1 v1, Range: Project: ELITE range, Company: Drawlab Entertainment

Paints used: Pentart acrylic paints, Pentart acrylic metallic paints, brushed on, Company: Pentacolor

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When I was painting the Gaunt pirates for the Deadzone demo, I painted their spikey hide as if they are wearing a leather jacket. However, I wanted that leather to belong to some fierce creature.

I decided that the pirates have a pet from the species they used as the armour.

Choice of miniature

Alien (Rahdox sc1 v1 for Project: ELITE) from Drawlab Entertainment - Miniature creature reviewimage © Drawlab Entertainment
modified by Kadmon

I searched my collection for a fitting miniature that would look the part. I've found the Rahdox for the Project: ELITE board game I got as a promo. Originally I've imagined a wolf-like creature, but this strange thing probably fits the sci-fi theme better. Although the Rahdox looks pretty stupid as a fierce monster, I thought it would be a juvenile one.

I've named the creature Rock Churn.



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Paints used: Pentart acrylic paints, Pentart acrylic metallic paints, brushed on, Company: Pentacolor

I imagined the creature as having a reddish metallic skin, with white spikes protruding out of it.

Base coating

Without using primer, I painted the whole miniature with a copper base colour.

Painting a juvenile Rock Churn for Imperial Space - Rahdox for Project: ELITE from Drawlab Entertainment - Painting log

Painting a juvenile Rock Churn for Imperial Space - Rahdox for Project: ELITE from Drawlab Entertainment - Painting log


Inspired by the colour scheme of the Rahdox artwork, and the similar Rainbow Dinosaur paint scheme from Papo (seen on the Running T-Rex), I've painted yellow dots on the copper base colour. I used these dots to create stripes on the creature. I've made similar dots on the pirates.

Painting a juvenile Rock Churn for Imperial Space - Rahdox for Project: ELITE from Drawlab Entertainment - Painting log

Then I followed with purple over the yellow dots, first on the creature, then on the pirates. I then painted the spikes white on the pirates, while I first added a very light green on the Rock Churn, then followed with white details.

Painting a juvenile Rock Churn for Imperial Space - Rahdox for Project: ELITE from Drawlab Entertainment - Painting log

The finished Rock Churn kid looks menacing enough among the pirate crew, so I'm happy with the result.

Finishing seal

I intend to use Pentacolor Matte Varnish, then an Evolution matte spray varnish. Or probably just the spray varnish.

Further plans

  • varnishing
  • basing the miniature on a transparent foil


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Buying the product - Rahdox for Project: ELITE

Base set price (Rahdox sc1 v1): ? EUR, price per mini: ? EUR

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How would you make an menacing creature out of a funny looking one? What do you think of this Rock Churn miniature? Tell us in the comments!


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