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Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageCthulhu Wars

Author: Kadmon
Translation based on:
Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - Társasjáték maraton a Gémeskútban (2017.11.11) - Esemény beszámoló (2017.11.29)
Translation: Kadmon

The Nexus Club participated in the Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - Board Games Marathon on 2017.11.11 in the Gémeskút, in Miskolc. We have played today Zombicide from CoolMiniOrNot company, Star Saga from Mantic Games company, but the highlight of the evening was Cthulhu Wars.

In the Gémeskút boardgaming club, due to the cooperation of the Nexus Club the visitors could get acquainted with Zombicide, Star Saga and Cthulhu Wars.

The central elements of Arkham Night were games based on Lovecraft's Cthulhu Myth. Of these, the following were played:

Cthulhu Wars, Elder Sign, Eldritch Horror, Munchkin Cthulhu

In addition, the following non-Cthulhu based horror games have appeared:

Star Saga, Zombicide

At the other tables, further games were played:

Citadels (Hungarian edition: Citadella), Dobble, Istanbul, Power Grid (Hungarian edition: Nagyfeszültség), Takenoko

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageElder Sign

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageEldritch Horror

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageMunchkin Cthulhu

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageCitadels (Hungarian edition: Citadella)

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageDobble

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageIstanbul

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coveragePower Grid (Hungarian edition: Nagyfeszültség)

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageTakenoko

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Nexus Club

The Star Saga board game made a first appearance in the club.

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageStar Saga

Zombicide met with the usual enthusiasm by the players. In the game, we have seen visualised a Deep One invasion instead of the zombies.

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageZombicide

Cthulhu Wars was probably the most awaited game.

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageCthulhu Wars

The picture below is the finishing state of the last game, where Cthulhu has managed to destroy the Earth, leading high above the others. Although the others joined forces against him and he had only one small frog left in the Caribbean, they could not prevent his victory.

Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverageCthulhu Wars

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Further sources of information

Arkham Night Hungary 2017 Facebook event (in Hungarian)

Arkham Night 2017 - Miskolc Facebook event (in Hungarian)

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The Cthulhu Wars Core Set for the games was provided by the donation of Petersen Games.

The Star Saga: The Eiras Contract board game for the games has been sent by Mantic Games for demonstration games.

The Zombicide Season 1 board game for the games was provided by the donation of CoolMiniOrNot.

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