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Games Day Budapest 2016Games Day Budapest 2016 - Event coverage
image © Kovács Károly

The Nexus Club visited Games Day Budapest 2016 to do demonstrations of sci-fi wargames. In cooperation with The Forge Club, Scenery World Workshop commission terrain maker studio, and Nagy Péter (Petrow) from Keszthely, we brought demos of Alien vs Predator, Deadzone and DreadBall. There were dozens of other wargames and board games demos all around the area. The Golden Gobbo painting competition was also held here. Several gaming stores had a stand here with reduced prices, and there was a bits market for miniature collectors.

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Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly

The gaming convention was organised by Hammertime Cafe. There were hundreds of visitors and dozens of demo tables. Among the tables (beyond the ones we have brought) I've seen Descent Ed2, Dreadfleet, Infinity, Malifaux, Space Hulk, The Walking Dead, Volsung, X-Wing, and probably several others I didn't recognise.

Games Day Budapest 2016

Another focus of the convention was the bits market - several stands offered miniature bits, sprues and even painted miniatures. Most of the bits were from Warhammer range and Warhammer 40.000 miniatures, with very few Kings of War bits. I've seen some nice painted miniatures for the Batman Miniature Game and Malifaux up for sale, but I tried to keep my cool and spend my money on figures I know I'll use - Warhammer archers, lizardmen, Bloodletter demons and riders of Slaanesh.

Games Day Budapest 2016

Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly

Three cosplayers - a pair of elves and a lone space marine - made the event more interesting.

Games Day Budapest 2016 Nagy Máté Farkas (Dwalin) running The Walking Dead: All Out War demo

For one of the demo tables Nagy Máté Farkas (Dwalin) brought a set of The Walking Dead: All Out War board game from Mantic Games. It looked like it was popular with the younger visitors of Games Day. I wanted to try the game, but didn't want to steal the time from the youngsters, so I'll take my chances next time.

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The Forge Club

Games Day Budapest 2016Lehoczky Tamás (Zirrian) and Tóth Dániel (Grosh) running the Afterlife demo on the Scenery World Workshop lava board

Lehoczky Tamás (Zirrian) and Tóth Dániel (Grosh) from The Forge Club did demos of the Afterlife futuristic wargame from Anvil Industry. They used the beautiful lava boards created by the Scenery World Workshop. Every player who participated in a demo game received a wonderful Kickstarter exclusive female swordsman, Ellenor Renard. I played a game with Grosh, so a playtest review of Afterlife will be coming soon!

Games Day Budapest 2016Kelemen Gábor prepares to crush his enemies in the The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game demo game on the Scenery World Workshop lava board

Kelemen Gábor from The Forge Club taught kids to play The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game from Games Workshop company, on the lava gaming board crafted by the Scenery World Workshop. It looked like the game was most popular among youngsters.

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Scenery World Workshop

Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly

Chava Thomas and Kovács Károly from the Scenery World Workshop created most of the scenery used by the Nexus Club and The Forge during the Games Day.

Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly

The Scenery World Workshop created the 3D version of an old Hungarian boardgame, Az Ezüst Tó Kincse (The Treasure of the Silver Lake), based on the Wild West adventure novels of Karl May.

Games Day Budapest 2016Majoros Renáta makes sure everything looks perfect. Also on display: a Blood Bowl travelling case.

They also brought their Blood Bowl travelling case for the new Blood Bowl (2016) game from Games Workshop company.

Games Day Budapest 2016The lava board

The lava gaming board of the Scenery World Workshop was the scene of the many battles fought by the members of The Forge Club.

Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly

SWW had a modern desert warfare table. It was set up for the Skirmish Sangin miniature wargame from Radio Dishdash Publishing, but unfortunately there were none brave enough to try it, so it became a lovely display board.

Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly

Games Day Budapest 2016

Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly

They designed a Roman chariot racing game, inspired by the Ben Hur movie. This also meant they had to build a scale model of a Roman circus to be able to play the game.

Check the Scenery World Workshop here: Scenery World Workshop Facebook page

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Nexus Club

I've prepared several games for demonstrations, got rulebooks to browse, unassembled miniatures to see, battle mats to try, but Games Day had a very limited area to use, so we very happy to receive enough space to set out the gaming boards made by the Scenery World Workshop. It also meant we couldn't set up our painting workshops, as this year every space was allocated to demo tables and store stands.

Games Day Budapest 2016The Alien Queen bust from Scenery World Workshop

Games Day Budapest 2016The Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins multi-level 3D gaming board

Games Day Budapest 2016The miniatures kindly donated by Prodos Games are ready to be deployed into the fray!

Games Day Budapest 2016 Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly
Kovács-Csótai Zsófia organising the games Kovács Károly and Chava Thomas

Games Day Budapest 2016image © Kovács Károly
Takács György (Kadmon)
preparing the gameboard for another battle

The centre of our show was the Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins gaming board, crafted by Chava Thomas and Kovács Károly of the Scenery World Workshop, and the Alien Queen life-size bust display. Thanks to the miniatures and posters generously donated by Prodos Games we could create an immersive and popular experience for the visitors. Players who participated in a demo game received a random Alien Infant v1 miniature.

Games Day Budapest 2016Nagy Péter (Petrow) (in white T-shirt) makes sure everyone gets to know the rules of Deadzone Ed2

Games Day Budapest 2016A fierce Deadzone Ed2 battle in progress

While the Nexus Club couldn't get more tables to set up our Deadzone Ed2 demo kit, as luck had it, Nagy Péter (Petrow) only brought his miniatures and scenery, so I could lend him my rulebooks and gaming mats from Mantic Games, combining our efforts to show the most of Deadzone to the gamers. His scratchbuilt scenery recreates the one that comes in the first edition starter set, and it looks astonishing on the desert mat.

Games Day Budapest 2016Space Dungeon Dread Bawl

As there was no more space for the DreadBall demo table, Takács György (Kadmon) tried to create a DreadBall match on the Alien vs Predator board, based on ideas from the Dungeon Bawl rules. It probably wasn't the most efficient ruleset there is, but it could be interesting for those who'd like to try something new with their DreadBall teams. A board game with 1'x1' grids (ie. Doom, Space Hulk) could provide a better ground for DreadBall games.

We brought a Kings of War Ed2 Rulebook, as I thought there would be plenty of Warhammer minis to use with the ruleset, but much to my surprise, there were only one, maybe two tables who played Warhammer at all. On the other hand, at least half of the products of the stores were Warhammer minis.

As we were focusing on sci-fi, I wanted to bring Infinity, but I've seen others will be doing demos. Zombicide is one of the favourites in our club, but as there was already going to be a The Walking Dead demo from Mantic Games, I thought one zombie-based game will be enough, and I wanted to give a chance for the new game to find its audience.

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Resources - Games Day 2016

Games Day Budapest 2016 website (in Hungarian)(on (2018: The article is offline.)

Games Day Budapest 2016 (Facebook Event)(in Hungarian)

Games Day 2016 miniatures - Low quality photos (Facebook Gallery)

Games Day 2016 miniatures - High quality photos (Google Drive)

Zoltán Markovics: Games Day 2016 (Facebook Gallery)

Zoltán Markovics: Games Day 2016 miniatures (Facebook Gallery)

Scenery World Workshop: Games Day 2016 SWW (Facebook Gallery)

Der Hauptmann: Games Day Budapest 2016 - incoming event: Preview article for the King Matthias's Austrian War table.

Liszka Gergely (Liszkag)(for Games Day 2016 - Event coverage (in Hungarian): Event coverage article with photos. (2018: The article is offline.)

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Did you like to game, and want to get one?

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What do you think of the Games Day Budapest 2016? What was your favourite event? What would you like to add, what do you miss from the convention? Tell us in the comments!


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