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Person: Nagy Péter (Petrow)

Name: Nagy Péter, Nickname: Petrow

Games Day Budapest 2016Nagy Péter (Petrow) (in white T-shirt) makes sure everyone gets to know the rules of Deadzone

Nagy Péter (Petrow) is a wargamer. He lives in Keszthely, Hungary (Europe).

Nagy Péter (Petrow) - Information

Nagy Péter's Facebook account

Warhammer & wargame blog (in Hungarian): The website of Ladislaus, Petrow, and tengerSAM. Inactive since 2015.

Google Translate English version

DrCsernus Wargame Blogja (in Hungarian): The website of KerekPerec and Petrow. Inactive since 2015.

Google Translate English version

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