System: Kings of War Ed1
System: Kings of War Ed1, System series: Kings of War, Setting: Mantica, Company: Mantic Games
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Kings of War Ed1 Rulebook v2 from Mantic Games, 2012 - Wargame book review
Kings of War Ed1-Ed2 from Mantic Games - Wargame system analysis
Kings of War Ed1-Ed2 from Mantic Games - Wargame system analysisKings of War is an easy to learn, easy to play abstract wargame in a fantasy setting. It is produced by Mantic Games, for their Mantica setting.
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Wargame: Kings of War
Current edition: Kings of War Ed2 (2015-2016-)
Rules: Kings of War Ed2
Previous editions: Kings of War Ed1 (2010-2015)
Setting: Mantica
Company: Mantic Games
Designer: Alessio Cavatore
Players: 2 (2+ with modifications), Powers: Various, Possibly different, Units: Fixed footprint
Turn structure: Taking turns, moving whole armies, Movement: Set distances,
Playing time: 30-90 min, depending on the size of the battle, Play style: Abstract, Competitive, Theme: Combat, Language dependency: Rulebook, army lists
Features: Competitive, Miniatures, Random effects (dice)