System: Zombicide Season 1 system
System: Zombicide Season 1 system, Company: CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games, Production: 2012-2019-
Zombicide Season 1 (2012-)
Zombicide Season 2 (2012-)
Zombicide Season 3 (2012-)
Successor systems
Zombicide: Black Plague
Zombicide: Invader
Massive Darkness
Hungarian articles: Zombicide Season 1
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Angry Neighbours board game expansion for Zombicide from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot, 2015 - Board game expansion review
Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - Board games marathon at the Gémeskút (2017.11.11) - Event coverage
Author: Kadmon
Translation based on: Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - Társasjáték maraton a Gémeskútban (2017.11.11) - Esemény beszámoló (2017.11.29)
Translation: KadmonThe Nexus Club participated in the Arkham Night 2017 Miskolc - Board Games Marathon on 2017.11.11 in the Gémeskút, in Miskolc. We have played today Zombicide from CoolMiniOrNot company, Star Saga from Mantic Games company, but the highlight of the evening was Cthulhu Wars.
Board games - Zombicide - Setting game difficulty
The Zombicide Season 1 boardgame from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot. is a great game with simple rules that can be easily modified to fit the taste of the players.
Difficulty can be set to a level agreed by the players. A normal game uses 0 Difficulty. An easier game gets into negative, while a hard game is high in number. I've assigned some ad hoc number that will need to be tailored for a balanced game.
International Tabletop Day 2017 Miskolc (2017.04.30) - Event coverage
Author: Kadmon
Translation: Kadmon
Translation based on: Nemzetközi Társasjáték Nap 2017 Miskolc - Esemény beszámoló (2017.09.12)The Nexus Club took part in the International Tabletop Day 2017 gaming event on Miskolc, at 2017.04.30. On the convention, organised by the Gémeskút community, the visitors could try several board games all day long. From the CoolMiniOrNot there was Zombicide and Arcadia Quest, from Mantic Games the Deadzone, from Petersen Games the Cthulhu Wars, beside Adrenaline, Carcassone, Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Lost Cities, Escape, Goa, Kemet, Saltlands, and some others I did not recognise.
Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 miniatures convention (2016.01.30-31) - Event coverage
Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 - The Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) exhibition
Article updated: 2020.02.19
The Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 (Model Festival 2016) miniatures convention was held on 2016.01.30-31, in Miskolc. The Makettfesztivál Miskolc, built around the Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) modeling competition, is an annual modeling hobby event, organised by the Miskolci Makettezők Egyesülete (Modelers Association of Miskolc). An event coverage was written by Kadmon.
The Nexus Club took part in the Makettfesztivál on both days, working closely with The Forge wargaming club. Sarkadi Sándor came from Debrecen to do a demonstration of the Kings of War, a fantasy tactical game from Mantic Games. For this event, wargaming boards were made by Kelemen Gábor and by the Scenery World Workshop.
Nexus Club Miskolc - Boardgame and wargame gaming event in the Szinvapark (2017.11.17) - Event coverage
Author: Kadmon
Translation based on: Nexus Klub Miskolc - Társasjáték és wargame játékalkalom a Szinvaparkban (2017.11.17) - Esemény beszámoló (2017.11.20)
Translation: KadmonThe Nexus Club held a gaming event at 2017.11.17 with the Steelborough Mtg Club, in the Szinvapark, in Miskolcon. We have played today a couple of boardgames - Zombicide Season 1 from CoolMiniOrNot company, and Star Saga from Mantic Games company.
Running game demos - Zombicide
I've gathered my recommendations about running demonstration games for the Zombicide Season 1 boardgame from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot.
Before you read further, I recommend you to read: Running game demos - Guidelines
Zombicide board game - Happy Meal for Christmas - Gameplay narrative by Ottó
image © Gregor Ottó
Zombicide board gameGame: Zombicide (CoolMiniOrNot)
The story of the Zombicide game experience based on real events was made by Gregor Ottó.
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Zombie Hunting Report From Joshua's Diary - Happy Meal for Christmas
I remember the old times, when the winter's mood approached me. But this hasn't been the case for quite some time. Long frosty nights, relentless illnesses, and fasting for weeks are coming. Time to prepare for the holidays!
Zombicide board game - It's Halloween! - Gameplay narrative by Ottó
image © Gregor Ottó
Zombicide board gameGame: Zombicide (CoolMiniOrNot)
Author: Gregor Ottó
Edited by: KadmonTranslation based on: Zombicide board game - It's Halloween! - Gameplay narrative by Ottó (2019.01.05)
Translation: Google Translate (Google Translate website)The story of the Zombicide game experience based on real events was made by Gregor Ottó.
* * *
Zombie Hunting Report From Belle's Diary - It's Halloween!
They say there is a day in the year when the otherwise impenetrable boundary between the spirit world and the physical world ceases to exist. The souls of the dead can all return to our real plane plane for a last desperate walk. I wouldn't be surprised if it really was. The carcasses of the dead are still walking around here at twenty-four.
Zombicide board game - That's a tower - Gameplay narrative by Ottó
image © Gregor Ottó
Zombicide board gameGame: Zombicide (CoolMiniOrNot)
Author: Gregor Ottó
Edited by: KadmonTranslation based on: Zombicide társasjáték - Az egy torony - Játék narratíva Ottótól (2017.09.10)
Translation: Google Translate (Google Translate website)The story of the Zombicide game experience based on real events was made by Gregor Ottó.
* * *
Zombie Hunting Report - That's a tower
They locked us. We could not run away. The district swirled all over the zombies. There was a way left for us. Up! There was a giant radio tower in the street. It is enclosed by a two-storey, massive fence. It did not work, but with a control panel we opened the electric doors, which allowed us to run for help and then return to the radio tower where the helicopter could pick us up. But for the key to the tower gate we had to go deep! To the bottom of a cellar.
Zombicide from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot - Resources
image © Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot
Article updated: 2020.03.31
The Zombicide Season 1 board game from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot is a very popular cooperative zombie-themed gamed. There are lots of reviews, fan-made additions and paiting tutorials all around the web. I've collected those articles and videos I've found interesting.
Zombicide Season 1 - House rules
Article updated: 2017.03.11
After a few games of Zombicide Season 1 boardgame from Guillotine Games company & CoolMiniOrNot company, we have introduced some house rules that fit our gaming style better. In this article I list these rules we use for our games.
Zombicide Season 1 - Problems with the system
Although I thought I understand the rules of Zombicide Season 1 boardgame after reading the booklet, we still ran into problems. Even after a few games there are things I don't get or don't like.
Zombicide Season 1 board game base set from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot, 2012 - Board game review
image © CoolMiniOrNot
Board game set: Zombicide Season 1, Product name: Zombicide Season 1, Set type: Board game base set (Game base set), Company: CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games, Production: 2012-2019-
Series: Zombicide, Rules: Zombicide Season 1 system, Designer: Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien, Nicolas Raoult
Style: Cooperative, Solo, Miniatures, AI controlled enemies, Modular boardMiniatures
Range: Zombicide (Modern), Species: Various, Scale: 1:50 (35mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: Various, Material: soft PVC (soft plastic), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: Integral flat base, Sculptor: Elfried Perochon & Rafal Zelazo
Features: VariousBase price (Zombicide Season 1): 90 USD (81 Euro / 63 GBP), Price/model: @1,3 USD (1,2 Euro / 0,9 GBP) if you need the other components
Contents - MiniaturesBuy the Zombicide Season 1 boardgame from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy the Zombicide Season 1 boardgame from CoolMiniOrNot & Guillotine Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Buy the Zombicide Season 1 from Element Games (UK) -10%, ref. code:KAD935
Buy the Zombicide Season 1 from Firestorm Games (UK)-10%
Buy Zombicide products from Firestorm Games (UK)-10%
Buy CoolMiniOrNot products from Wayland Games (UK)
Buy CMON comics from Forbidden Planet (UK)
Buy the Zombicide Season 1 from Magic Madhouse (UK)-17%
Buy board games from Hamleys (UK)
Buy CMON products from Goblin Gaming (UK)-15%
Buy CMON games from Mighty Lancer Games (UK)
Buy Zombicide products from Noble Knight Games (USA)
Buy toys, games and collectibles from Galactic Toys (USA)
Buy board games from Book Depository
Buy CMON products from Aliexpress (China)Read our full review of the Zombicide Season 1 board game from Guillotine Games & CoolMiniOrNot