Novel ratings: Weak (2- out of 3 points)
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Definitely Maybe, novel by Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky (1974) - Book review by Kadmon
Definitely Maybe, novel by the Strugatsky brothers (1977)
image © MacmillanArticle updated: 2023.07.30
The Definitely Maybe is a novel by Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky. The book was reviewed by Kadmon.
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Product: Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky: Definitely Maybe novel (1974)
Writer: Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky
Original title: Аркадий Стругацкий и Борис Стругацкий: За миллиард лет до конца света / Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky: One Billion Years Before the End of the World
Series: -
Previous entries in the series: -
Setting: fantasy Earth
Date of publication: 1976-1977 (in Знание — сила / Knowledge is Power magazine)
English edition: Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky: Definitely Maybe, Publisher: Macmillan, Date of publication: 1978, Translated by: ?
Hungarian edition: Arkagyij Sztrugackij és Borisz Sztrugackij: Egymilliárd évvel a világvége előtt, Publisher: Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó / Kozmosz Könyvek, Date of publication: 1978, Translated by: Földeák Iván
Product type: Novel, 150+ pages, Genre: contemporary fantasy, Features: fantasy, contemporary fantasy, Style: conversations
Reviewer: Kadmon, Type: Male, 40s, Preferences: Immersive, logical story, consistent setting, prefers surprises to spoilers, prefers establishing elements before referencing them
Reading: Recent (2020.01), it's my first reading of the novel
Rating: Weak (2- out of 3 points), Enjoyment: Bad (1 out of 3 points)
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The Definitely Maybe is a novel by Arkady Strugatsky & Boris Strugatsky, published in 1976. The version I've read is the Hungarian edition, published by Kozmosz Könyvek in 1978. It is a drama about researchers who face strange phenomena, hindering their works. I did not enjoy the book from the Strugatsky brothers, but it might be interesting for those who'd like to know more about the Russian reality under the Soviet regime.