Setting: Mutant Chronicles universe
Setting: Mutant Chronicles universe
The Mutant Chronicles is a futuristic fantasy setting originally published in the '90s by Target Games.
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Bauhaus Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games, 2014 - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Bauhaus Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101801, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2014.10-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Bauhaus Starter Box): 37,5 GBP / 45 EUR / 48 USD
1x Vulkan
1x Venusian Marshal
10x HussarsBuy Bauhaus Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy Bauhaus Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Brotherhood Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Brotherhood Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101701, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: -2016-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Brotherhood Starter Box): 37,5 GBP / 45 EUR / 48 USD
1x Judicator
2x Inquisitors
10x Brotherhood TroopersBuy Brotherhood Starter for Warzone from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy Brotherhood Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Capitol Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Capitol Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101601, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: -2016-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Capitol Starter Box): 37,5 GBP / 45 EUR / 48 USD
2x Purple Sharks
1x Big Bob Watts
10x Capitol Light InfantryBuy Capitol Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy Capitol Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Cybertronic Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Cybertronic Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101401, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: -2016-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Cybertronic Starter Box): 37,5 GBP / 45 EUR / 48 USD
1x Exterminateur
2x Diana Clone
10x ChasseursBuy Cybertronic Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy Cybertronic Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Dark Legion Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Dark Legion Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101501, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: -2016-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Dark Legion Starter Box): 37,5 GBP / 45 EUR / 48 USD
1x Razide
2x Necromutant Leaders
10x Undead Legionnaires -
Imperial Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Imperial Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101101, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: -2016-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Imperial Starter Box): 37,5 GBP / 45 EUR / 48 USD
1x Greyhound
2x Officers
10x TrenchersBuy Imperial Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy Imperial Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Imperial Wolfbane Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Imperial Wolfbane Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101201, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: -2016-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Imperial Wolfbane Starter Box): 37,5 GBP / 45 EUR / 48 USD
1x Necromower
2x Pathfinders
10x Wolfbane Commandos -
Mishima Starter Box for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games, 2014 - Miniature set review
image © Prodos Games
Miniature Set: Mishima Starter Box, Product Code: PIC101301, Species: Human, Series: Mutant Chronicles, Range: Mutant Chronicles (Prodos Games) (Futuristic fantasy), Company: Prodos Games, Production: 2014-2017-
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, On sprue, Needs cutting Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Sculptor: ?Base set price (Mishima Starter Box)(2017): 37,5 GBP (45 EUR / 48 USD)
1x Meka Walker
1x Captain Hiroko
10x Ronin SamuraiBuy Mishima Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games from Amazon Amazon US - Amazon UK - Amazon CA - Amazon DE - Amazon FR - Amazon IT - Amazon ES Buy Mishima Starter for Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games on eBay eBay US - eBay UK
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Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature Wargame
Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games - Miniature Wargame
Warzone Resurrection is a miniature wargame from Prodos Games, set in the Mutant Chronicles futuristic fantasy setting.
"Warzone: Resurrection is a game for two or more players, each fielding units of warriors drawn from one of the mighty MegaCorporations of Mankind, the Brotherhood or its vile enemy, the Dark Legion. Warzone Resurrection is a fast paced, exciting and tactical miniature game created by Prodos Games Ltd. and Paradox Entertainment. The Warzone Resurrection project brings the tabletop game well and truly into the 21st century. Lovingly, we have taken essence and best bits from the game, art and prose of previous editions to produce all new miniatures, a background re-imagining (by Warzone mega-fan and writing genius, Andy Hoare) and an exciting innovative gaming system.
The gaming system involves both miniatures and cards. The minis are your skirmish force and the cards represent game resources, additional wargear, global and local effects on the battlefield etc.. In a real battle it is likely that a soldier wouldn't know his opponents wargear, whether they have grenades or a laser-sight for example. Both sides might be surprised by a Martian earthquake or Mercurian solar flare. The Venusian jungle cover you are in might be better (or worse) than you thought! War is rarely predictable, especially when it takes place on the planets, planetoids and asteroids of the solar system! All these and many more variables are represented by the cards you and your opponent play. Making Warzone Resurrection a truly novel, realistic and exciting tabletop miniature skirmish game! "* * *
Resources - Warzone Resurrection from Prodos Games
Prodos Games - Warzone Resurrection official website
Articles - Reviews
Jasemarden: Reviewing WZR: My first Warzone game (NAGA @ 14-01-2015)
Demo Games - Videos
Beasts of War: Entering The Warzone: Demo Game - Basics of Warzone: Resurrection: Imperials vs the Dark Legion
Beasts of War: Warzone Resurrection articles
* * *
Do you have the Warzone: Resurrection wargame from Prodos Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend it to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!