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Person: Lehoczky Tamás (Zirrian)

Name: Lehoczky Tamás, Nickname: Zirrian


Lehoczky Tamás (Zirrian) is a wargamer. He lives in Miskolc, Hungary (Europe).

Lehoczky Tamás (Zirrian) - Information

Lehoczky Tamás's Facebook account

Plastic Fantastic (in Hungarian): The website of Lehoczky Tamás (Zirrian).

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  • Games Day Budapest 2016 - Event coverage

    Games Day Budapest 2016Games Day Budapest 2016 - Event coverage
    image © Kovács Károly

    The Nexus Club visited Games Day Budapest 2016 to do demonstrations of sci-fi wargames. In cooperation with The Forge Club, Scenery World Workshop commission terrain maker studio, and Nagy Péter (Petrow) from Keszthely, we brought demos of Alien vs Predator, Deadzone and DreadBall. There were dozens of other wargames and boardgames demos all around the area. The Golden Gobbo painting competition was also held here. Several gaming stores had a stand here with reduced prices, and there was a bits market for miniature collectors.

  • Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 miniatures convention (2016.01.30-31) - Event coverage

    Makettfesztivál 2016 Miskolc - The Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) exhibitionMakettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 - The Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) exhibition

    Article updated: 2020.02.19

    The Makettfesztivál Miskolc 2016 (Model Festival 2016) miniatures convention was held on 2016.01.30-31, in Miskolc. The Makettfesztivál Miskolc, built around the Győzelem Pajzsa (Shield of Victory) modeling competition, is an annual modeling hobby event, organised by the Miskolci Makettezők Egyesülete (Modelers Association of Miskolc). An event coverage was written by Kadmon.

    The Nexus Club took part in the Makettfesztivál on both days, working closely with The Forge wargaming club. Sarkadi Sándor came from Debrecen to do a demonstration of the Kings of War, a fantasy tactical game from Mantic Games. For this event, wargaming boards were made by Kelemen Gábor and by the Scenery World Workshop.