image © Prodos Games
Category: Humanoid - Human - Human male / Human-sized (S3) humanoid - Human-sized (S3) Human - Human-sized (S3) Human male -
Advanced humanoid with medium-sized firearm - Futuristic Human male warrior with assault rifle / Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in armour with assault rifle - Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour and modern helmet, with assault rifle
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human, Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Equipment: modern armour (armour), modern helmet (helmet), assault rifle (medium-sized firearm)
To see the full review of these products, click on the article titles!
Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - Apone for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature figure review
Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - Billy Joe Crowford (Hudson from Aliens) for Aliens vs Humans by Papsikels Miniatures from We Print Miniatures, 2021 - Miniature figure review
image © Papsikels Miniatures
sculpt © Papsikels MiniaturesMiniature figure: Billy Joe Crowford
Product name: Billy Joe Marine / Human Space Marine Pvt Billy Joe Crowford, Product code: ?, Kit: -, Sprue: ?, Range: Aliens vs Humans range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: We Print Miniatures company, Production: 2021-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: no helmet, Equipment in hand: R+L: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness - William Hudson likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: 35-37mm to top of model, Material: printed in Gray Resin (resin), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, No assembly, No cutting required, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: Papsikels Miniatures company, 3D sculptor: Papsikels Miniatures companyCategory: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with assault rifle
Set: Billy Joe Crowford set: contains 1
Base price (Billy Joe Crowford set)(2021): 10 GBP
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - Captain Ark in Helmet for Aliens vs Humans by Papsikels Miniatures from We Print Miniatures, 2021 - Miniature figure review
image © Papsikels Miniatures
sculpt © Papsikels MiniaturesMiniature figure: Captain Ark in Helmet
Product name: Captain Ark Marine / Human Space Marine Captain Ark, Product code: ?, Kit: -, Sprue: ?, Range: Aliens vs Humans range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: We Print Miniatures company, Production: 2021-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), L: -, Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: 35-37mm to top of model, Material: printed in Gray Resin (resin), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, No assembly, No cutting required, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: Papsikels Miniatures company, 3D sculptor: Papsikels Miniatures companyCategory: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with assault rifle
Set: Captain Ark in Helmet set: contains 1
Base price (Captain Ark in Helmet set)(2021): 10 GBP
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - Crowe for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature figure review
image © Gale Force Nine
sculpt © Gale Force Nine
painting © Gale Force NineMiniature figure: Crowe with pulse rifle
Product name: Crowe, Product Code: set: GF9-ALIENS02, GF9-ALIENS05, Kit: -, Sprue: GF9 Aliens - Marines 2, Range: Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Gale Force Nine company, Production: 2020.12.05-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R+L: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness - Tim Crowe likeness
Scale: probably 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)(green), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs assembly, Needs glue, Needs cutting, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Aliens: Ultimate Badasses: contains 1, Aliens: Heroes of Hadley's Hope: contains 1
Base price (Aliens: Heroes of Hadley's Hope)(2020): 20 GBP / 25 USD / 25 EUR / ? AUD. Price/model: 1.5 GBP / 1.9 USD / 1.9 EUR / ? AUD
Base price (Aliens: Ultimate Badasses)(2020): 16 GBP / 30 USD / 20 EUR / 60 AUD. Price/model: 2,7 GBP / 5 USD / 3,3 EUR / 10 AUD
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - Ken (c) from Hasslefree Miniatures - Miniature figure review
image © Hasslefree Miniatures
sculpt © Hasslefree MiniaturesMiniature: Ken (c), Product name: Ken (c), ex: HFA077 Ken (c), Product code: HFSF009, Sprue: ?, Range: Futuristic, Series: Alien & Predator, Company: Hasslefree Miniatures company, Production: -2011-2017-
Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness - USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 30mm, Material: ?, Priming: ?
Assembly: ?, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: probably Tabbed for Slottabase, Sculptor: Kev White (Hasslefriesian)
Features: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic (Advanced) Human male (Humanoid - Human male) Warrior in modern armour (armour) and modern helmet (helmet), with assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness)
Category: ?Set: Ken (c) set
Base set price (Ken (c)): 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD, Price/model: 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - KJ from Hasslefree Miniatures - Miniature figure review
image © Hasslefree Miniatures
sculpt © Hasslefree MiniaturesMiniature: KJ, Product name: KJ, ex: HFA053 KJ, Product code: HFSF005, Sprue: ?, Set: KJ set, Range: Futuristic, Series: Alien & Predator, Company: Hasslefree Miniatures, Production: -2011-2017-
Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness - USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 30mm, Material: ?, Priming: ?
Assembly: ?, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: probably Tabbed for Slottabase, Sculptor: Kev White (Hasslefriesian)
Features: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic (Advanced) Human male (Humanoid - Human male) Warrior in modern armour (armour) and modern helmet (helmet), with assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness)
Category: ?Base set price (KJ): 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD, Price/model: 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - Oji Alkasid shooting (Hicks from Aliens) for Aliens vs Humans by Papsikels Miniatures from We Print Miniatures, 2021 - Miniature figure review
image © Papsikels Miniatures
sculpt © Papsikels MiniaturesMiniature figure: Oji Alkasid shooting
Product name: Oji Alkasid marine in-action / Human Space Marine Oji Alkasid active, Product code: ?, Kit: -, Sprue: ?, Range: Aliens vs Humans range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: We Print Miniatures company, Production: 2021-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), L: -, Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness - Dwayne Hicks likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: 35-37mm to top of model, Material: printed in Gray Resin (resin), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, No assembly, No cutting required, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: Papsikels Miniatures company, 3D sculptor: Papsikels Miniatures companyCategory: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with assault rifle
Set: Oji Alkasid shooting set: contains 1
Base price (Oji Alkasid shooting set)(2021): 10 GBP
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - Oji Alkasid standing (Hicks from Aliens) for Aliens vs Humans by Papsikels Miniatures from We Print Miniatures, 2021 - Miniature figure review
image © Papsikels Miniatures
sculpt © Papsikels MiniaturesMiniature figure: Oji Alkasid standing
Product name: Oji Alkasid marine / Human Space Marine Oji Alkasid, Product code: ?, Kit: -, Sprue: ?, Range: Aliens vs Humans range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: We Print Miniatures company, Production: 2021-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), L: -, Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness - Dwayne Hicks likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: 35-37mm to top of model, Material: printed in Gray Resin (resin), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: One-piece, No assembly, No cutting required, Posing: Hard, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: Papsikels Miniatures company, 3D sculptor: Papsikels Miniatures companyCategory: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic Human male warrior in modern armour with assault rifle
Set: Oji Alkasid standing set: contains 1
Base price (Oji Alkasid standing set)(2021): 10 GBP
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - USCM Marine #1 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature figure review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos GamesMiniature figure: USCM Marine #1 with pulse rifle
Product name: USCM Marine, Product Code: ?, Kit: -, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games company, Production: 2015-2017- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R+L: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 35mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: USCM Marines set: contains 1, Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins: contains 1
Base set price (USCM Marines set)(2015-2019): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price/model: 3 GBP / 3,6 EUR / 3,8 USD
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Buy AvP: USCM Marines from Element Games (UK) -10%, ref. code:KAD935
Buy the AvP: The Hunt Begins from Element Games (UK)-10%, ref. code:KAD935
Buy AvP Ed2 base set from Element Games (UK)-10%, ref. code:KAD935
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - USCM Marine #5 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature figure review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos GamesMiniature figure: USCM Marine #5 with pulse rifle
Product name: USCM Marine, Product Code: ?, Kit: -, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games company, Production: 2015-2017- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R+L: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 35mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: USCM Marines set: contains 1, Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins: contains 1
Base set price (USCM Marines set)(2015-2019): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price/model: 3 GBP / 3,6 EUR / 3,8 USD
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Buy the AvP: The Hunt Begins from Element Games (UK)-10%, ref. code:KAD935
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle - ZH Kev (c) from Hasslefree Miniatures - Miniature figure review
image © Hasslefree Miniatures
sculpt © Hasslefree MiniaturesMiniature: ZH Kev (c), Product name: ZH Kev (c), ex: HFA078 ZH Kev (c), Product code: HFSF010, Sprue: ?, Set: ZH Kev (c) set, Range: Futuristic, Series: Alien & Predator, Company: Hasslefree Miniatures, Production: -2011-2017-
Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness - USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 30mm, Material: ?, Priming: ?
Assembly: ?, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: probably Tabbed for Slottabase, Sculptor: Kev White (Hasslefriesian)
Features: Human-sized (S3) Futuristic (Advanced) Human male (Humanoid - Human male) Warrior in modern armour (armour) and modern helmet (helmet), with assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness)
Category: ?Base set price (ZH Kev (c)): 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD, Price/model: 3.75+VAT GBP / EUR / USD
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle and scanner - Hudson for Aliens board game from Gale Force Nine, 2020 - Miniature figure review
image © Gale Force Nine
sculpt © Gale Force Nine
painting © Gale Force NineMiniature figure: Hudson with pulse rifle and motion tracker
Product name: Hudson, Product Code: set: GF9-ALIENS02, GF9-ALIENS05, Kit: -, Sprue: GF9 Aliens - Marines 1 sprue, Range: Aliens (Gale Force Nine) range (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Gale Force Nine company, Production: 2020.12.05-
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), L: scanner (Aliens: M314 Motion Tracker likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness - William Hudson likeness
Scale: probably 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ?mm high, Material: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) (plastic - Polystyrene)(green), Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, On sprue, Needs assembly, Needs glue, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps: contains 1, Aliens: Heroes of Hadley's Hope: contains 1
Base price (Aliens: Heroes of Hadley's Hope)(2020): 20 GBP / 25 USD / 25 EUR / ? AUD. Price/model: 1.5 GBP / 1.9 USD / 1.9 EUR / ? AUD
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Futuristic soldier in modern armour with assault rifle and scanner - USCM Marine #2 for Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins from Prodos Games, 2015 - Miniature figure review
image © Prodos Games
sculpt © Prodos Games
painting © Prodos GamesMiniature figure: USCM Marine #2 with pulse rifle and motion tracker
Product name: USCM Marine, Product Code: ?, Kit: -, Sprue: -, Range: Alien vs Predator (Futuristic), Setting: Alien & Predator universe, Company: Prodos Games company, Production: 2015-2017- -2019? (out of production)
Size: Human-sized (S3), Species: Human (Humanoid), Gender: male (Human male), Technology: Futuristic (Advanced), Role: Warrior, Features: -, Armour: modern armour (armour) (Aliens: M3 Pattern Personal Armor likeness), no shield, Helmet: modern helmet (helmet) (Aliens: M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet likeness), Equipment in hand: R: assault rifle (weapon - ranged weapon - firearm - medium-sized firearm)(Aliens: M41A Pulse Rifle likeness), L: scanner (Aliens: M314 Motion Tracker likeness), Equipment carried: -, Based on: Aliens & Predator likeness: USCM Colonial Marine likeness
Scale: 1:56 (28mm / 32mm), Proportions: Realistic, Size: ca. 35mm high, Material: Resin, Priming: Primer is not necessary
Assembly: Multi-piece, Needs glue, Pre-cut, Needs cutting, Posing: Medium, Paintjob: Unpainted, Base: No base, Conceptual design: ?, 3D sculptor: ?Set: USCM Marines set: contains 1, Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins: contains 1
Base set price (USCM Marines set)(2015-2019): 15 GBP / 18 EUR / 19,2 USD, Price/model: 3 GBP / 3,6 EUR / 3,8 USD
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Buy the AvP: The Hunt Begins from Element Games (UK)-10%, ref. code:KAD935
Buy AvP Ed2 base set from Element Games (UK)-10%, ref. code:KAD935
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