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Human warrior with crossbow (Crossbowman for Levy Men) from Menhir Games - Miniature figure
Unpainted Crossbowman from Menhir Games company

The Crossbowman from Menhir Games is an armoured human male with a crossbow for the Levy Men wargame.

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Miniature: Crossbowman

Set: Levy Men Basic Set: includes 1

Features: Small (2+) Human male (Humanoid - Human male) Warrior in armour (chainmail) and helmet, with crossbow held with both hands. Carries a dagger on belt.

Archaic - Archaic humanoidSmall (S2) Archaic humanoid - Small (S2) Medieval humanoid

Category: Humanoid - HumanHuman maleSmall (S2) humanoidSmall (S2) Human - Small (S2) Human male

Size: Small (S2), Species: Human, Gender: male (Human male), Equipment: -

Category: Small (S2) human male warrior in armour and helmet with crossbow

Species: Human

Technology: Medieval (Archaic)

Armour: no shield

Range: Levy Men (Historical)

Company: Menhir Games

Released: 2015

Material: Pewter (Metal)

Priming: Primer is necessary

Scale: 1:72 according to the maker

Proportions: Realistic

Assembly: One-piece, Sprueless

Posing: Medium

Paintjob: Unpainted

Base: Integral flat base

3D Sculptor: Ramiro Olano (Itlerion)

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Human warrior with crossbow (Crossbowman for Levy Men) from Menhir Games - Miniature figureimage © Menhir Games
sculpt © Menhir Games
Unpainted Crossbowman from Menhir Games company

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Coming soon!


Small (2+) Human male (Human male) Warrior in armour (chainmail) and helmet, with crossbow held with both hands. Carries a dagger on belt.


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Size comparison photos

Crossbowman from Menhir Games - 1:72 (25mm) comparison with Zvezda Greek Hoplite (left) and Zvezda Greek archer (right).
Crossbowman from Menhir Games company - 1:72 (25mm) comparison with Zvezda Greek Hoplite (left) and Zvezda Greek archer (right).


Crossbowman from Menhir Games - 1:64 (28mm) comparison with Renegade Miniatures orc #2 (left) and Games Workshop Bretonnian Bowman #1 (right).
Crossbowman from Menhir Games company - 1:56 (28mm / 32mm) comparison with Renegade Miniatures Orc with Spear #2 (left) and Games Workshop Bretonnian Bowman #1 (right).


Crossbowman from Menhir Games - 1:50 (35/38mm) comparison with Knight Models' Benjamin Orchard (left) and William Cobb (right)
Crossbowman from Menhir Games company - 1:50 (35/38mm) comparison with Knight Models' Benjamin Orchard (left) and William Cobb (right).


Crossbowman from Menhir Games - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldi
Crossbowman from Menhir Games company - 1:35 (54mm) comparison with 40mm high shepherd and 54mm high soldier.

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Using the miniature

Uses for games

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Coming soon!

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Buying the product

Base set price (Levy Men Basic Set): ? USD, Price/miniature: ? USD (if you also need the others)

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Possible substitutes

Small (S2) human male warrior in armour and helmet with crossbow

Small (S2) human male warrior with crossbow

Small (S2) human warrior with crossbow

Small (S2) human with crossbow

Human-sized (S3) human warrior with crossbow

Very small (S1) human male warrior with crossbow


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Do you have the Crossbowman from Menhir Games? How do you like it? Would you recommend them to others? Tell your opinion in the comments!


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